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Theresa May - What should she do in 3,5 years?

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So we have a new PM and half the posts on here, from across the political spectrum are to do with how old she looks or what her hair is like.


Well done.


Because we keep voting for them. Vote for the other guy.


No sexist assumptions re politicians from tinfoilhat.

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You and your twisted Tory fantasies eh :)


In your fantasies who do you imagine would stop her? Corbyn? Eagle? :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 14-07-2016 at 09:03 ----------


Theresa May will not hold the keys to Downing Street for as long as John Major, or Gordon Brown.


For fairly similar reasons too.


What reasons might those be? I was always told John Major was PM for longer than Cameron.

Edited by foxy lady
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Considering how quickly he was appointed, I'd say it would be rather naive to not think it was a pre-determined move.


Of course it was - the whole thing was planned. All of those who stated they would run for the leadership conveniently stepping down one after the other until there was only May left..... come on !


---------- Post added 14-07-2016 at 09:34 ----------


I don't think any of them have the brains to sort that kind of a thing out.




You don't actually believe that it's them that pull the strings do you ?

Edited by Daven
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A superb tactical appointment of Teresa May, she is rock solid and will do the best possible in leading the UK. towards the most favourable deals in our best interests. She will be able to lead negotiations from her position as a vote stay campaigner and will get the respect from countries in the EU. for that, whist having strong Leave campaigners doing the hard work. The people she has chosen for her Cabinet so far are extremely capable including Boris Johnson who should not be taken lightly. All the Knockers should wake up and give these excellent hard working politicians the backing they deserve for these difficult years of hard work ahead which they are doing in the best interest of us all.

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Mixed messages from the cabinet already, Hammond has stated that passporting is crucial to protect the financial interests of the City. It seems to me that May will have some tough calls to make in balancing Davis' views with those of her own.


---------- Post added 14-07-2016 at 15:00 ----------


I don't know if Carney's announcement to not drop the rent was whispered into his ears by Hammond (technically shouldn't be) but it is a good decision none-the-less, it shows the world that this new cabinet is looking to steer a different course, as does the fact that Hammond does not feel an emergency budget is necessary. I like the man better than Osbourne already, now let's see if this is a reckless gamble or not.

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All these new people in the cabinet, and probably different policies; she must call an election.

I thought there might be a thread about it. It is a bad time for an election, before all these changes, I was not in favour of an election. Get things moving, and calm down, and then have an election in Oct/Nov?

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Took you a while to find that? Well done you.


Ok, "vote for the other person". Any retraction from you or are you going to slate her dress?


I thought you had a point about people making observations about women politicians but it's not so black and white. Look at the abuse Corbyn has had over his dress sense, or lack of.

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All these new people in the cabinet, and probably different policies; she must call an election.

I thought there might be a thread about it. It is a bad time for an election, before all these changes, I was not in favour of an election. Get things moving, and calm down, and then have an election in Oct/Nov?

The next General Election will be in May 2020.


How earth is it in the country's interest to have one sooner ?

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I thought you had a point about people making observations about women politicians but it's not so black and white. Look at the abuse Corbyn has had over his dress sense, or lack of.


Equally uncalled for (and it's not like there aren't other things to go at with corbyn, or may for that matter) but it's more unusual if a male politician gets stick for their appearance. It's standard for any woman in the public eye and clearly we as society accept the toxic rags that pass for our newspapers do it with impunity.

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