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Parkwood springs


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I lived at Parkwood Springs from 61 to 64. I lived in one of the back to back houses on Pickering Road (1/1 back of 33) - the Heeleys. The lady who used to live at the front of us was an old lady called Mrs Swift. My auntie, unclke and cousin used to live at the top of Pickering Road (100) - the Sargents.


I used to go to the Methodist Church on the corner of Wallace/Pickering Road. I was never a May Queen but was attendant on a few occasions. I remember Beryl Bunting and my cousin Maureen Sargent being a May Queen and there was also someone called Anne, but I cannot remember her surname.


My cousin, Maureen, was the very last person to get married at the Church before it closed and my dad gave her away.


I remember the Firework Display each year at the shop - it was always the highlight of the year.


I remember going on the 'rec' to play and each Whitsun after we had done the Whit Walk from the Methodist Church to Weston Park we used to go to the rec for afternoon tea and games.


Some people I remember from the Springs are: Linda France, Carol Wakelin, Eric Boocock, Evelyn Astell, Anita Debachua(?)/Taylor, John Bryer.


Do you remember the Jacksons ,102 Wallace rd ?, dad Norman was a fiery character, mum Edna was a gentle soul. My brother Derek a good footballer

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Do you remember the Jacksons ,102 Wallace rd ?, dad Norman was a fiery character, mum Edna was a gentle soul. My brother Derek a good footballer
Well, all the people that you have mentioned, I can remember very well, and the memories, whitsuntide, western park, the chapel, even the jumble sales they used to have there, and the wreck well i can't make my mind up if i spent more time there than i did at home. but very happy days. I could go on forever. What a wonderful place it was, any stories you've got let me know.

regards carol

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I used to go out with a girl who lived on Douglas rd or Vale rd, she was called Dianne Wild, I cannot remember her parents name but she had a older sister called Barbera and a older brother called Ron.

We would both been about thirteen at the time and we met at Burngreave school.

Allways intrigued about Parkwood springs with its one way in and out, still work down that area sometimes.

Oh the Wildes, of course I remember them. well my brother Alan Walker was courting Barbara at one time, and I know Ronnie became a policeman, and yes i do remember Dianne as well . I think she was the youngest. Ohhh!!! doesn't it take you back
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I remember my aunt keeping the chip shop top of vale rd before the war they kept pigs and poultry at the back of the shop Iused to go there and play on the swings at the play ground, used to sit in the pub corner of mount st , such a long time ago but happy memories , Arthur.
Yes Arthur they were happy memories without a dought. Was your Aunts name Hitchen or Turner? Or was it somebody else that had it then? Well I wasn't born till 1951, so It could well have been somebody else that had it then. And the pub that you're on about was the Douglas and it was at tho top of Mount Road, but its address was 209-211 Douglas road
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My wife's family used to live on Parkwood springs. The Smiths, Alice & Collin, sons geoff & richard, daughters janice & mandy (my wife) they moved to shirecliffe in 68. Any boby remember them?
Do I remember Colin Smith and Alice, Colin Smith was 1 of my dads best friends, and Retep is right, he has a photo of Colin with my dad and a few other characters from parkwood in a trophy presentation. Colin, my dad (Cyril Walker) and George Torry all went for a pint together. them were the days. And if you see Geoff send him my regards. from carol walker. and if i'm too late for you to remember this post, I'll give it a couple of days, and if nowt, I'll send you a private message.
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I remember the Jacksons Pete.


If you remember my family here a few names to maybe spark some memories:Mrs Plumb,Pete Beal,the Cashmores(the son Raymond had an extra finger-smashing lad)the Wakelins-Mick was a big strapping blonde lad and was a mate of mine at the time,Pete Duhamo(a mate of my brother) and his sister,Tony Batty-another mate.Tony Butler a great footballer,Trevor Smith.

The Christians ( I don't think by nature !!!!) Charlie was always in trouble !!These names are gradually coming back to me in no particular order.Caroles brother Barry Walker who would fight with his own shadow.

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If you remember my family here a few names to maybe spark some memories:Mrs Plumb,Pete Beal,the Cashmores(the son Raymond had an extra finger-smashing lad)the Wakelins-Mick was a big strapping blonde lad and was a mate of mine at the time,Pete Duhamo(a mate of my brother) and his sister,Tony Batty-another mate.Tony Butler a great footballer,Trevor Smith.

The Christians ( I don't think by nature !!!!) Charlie was always in trouble !!These names are gradually coming back to me in no particular order.Caroles brother Barry Walker who would fight with his own shadow.



Havn't seen Tony Batty since he left the Springs,

heard that Raymond had died, and you are right he was a smashing lad

Last I heard of your Russell he was dealing with books and gone down south.

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If you remember my family here a few names to maybe spark some memories:Mrs Plumb,Pete Beal,the Cashmores(the son Raymond had an extra finger-smashing lad)the Wakelins-Mick was a big strapping blonde lad and was a mate of mine at the time,Pete Duhamo(a mate of my brother) and his sister,Tony Batty-another mate.Tony Butler a great footballer,Trevor Smith.

The Christians ( I don't think by nature !!!!) Charlie was always in trouble !!These names are gradually coming back to me in no particular order.Caroles brother Barry Walker who would fight with his own shadow.


I was mates with Carol Wakelin and Eric Boocock who both lived on Wallace Road. Charlie Christian may have always been in trouble but his brother David was definitely a Christian - a lovely guy. Other names are Linda France and her brother David, Beryl Bunting, Anita Dabachua, Evelyn Astell (friend to both myself and my sister Angela), Pauline Matthews, Maureen Sargent (my cousin), John Bryer.

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I was mates with Carol Wakelin and Eric Boocock who both lived on Wallace Road. Charlie Christian may have always been in trouble but his brother David was definitely a Christian - a lovely guy. Other names are Linda France and her brother David, Beryl Bunting, Anita Dabachua, Evelyn Astell (friend to both myself and my sister Angela), Pauline Matthews, Maureen Sargent (my cousin), John Bryer.


Did Evelyn have a sister called Maria ? I had a crush on Maria when I was about 14, she was a lovely girl but I don't think she knew I existed !What about Molly Moody ?Do you remember her ? I think she had a crush on me !!

Typing all this, memories are gradually coming back. The first ever transvestite I ever saw moved in I think to the Cashmores old house in Wallace Road, not sure what year, possibly 65/66.It shook me rigid to see him/her struggling past the Hallamshire Rolling Mills at midnight in high heels.

Well before that was a lovely black man nicknamed 'Persil' who moved in to Wallace Road. Didn't a well known singer work at the Hallamshire at that time ?

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