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The Eagle Has Landed.

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Burnham knows he's still too "New Labour" for the public, plus he's busy trying to get the forthcoming Merseyside Major job.


If Corbyn doesn't need to pass the Labour MPs test, and so gets a bye to the membership vote, then I can't see anyone else bothering to stand. Angela Eagle will have tried, but will ultimately just have been sacrificed for nothing.


However, if Corbyn cannot stand, then I think Burnham still has a chance. The old labour supporters will just not vote if there isn't a credible (in their eyes) candidate.

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I can see this happening. Labour is in the process of massive changes that will eventually bring a real socialist party to the front of British politics. I doubt they will make any inroads to any other parties support and I suspect they will lose a lot to a newly invigorated Lib Dem party. Mostly mostly because Corbyn and his ilk are more interested in the protest movement than actual leadership.


I really want the Uk to have a strong socialist party that can offer a real alternative to the current mainstream. Not that I would ever vote for them but so they can represent the part of the population that feel they are not represented in British politics. Otherwise you end up with activities like the Momentum movement.



There have been loads of Socialist parties to the left of Labour but they've made minimal impact electorally over the decades eg SWP, Respect, Trade Union and Socialist Coalition. I'm guessing that the "part of the population "that you suggest don't feel represented are as a generalisation mainly poor and voted Leave in the Referendum.


The working class and those in poverty and relative poverty have always placed their x against Labour at elections and are emotionally connected to the brand of Labour. Whoever wins in the current struggle between left and right would do well to hold onto the title "Labour".


UKIP will attempt to pull those people and could well be a threat but that Party's right wing Tory connections may see their long predicted northern breakthrough fade away.


Not seen much evidence of a "resurgent" Lib Dems ?


---------- Post added 11-07-2016 at 15:12 ----------


If Corbyn doesn't need to pass the Labour MPs test, and so gets a bye to the membership vote, then I can't see anyone else bothering to stand. Angela Eagle will have tried, but will ultimately just have been sacrificed for nothing.


However, if Corbyn cannot stand, then I think Burnham still has a chance. The old labour supporters will just not vote if there isn't a credible (in their eyes) candidate.


Don't kid yourself, most Labour voters will always vote Labour irrespective of the credibility of its leader

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There have been loads of Socialist parties to the left of Labour but they've made minimal impact electorally over the decades eg SWP, Respect, Trade Union and Socialist Coalition. I'm guessing that the "part of the population "that you suggest don't feel represented are as a generalisation mainly poor and voted Leave in the Referendum.


The working class and those in poverty and relative poverty have always placed their x against Labour at elections and are emotionally connected to the brand of Labour. Whoever wins in the current struggle between left and right would do well to hold onto the title "Labour".


UKIP will attempt to pull those people and could well be a threat but that Party's right wing Tory connections may see their long predicted northern breakthrough fade away.


Not seen much evidence of a "resurgent" Lib Dems ?


The Lib Dems have been quiet. They maintained a little dignity. Labour and the Cons imploded, the SNP blued up and went all Braveheart, Carswell fell out with Farage and that barm-cake walked and Plaid Cymru misjudged the Brexit mood badly.


The Libs are sure to get more seats next GE.

Edited by Radan
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If Corbyn doesn't need to pass the Labour MPs test, and so gets a bye to the membership vote, then I can't see anyone else bothering to stand. Angela Eagle will have tried, but will ultimately just have been sacrificed for nothing.


However, if Corbyn cannot stand, then I think Burnham still has a chance. The old labour supporters will just not vote if there isn't a credible (in their eyes) candidate.


Don't kid yourself, most Labour voters will always vote Labour irrespective of the credibility of its leader

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If Corbyn doesn't need to pass the Labour MPs test, and so gets a bye to the membership vote, then I can't see anyone else bothering to stand. Angela Eagle will have tried, but will ultimately just have been sacrificed for nothing.


From a Tory or Libdem point of view, Corbyn getting a nomination and winning a leadership contest would be the crowning glory.


How can 178 Labour MPs pass a vote of no confidence in the party leader and then turn up on your doorstep in 2020 to ask you to vote for the same guy?


I struggle to come up with any way the Labour Party can arrive at the next election with Corbyn in charge with anything approaching 100 sitting MPs.

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The Lib Dems have been quiet. They maintained a little dignity. Labour and the Cons imploded, the SNP blued up and went all Braveheart, Carswell fell out with Farage and that barm-cake walked and Plaid Cymru misjudged the Brexit mood badly.


The Libs are sure to get more seats next GE.



The Lib Dems have been quiet because they're almost non existent at Wesminster most of their big hitters eg Vince Cable lost their seats due to Nick Cleggs burning ambition. The SNP moved Left of Labour and as a consequence got most of their votes.


In the wake of the Brexit and the accusations that the "Elite" in Westminster are out of touch with poor people in the North etc most revealing comment I've heard to support that theory was made by the Lib Dems President on QT BBC last week who in reponse to us all feeling the effects of Brexit replied, and I paraphrase " yes for example I know of several PHD students who are struggling to get funding "


---------- Post added 11-07-2016 at 15:31 ----------


Lib Dems President is Baroness (something or other)

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The Lib Dems have been quiet because they're almost non existent at Wesminster most of their big hitters eg Vince Cable lost their seats due to Nick Cleggs burning ambition. The SNP moved Left of Labour and as a consequence got most of their votes.


In the wake of the Brexit and the accusations that the "Elite" in Westminster are out of touch with poor people in the North etc most revealing comment I've heard to support that theory was made by the Lib Dems President on QT BBC last week who in reponse to us all feeling the effects of Brexit replied, and I paraphrase " yes for example I know of several PHD students who are struggling to get funding "


---------- Post added 11-07-2016 at 15:31 ----------


Lib Dems President is Baroness (something or other)


That's the most revealing example of an out of touch politician you've found?



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