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Parkwood springs


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Ive studied the map Retep the cottage is nearest to the water the building near the road was the barn the other was the pig styes.The strip of water near the buildings must have been filled in what year was the map,One other thing I remember was there was no road when I was an infant only a dirt track;in the winter it used to be under water in places.I rememember one of the Gratton girls having to be carried through it.You can see the chapel and house at Wardsend Cemetery on the map.Whats Whitey up to?.

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Ive studied the map Retep the cottage is nearest to the water the building near the road was the barn the other was the pig styes.The strip of water near the buildings must have been filled in what year was the map,One other thing I remember was there was no road when I was an infant only a dirt track;in the winter it used to be under water in places.I rememember one of the Gratton girls having to be carried through it.You can see the chapel and house at Wardsend Cemetery on the map.Whats Whitey up to?.


Would think the map is around 1890's power station opened 1904,


Whitey will be tormenting his allotment, probably talking to the other veg, he only calls here when it's raining.

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Retep youve set me thinking about what you said about our old cottage being a mill in the past.The map just about verifies this;I have looked it up there is a Birley Meadows Mill Im wondering if the Sheffield flood finished it off do you have any info about it.It would be interesting to find out.

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Retep youve set me thinking about what you said about our old cottage being a mill in the past.The map just about verifies this;I have looked it up there is a Birley Meadows Mill Im wondering if the Sheffield flood finished it off do you have any info about it.It would be interesting to find out.


Nearest I got to yours so far is this,




and this



Edited by retep
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Retep its not the one according to the Google map claim 5974 is further up Liversey St.I wonder if it was years earlier it was a mill.Bye the way it was on the radio an elderly man was found wandering confused and talking to himself around Parkwood it wasnt Whitey was it?

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Retep its not the one according to the Google map claim 5974 is further up Liversey St.I wonder if it was years earlier it was a mill.Bye the way it was on the radio an elderly man was found wandering confused and talking to himself around Parkwood it wasnt Whitey was it?


claim 4269 overlays onto the oldtupcottage map i put up earlier looking like your cottage could have been part of Owlerton Rolling Mill (name half obscured with line on claim map).


Whitey is on patrol at the gunpits.

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RETEP ive found it on Wikipedia Industrial Sites-River Don South Yorkshire.It was destroyed by fire in 1883 rebuilt 1907 demolished 1936-Owlerton Rolling Mill for definate.I think a man called William Gosney lived in the cottage he put in a claim after the great flood,his address was there.The old boy who lived there when I was a sprog was named Bill Hollis he died in his 80s; any way of finding out owt else? Is Whitey still wandering?.

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