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Boris Johnson - new Foriegn Secretary

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There are two points here.


1 Saying I`ll just have to get over it is a legitimate argument, but it`s not uniting the country is it ? That implies doing something to placate those like me who are very unhappy about the prospect of leaving the EU.


2 How can I remain a European citizen (excluding getting an Irish or, if they leave the UK, a Scottish passport) ?


1. I don't think someone called 'euroout23' on SF is really speaking for 17million people nor dividing the country by saying 'you may be angry but get over it it's going to happen'. He/she's just feeding the debate a bit in here - and likely the next target!


The majority of online contributions I've seen to disuniting the country have so far been almost entirely from the 'remainers', saying/implying brexiters are all thick! There's been nothing but that on here for a start!




2. You still are a European even when we leave the EU.


---------- Post added 15-07-2016 at 22:39 ----------


I agree with you, that he`s very clever. But not necessarily a clever politician, and certainly not an effective administrator or a tactful diplomat. He proved he has neither of those qualities when he was London Mayor and before that Shadow Minster for the Arts. There is the additional factor that he is very unpopular with most European politicians, all in all a very poor combination.


Can you expand a little on this. With some credible links to some/all 27 other countries.


Is there a league table for popular European Politicians amongst each other btw?

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I'm not answering your point, but it did bring back memories of a rush of UK passport renewals back in the late 80s so people could get the maximum time available on the old blue United Kingdom passports before the burgundy EU ones were introduced. A lot of people didn't want to be European, they wanted to be British.


Pretty much the opposite of what you want right now.


I don`t see any logical reason why they should "not want to be European citizens", it makes no difference of they don't want to take advantage of the opportunities that offers. The only group of people I can think of who would specifically not want to be European citizens would be those (probably of a certain age) who harp back to some non existent, and certainly gone for ever, age of the British Empire. On that subject, I`ve recently been speaking to an Australian and a New Zealander. Neither could understand why the British would want to leave Europe, and poured scorn on the idea Britain could rekindle some kind of special commonwealth relationship with either country if the y did leave the EU. That`s gone.


---------- Post added 15-07-2016 at 22:46 ----------


1. I don't think someone called 'euroout23' on SF is really speaking for 17million people nor dividing the country by saying 'you may be angry but get over it it's going to happen'. He/she's just feeding the debate a bit in here - and likely the next target!


The majority of online contributions I've seen to disuniting the country have so far been almost entirely from the 'remainers', saying/implying brexiters are all thick! There's been nothing but that on here for a start!



2. You still are a European even when we leave the EU.


---------- Post added 15-07-2016 at 22:39 ----------



Can you expand a little on this. With some credible links to some/all 27 other countries.


Is there a league table for popular European Politicians amongst each other btw?


Not all Leavers are "thick", but it`s accepted that those of higher education were far more likely to vote remain, and vice verse.

When you say "dis-uniting", it`s obviously going to be the case you`ll have Remainers on here being rather more unhappy than those who want to Leave.


I cannot remain a European Citizen (as in have the right to live and/ or work anywhere in the EU) if the UK leaves the EU.

Furthermore, me and my wife are both unhappy that when we`re next abroad we`ll be thought of as insular bigots by all the other Europeans.


I`d have thought it self evident that Boris Johnson (as a prominent leave campaigner who enthusiastically propounded many of the untruths of that campaign) would be unpopular with most European politicians. Are you disagreeing with that logic ?

Edited by Justin Smith
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i dont think he will hang himself or do anything stupid, its not in his long term interests :D i reckon he will do very well in the world of foreign affairs for himself and for the UK.


Hmm...His own speeches about various countries, and their peoples suggests that his being given the brief of Foreign Office was unwise. On several occasions he has referred to people living in Africa as "piccaninnies" with their "water melon smiles". Nasty and offensive.

He also has form for personalising his insults of various foreign leaders, or would be leaders. His comments about Hilary Clinton were low, and doesn't befit someone heading up the Foreign Office. Especially as Mrs Clinton maybe the new President of America, and he may have to hold meetings with her at some point in the near future.


He needs to remember he's no longer in the Eton playground and should grow up.

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I don`t see any logical reason why they should "not want to be European citizens"


They obviously saw their national identity as being British, not European. In the late 80s people were barely a generation away from times when Spain was a dictatorship, France were the socio political enemy, Germany was split in two, Italy was busy assassinating and bombing itself to pieces and half of what is now the EU was behind the Iron Curtain. I certainly don't remember anyone in the 80s calling themselves European; Europe was referred to as 'the continent'.


