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Parkwood springs


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If you remember my family here a few names to maybe spark some memories:Mrs Plumb,Pete Beal,the Cashmores(the son Raymond had an extra finger-smashing lad)the Wakelins-Mick was a big strapping blonde lad and was a mate of mine at the time,Pete Duhamo(a mate of my brother) and his sister,Tony Batty-another mate.Tony Butler a great footballer,Trevor Smith.

The Christians ( I don't think by nature !!!!) Charlie was always in trouble !!These names are gradually coming back to me in no particular order.Caroles brother Barry Walker who would fight with his own shadow.


Sorry this might be a few years late but just come across this website and found your thread on Parkwood Springs.

Hi Pete, I'm still here in Sheffield, glad to read my name in your list of mates. I haven't seen or heard from anybody from PWS since we left in 1960. Just in case you're wondering its Tony Batty, good to hear from you.

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i lived at parkwood springs from 1964 to 1973 on mount road. my parents were the muscrofts. was looking for people who lived in that area in between them dates. any pics would be brill.... thanks.


I lived there the same time maybe you remember me.WILFIE MILLSxx im on the forum as watchmanwilf.dont go on it much.Im just going for a drink to the LOYDS bar ,side of the city hall.only be there for 4hours though!

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This is interesting stuff! Never looked on here before but here's my two pennorth.

I remember my grandad mentioning two people called Barbara and Bernard Dewsnap who lived on Beatrice Road and another character called Bully Beef or sometimes No-neck from Parkwood. I was very small and I think it was the names that made it stick in my mind. The only other thing that I remember him talking about in Parkwood Springs was an Italian man there who kept repainting his house in bright colours. Maybe that'll jog somebody else's more reliable memory

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i lived at parkwood springs from 1964 to 1973 on mount road. my parents were the muscrofts. was looking for people who lived in that area in between them dates. any pics would be brill.... thanks.


My In-Laws kept the Douglas Pub ( Whittaker ) late 60's / early 70's. It all looked 'grim' to me but the people were very friendly. I used to have a go at Bowls on the green at the top. Very handy hill to bump start my Lambretta down on a morning.

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i know this is a little earlier but in the 50s my dad and me used to take ouw boxer dox up there for some exercise as we lived in the condemed pitsmoor it was great to get up there the air as alot cleaner with no smoke and foggy air bella my dog loved running up there i remember lots of skylarks nests in the grass and having to be arefull not to tread on one but our bella would sus some out and eat their eggs bad dog

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The cottage on the left was gone before we lived in the one on the right from the early 40s until my mother moved out early 70s when it was demolished.I wish I had it now low ceilings,wooden beams all through,walls 2ft thick built in 1790s from hand made brick!.Also I knew Malcom Roberts he should be 67yrs old now,I,ve clipped his ear once or twice at Hillfoot School,he was a cheeky little bugger!.:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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