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The Eagle Has Landed.

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I've just seen Angela Eagle on the news with her little speech. It was about 3 or 4 minutes and that was long enough to see she aint the right person to be successful.


There is no realistic chance of her becoming labour leader, in my opinion, and nobody within labour (including her) thinks there is. Her purpose is to set the labour leadership process in motion. Once it is, the others can stand without being seen as traitors (although its probably too late for that now).

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There is no realistic chance of her becoming labour leader, in my opinion, and nobody within labour (including her) thinks there is. Her purpose is to set the labour leadership process in motion. Once it is, the others can stand without being seen as traitors (although its probably too late for that now).


What a mess.

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There is no realistic chance of her becoming labour leader, in my opinion, and nobody within labour (including her) thinks there is. Her purpose is to set the labour leadership process in motion. Once it is, the others can stand without being seen as traitors (although its probably too late for that now).


yeah, i agree with this, you talk a lot of sense at times :)

I think Hilarious Benn is just waiting to make an attempt at the leadership

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yeah, i agree with this, you talk a lot of sense at times :)

I think Hilarious Benn is just waiting to make an attempt at the leadership


If it comes to a proper election, then I think we've still not seen the last of Andy Burham. He's kept his head down (and his powder dry) through all the recent "no confidence in Corbyn" stuff. Hilary Benn started off the whole uprising against Corbyn, so he's not clean at all. However, with all the raw evisceration of the labour party, it probably doesn't matter any more. Because Corbyn has refused to budge, whatever happens will hurt for years to come.

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If it comes to a proper election, then I think we've still not seen the last of Andy Burham. He's kept his head down (and his powder dry) through all the recent "no confidence in Corbyn" stuff. Hilary Benn started off the whole uprising against Corbyn, so he's not clean at all. However, with all the raw evisceration of the labour party, it probably doesn't matter any more. Because Corbyn has refused to budge, whatever happens will hurt for years to come.

Thats true, but this goes far beyond Corbyn, its no longer about Corbyn, its about what does Labour stand for? a tory lite party, or a socialist party...its a battle i believe that has to be fought, there can be no compromise...and like you say, whoever wins, it will leave the party in a mess for years, but it is better to get this sorted now, no longer can we have Tories in the Labour Party,

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Thats true, but this goes far beyond Corbyn, its no longer about Corbyn, its about what does Labour stand for? a tory lite party, or a socialist party...its a battle i believe that has to be fought, there can be no compromise...and like you say, whoever wins, it will leave the party in a mess for years, but it is better to get this sorted now, no longer can we have Tories in the Labour Party,


The labour party should sort it out once and for all, but when they've tried in the past, they never followed through. They always finished up finding a space for people with a wide range of views, which then fester.

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He's kept his head down (and his powder dry) through all the recent "no confidence in Corbyn" stuff.


If I haven't said it before :hihi:, this man is sat watching what happens, then he'll start hugging the likeliest person that will keep in the limelight (if you can call it that)


If he ever became the leader, I would just have to sit and :hihi: at how bad things are.


Thats true, but this goes far beyond Corbyn, its no longer about Corbyn, its about what does Labour stand for? a tory lite party, or a socialist party...its a battle i believe that has to be fought, there can be no compromise...and like you say, whoever wins, it will leave the party in a mess for years, but it is better to get this sorted now, no longer can we have Tories in the Labour Party,



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Just imagine what they have planned for Comrade Corybn . They will dig up every skeleton he has and wipe the floor with him.


They've been doing that for 11 months, without much success.


You see, most politicians, tories in particular, have a risk-taking, power hungry streak running through them that manifests itself in the sort behaviour that leaves skeletons behind. Like Stephen Milligan.


Corbyn, as should be apparent from his slightly flaccid and earnest public persona, isn't that kind of politician.


He didn't even want to stand for leader, but all the rest of the awkward squad had either done it themselves or didn't have the cojones. So he was volunteered.


Similarly, May isn't that kind of flamboyant, fun loving, bon viveur politician that gets caught with the trousers round their ankles on Hampstead Heath or dressed in leather restraints with a well powdered nose.


---------- Post added 11-07-2016 at 21:57 ----------


What a mess.

Standard stalking horse tactics.


No-one expected John Redwood's bid for the premiereship in 95, or the leadership in 97, would succeed, and indeed neither bid succeeded.

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