Fast forward to now, and you are experiencing the same feeling they had but in reverse; you want to remain 'European'. So far, it looks like your only concrete option is to move to mainland Europe and hope the EU keeps it's word that UK citizens can stay.

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Boris johnsons buffoonery is an act, he is really a very clever politician.....


He's a retard.


Look at what is happening in Turkey tonight. Three weeks ago Johnson was using the idea that Turkey were about to join the EU in his campaign. And people believed him.


No doubt if he ruffles his hair a bit and cracks a joke it'll make everything ok.

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Sadly some remainers appear to want our country to fail. Very sad.


Sounds like you're getting your excuses ready if it does....


---------- Post added 15-07-2016 at 23:20 ----------


I think some people would like to re write industry, and airbrush out the democratic referendum result, and are looking for excuses to justify the actions of those, who only wish to accept democrat decisions, which they agree with or support.


Since that decision was based on promses like 18bn a year for the NHS from the change from our ~9bn contribution you have to ask if it was a sound one.


---------- Post added 15-07-2016 at 23:21 ----------


Look at what is happening in Turkey tonight. Three weeks ago Johnson was using the idea that Turkey were about to join the EU in his campaign. And people believed him.


You couldn't make it up!

Edited by Magilla
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Just by reading your posts, it's obvious that all your info/knowledge comes from social media and mainstream media/ no thoughts of your own.


I don`t see any logical reason why they should "not want to be European citizens", it makes no difference of they don't want to take advantage of the opportunities that offers.


The reason you don't see things, is because you are the remain equivalent of a thick brexiter :) (not to be insulting, but meaning a headline reader only)


The only group of people I can think of who would specifically not want to be European citizens would be those (probably of a certain age) who harp back to some non existent, and certainly gone for ever, age of the British Empire.


Have you interviewed the 'people of a certain age' to see if these older people gone harping on about the British Empire? I've never met - and I meet scores of different people of completely different backgrounds every day - NEVER met/heard anyone harp on about the British empire :hihi:


You've been looking at these charts made by the remainers. If I was to write some charts I'd put a life experience on it (like I could but didn't when Blair kept winning, against any kind of reasonable logic!).


Did you notice that the graphs 'showing that young people's lives are finished because of the old <removed>' also show an exact same pattern as 'people with more life experience', which would be my argument if I cared.


Or do you think people get thicker and more racist* with age? (that's worth a question in itself!)


(*once an adult)


Let me be clear here... other than people who are interested in politics (which is likely to increase with age) what the **** does the average person know about the EU (or even politics for that matter!)? and in particular the average 16-18 (or 18-24 yo)?


On that subject, I`ve recently been speaking to an Australian and a New Zealander. Neither could understand why the British would want to leave Europe, and poured scorn on the idea Britain could rekindle some kind of special commonwealth relationship with either country if the y did leave the EU. That`s gone.


So you spoke to two people?


In 2 taxi journeys today, I had one say I voted out. And one said I voted remain. Who should I believe in their further scorning, whilst really I was thinking about working out the traffic and wondering whether clock/anti-clockwise was the best decision around the ringroad! :hihi:


Not all Leavers are "thick", but it`s accepted that those of higher education were far more likely to vote remain, and vice verse.


Your logic makes you think that because you voted 'remain', and it's in the news a lot how 'the country has fallen apart' (which is the current trend), and that university educated people predominantly voted remain, that you therefore accept yourself as being intelligent ;):)


When you say "dis-uniting", it`s obviously going to be the case you`ll have Remainers on here being rather more unhappy than those who want to Leave.


That's a strawman... unless you are accepting what I wrote which was 'The majority of online contributions I've seen to disuniting the country have so far been almost entirely from the 'remainers', saying/implying brexiters are all thick!'




This reminds me of the GE's. I don't remember hundreds of threads when the Blair government came back in. Where were all the Tory's in the squares with banners saying it was a fix!! I can't recall any.


What happened when DC was first PM? Try searching it in here. Hundreds of threads that 'the country was finished'. :thumbsup:


I cannot remain a European Citizen (as in have the right to live and/ or work anywhere in the EU) if the UK leaves the EU.

Furthermore, me and my wife are both unhappy that when we`re next abroad we`ll be thought of as insular bigots by all the other Europeans.


:hihi::hihi: Someone must have already thought about T-shirts with 'I heart remain' on it, surely?


