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Medieval Battles - huge fun!

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So what did you do last weekend? Did it really get your adrenaline going? Did you take part in an internationally significant event, and simultaneously have a great social time and shopping experience?


Knights In Battle Medieval Society (KIBS) are recently back from the Battle of Tewkesbury, a re-enactment of the Wars of the Roses battle that involved 700-800 a side: swords and billmen, archers and artillery, steel and sweat, market and beer-tent, fighters from all over Europe. If you like the look of Game of Thrones or The White Queen, you’ll love it!


And we have space in our ranks for new members (not through casualties, I hasten to add). Join us now and see the spectacles of medieval re-enactment from the very best viewpoint: in the midst of it all. It’s six weeks to the Battle of Bosworth, and although it’s extremely unlikely you’ll be trained to the level required to join the fighting ranks in so short a time, we have plenty of other roles for people, even some on the battlefield. Cooks and craftsmen, camp-followers of any kind, watercarriers and a standard bearer.


We have our own shows too, and get together every week for practice and socialising. You can start learning to fight at your first practice.


Take a look at the pictures on our Facebook page, then contact us through the website (which is currently under development – don’t let its age put you off!).

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