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Boris Johnson - new Foriegn Secretary

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Now what is it I said about Boris Johnson ?
Ah, Justin, just relax.


It's all good, keep sitting back and watching the fireworks, I'm very confident we still have much better to see from Johnson yet :D


Maybe indulge in a brief smug grin, at the thought of May's aides trying to peel her off No.10's ceiling :hihi:

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Ah, Justin, just relax.


It's all good, keep sitting back and watching the fireworks, I'm very confident we still have much better to see from Johnson yet :D


Maybe indulge in a brief smug grin, at the thought of May's aides trying to peel her off No.10's ceiling :hihi:


I think you`re right, can`t wait ! Assuming he doesn`t start WWIII....


I don`t know whether I mentioned it at the time, but the Wife and I were talking back then and concluded that Theresa May might just be very clever. She gives BJ (appropriate initials....) the job of Foreign Secretary, he makes a balls of it, she then gets the chance to sack him. Risky though, the job of FS has arguably rarely been more important.


---------- Post added 09-12-2016 at 09:53 ----------


Give Boris a chance all you doom mongers. When and if he fails is the time to rail against him.


I think many of the Boris detractors are Remainers who simply cannot accept that a democratic vote did not go their way. Get over it, we WILL be leaving the corrupt institution that is the EU. Period.




Yes, you`re right, maybe we should give him a chance. Maybe you`re right and we`re all wrong, I`m sure BJ will make an excellent Foreign Secretary.

Perfick !


Incidentally, there was nothing dishonest or corrupt about the Leave campaign was there ? Or what they`re still saying now ? "The people voted for a hard Brexit" (which statistically cannot be true, but don`t let a fact get in the way of a convenient sound bite).

Edited by Justin Smith
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Doesn't really matter what Ms May's ultimate plan is: she appointed him (so the buck stops with her) and public s**t sticks a long time, never more so than in diplomatic relations.


Taking a swipe at Putin or Duterte, so what...but this latest is biting the hand that feeds. Saudis have an overdeveloped sense of honour, about par with that of the Chinese and, metaphorically speaking, Johnson just showed them his soles.


But hey-ho. Objectively (and said completely dispassionately), none of this would have happened without the Tory infighting leading up the referendum and the ensuing Leave majority vote, so that's another one going on their tab, of which they should assume the full responsibility. "You break it, you've bought it".

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Give Boris a chance all you doom mongers. When and if he fails is the time to rail against him.


I think many of the Boris detractors are Remainers who simply cannot accept that a democratic vote did not go their way. Get over it, we WILL be leaving the corrupt institution that is the EU. Period.




Incidentally AF, I`m interested where you got that "fact" from. What paper do you read ? If it`s the Daily Mail or the Daily Express are you bearing in mind they`re opinionpapers, not newspapers ?

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I'll remind you about that when the UK loses the next big Saudi weapons contract to the US or France :hihi:

There's times and places to voice your opinions, and other times and places at which to keep them to yourself.


A foreign secretary (or foreign government equivalent), being the topmost diplomat of any country, is supposed to know best amongst all other government appointees, better even than the PM (or foreign government equivalent), when and what to voice and when and what to keep quiet about.


Boris is clearly emulating the Trump school of diplomacy. Problem is, the UK is a long way down the world order from the US at the top. Don't believe me? No.10 has been scrambling to un-Boris the situation with the Saudis. No such un-Donalding from Foggy Bottom to India or China, after Trump's calls to the Pakistani and Taiwanese premiers.


You don't think maybe this was arranged? That maybe part of the point of using Boris in this job so that he can say things the government wants to get out there in a deniable fashion.

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You don't think maybe this was arranged? That maybe part of the point of using Boris in this job so that he can say things the government wants to get out there in a deniable fashion.
Something weird happened, here: where did my post go? :huh: [EDIT - ah, smithy's latest alter ego is gone, whom I was replying to, so this may explain that]


Anyway. No. What's deniable about a public statement made by the UK's Foreign Secretary?


Do you genuinely think nation states are going to be OK with being publicly insulted by the chief of diplomacy of a country without consequences, just because the premiership of that country then says "sorry about that, don't pay him any attention, he's mad"?

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You don't think maybe this was arranged? That maybe part of the point of using Boris in this job so that he can say things the government wants to get out there in a deniable fashion.


If you mean the Government wanted BJ to spout off about the Saudis, definitely not. I`d be absolutely amazed. In fact the world would definitely have one mad, though I concede I think it`s gone a bit mad already.

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Not something you'll hear me say often, but I raise my hat to Boris for speaking out about the Saudi's appalling behaviour.


Why the hell are we still selling them weapons when they're attacking civilian infrastructure in Yemen?

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