I`d have thought it self evident that Boris Johnson (as a prominent leave campaigner who enthusiastically propounded many of the untruths of that campaign) would be unpopular with most European politicians. Are you disagreeing with that logic ?


No. It isn't logic. It is more premises/assumptions/conclusions made up in your head, with a high percentage of it social/mainstream media influenced. It's absolutely typical of today's 'thinkers'.

Edited by nikki-red
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He's a retard.


Look at what is happening in Turkey tonight. Three weeks ago Johnson was using the idea that Turkey were about to join the EU in his campaign. And people believed him.


Same same again again :thumbsup:


Everything that happens now, 'well you voted for this', 'you believed this'


change the record.

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Just by reading your posts, it's obvious that all your info/knowledge comes from social media and mainstream media/ no thoughts of your own.

The reason you don't see things, is because you are the remain equivalent of a thick brexiter :) (not to be insulting, but meaning a headline reader only)

Have you interviewed the 'people of a certain age' to see if these older people gone harping on about the British Empire? I've never met - and I meet scores of different people of completely different backgrounds every day - NEVER met/heard anyone harp on about the British empire :hihi:

You've been looking at these charts made by the remainers. If I was to write some charts I'd put a life experience on it (like I could but didn't when Blair kept winning, against any kind of reasonable logic!).

Did you notice that the graphs 'showing that young people's lives are finished because of the old <removed>' also show an exact same pattern as 'people with more life experience', which would be my argument if I cared.

Or do you think people get thicker and more racist* with age? (that's worth a question in itself!)

(*once an adult)

Let me be clear here... other than people who are interested in politics (which is likely to increase with age) what the **** does the average person know about the EU (or even politics for that matter!)? and in particular the average 16-18 (or 18-24 yo)?

So you spoke to two people?

In 2 taxi journeys today, I had one say I voted out. And one said I voted remain. Who should I believe in their further scorning, whilst really I was thinking about working out the traffic and wondering whether clock/anti-clockwise was the best decision around the ringroad! :hihi:

Your logic makes you think that because you voted 'remain', and it's in the news a lot how 'the country has fallen apart' (which is the current trend), and that university educated people predominantly voted remain, that you therefore accept yourself as being intelligent ;):)

That's a strawman... unless you are accepting what I wrote which was 'The majority of online contributions I've seen to disuniting the country have so far been almost entirely from the 'remainers', saying/implying brexiters are all thick!'

This reminds me of the GE's. I don't remember hundreds of threads when the Blair government came back in. Where were all the Tory's in the squares with banners saying it was a fix!! I can't recall any.

What happened when DC was first PM? Try searching it in here. Hundreds of threads that 'the country was finished'. :thumbsup:

:hihi::hihi: Someone must have already thought about T-shirts with 'I heart remain' on it, surely?

No. It isn't logic. It is more premises/assumptions/conclusions made up in your head, with a high percentage of it social/mainstream media influenced. It's absolutely typical of today's 'thinkers'.


Other than the odd Forum I don`t do Social Media.


We have recently had a death in the family, at the funeral it was very noticeable that, generally speaking, the people supporting Leave were the older generation. The reasons they gave were not entirely frank, immigration wasn`t mentioned much, but they were harping back to a time when Britain was in control (whatever that means, we`re in a world economy now, Britain will never be in control like it was) and wanting to refocus on the rest of the world (whatever that means, any business worth its salt will already be doing that) and the Commonwealth.


I agree with you here :

Let me be clear here... other than people who are interested in politics (which is likely to increase with age) what the **** does the average person know about the EU (or even politics for that matter!)? and in particular the average 16-18 (or 18-24 yo)?

And that`s why those who are slightly gullible (and the vote was 52/48 let`s remember, fairly close, in terms of percentage it did`t take many gullible people to swing it.......) just believed what they wanted to believe, Leave the EU and we`ll all be better off. The subtext being your life will be easier without you having to work any harder.....


The two I spoke to included my Brother, his son, my nephew, is a prefect at a NZ school. The NZ PM visited the other day and he met all the prefects who were all invited to ask him a question. James asked him what he thought of the UK voting to leave the EU. As I said, he replied that he found it hard to understand why they`d done that but that it wouldn`t make any difference to the relationship with NZ, as in it wouldn`t get any closer. They`re more focussed on Asia than the UK anyway.

So, someone worth listening to I`d have thought......

The other was an Australian we met on a recent trip to Wales, he originally emigrated from Liverpool in the mid 1980s. Significantly, he said exactly the same thing as the NZ PM, albeit with rather more fruity language.

Edited by nikki-red
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