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Boris Johnson - new Foriegn Secretary

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He's a retard.


Look at what is happening in Turkey tonight. Three weeks ago Johnson was using the idea that Turkey were about to join the EU in his campaign. And people believed him.

No doubt if he ruffles his hair a bit and cracks a joke it'll make everything ok.


I think he's one of these people that's relied on his jokey public image to get out of some difficult situations that he's landed himself in.

I think his description of his second salary (quarter of a £million) as a writer for the Telegraph as mere "chicken feed" is revealing.

I imagine there will be some MPs on the backbenches who have made thoughtful contributions in the Commons about foreign affairs, who will be angry that they have been overlooked for someone as gaffe prone as Johnson.

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What the de Pfeffel are you wittering on about?


Damn you, I had to use google to get that! :hihi:


---------- Post added 16-07-2016 at 00:46 ----------


Other than the odd Forum I don`t do Social Media.


'social/mainstream media influenced'


Everything you have said is just what all the current trending is. That's exactly what I'm saying! You can't even see that you are influenced by it!


I know it, because on a rare occasion, since referendum, I'VE been watching it all.


We have recently had a death in the family,


Sorry to hear that Justin :(


at the funeral it was very noticeable that, generally speaking, the people supporting Leave were the older generation. The reasons they gave were not entirely frank, immigration wasn`t mentioned much, but they were harping back to a time when Britain was in control (whatever that means, we`re in a world economy now, Britain will never be in control like it was) and wanting to refocus on the rest of the world (whatever that means, any business worth its salt will already be doing that) and the Commonwealth.


Interesting point (though discussing brexit at funerals wouldn't be my choice), you mention that they don't mention immigration, but mention control.


That's an important thing. And a wise thing to consider.


That doesn't make them racist, or thick, or not keeping up with the times.


You say 'world economy' and it's right, we are in this now. It's called 'progression'.


Even in my short life, I've seen plenty of 'progression', and in my experience that word doesn't necessarily mean things are better now.


I think it's a dangerous spiral into global capitalism which though I know can't be stopped, can and will be fought, and this is sadly not felt by most people, even those who consider themselves 'socialists'.


Hypocrites Justin!




I agree with you here :

Let me be clear here... other than people who are interested in politics (which is likely to increase with age) what the **** does the average person know about the EU (or even politics for that matter!)? and in particular the average 16-18 (or 18-24 yo)?

And that`s why those who are slightly gullible (and the vote was 52/48 let`s remember, fairly close, in terms of percentage it did`t take many gullible people to swing it.......) just believed what they wanted to believe, Leave the EU and we`ll all be better off. The subtext being your life will be easier without you having to work any harder.....




I saw people in here, on other forums, on social media and in the mainstream news, saying that they are voting remain because:


1. Vodaphone said they will put prices up for users in the EU

2. I'm not voting OUT because that is what Gove wants, and you saw what he did with education

3. I'm not voting OUT because Boris will be the next PM

4. I'm not voting OUT because IDS is voting OUT, and punishes the disabled.

5. A vote OUT is a vote for the end of the NHS


I could list 100 Justin if I could be bothered.


Some people are gullible. In fact I'd say most people are! These people vote in elections as well as referendums. That's the way it works.


We could try a new democracy based on absolute fairness and all that... let's look at the current Labour leadership campaign? :) Utter shambles. Democracy at it's ABSOLUTE worst!

Edited by *_ash_*
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He's a retard.


Look at what is happening in Turkey tonight. Three weeks ago Johnson was using the idea that Turkey were about to join the EU in his campaign. And people believed him.


No doubt if he ruffles his hair a bit and cracks a joke it'll make everything ok.


there it is again that chip is reappearing on your shoulder:roll::roll: Boris Johnson is about as far from a retard as you could get, he is a very astute and clever politician, but you knew that anyway you just dont like the fact:roll:


whatever has happend in Turkey tonight only re-inforces why they should never be allowed to join Europe.


he may ruffle his hair and hopefully some more feathers in the world politics stage in our favour! many reckon he will do a great job so stop sniping and using the retard word as its not nice:D

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there it is again that chip is reappearing on your shoulder:roll::roll: Boris Johnson is about as far from a retard as you could get, he is a very astute and clever politician, but you knew that anyway you just dont like the fact:roll:


whatever has happend in Turkey tonight only re-inforces why they should never be allowed to join Europe.


he may ruffle his hair and hopefully some more feathers in the world politics stage in our favour! many reckon he will do a great job so stop sniping and using the retard word as its not nice:D


No chip on my shoulder. I'm calling it as I see it.


Turkey were never going to join the EU in my lifetime or yours. Pretending they were going to was barefaced lying. Believing the lie was well........retarded IMO.

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No chip on my shoulder. I'm calling it as I see it.


Turkey were never going to join the EU in my lifetime or yours. Pretending they were going to was barefaced lying. Believing the lie was well........retarded IMO.


Yes. It's a bit like telling folk 10 or 15 years ago that Albania and Rumania would be joining the EU. It can never happen.


Oh hang on..

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Yes. It's a bit like telling folk 10 or 15 years ago that Albania and Rumania would be joining the EU. It can never happen.


Oh hang on..


Albania hasn't yet, but they'll be very welcome in my Europe. As will the Turks once they become truly democratic. Unfortunately the Turks are failing at that bit, but there is some slow progress.

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Yes. It's a bit like telling folk 10 or 15 years ago that Albania and Rumania would be joining the EU. It can never happen.


Oh hang on..


You have a very loose grip on the real world it seems.


What exactly is wrong with Romania joining the EU?


Albania hasn't even joined.

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You have a very loose grip on the real world it seems.


What exactly is wrong with Romania joining the EU?


Albania hasn't even joined.




Really you have just said that?????:loopy: take a look down page hall:roll: ask the residents and if you look around they are spreading to other areas too:gag:

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Albania hasn't yet, but they'll be very welcome in my Europe. As will the Turks once they become truly democratic. Unfortunately the Turks are failing at that bit, but there is some slow progress.


The entry of Albania into the EU is a done deal. The amount of EU institutions that have popped up in the country, and the amount of EU cash being spent there since Albania joined NATO is considerable. It is not being done out of charitable motives.


But then the EU is all about power, expansion and gaining influence which is why with Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia are all banging on the door they will no doubt be spirited on board to avoid then returning to the Russian sphere of influence.


They won't be in our EU as we will be gone. Another reason why the EU will be keen to get them in to restore the numbers.


---------- Post added 16-07-2016 at 12:25 ----------


You have a very loose grip on the real world it seems.


What exactly is wrong with Romania joining the EU?


Albania hasn't even joined.


Oh I have a very realistic view on the world. The EU has already given concession on entry to these countries. If you opened your front door from time to time you might notice it.

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Really you have just said that?????:loopy: take a look down page hall:roll: ask the residents and if you look around they are spreading to other areas too:gag:


The Roma in Page Hall are Slovakians. Not Romanians.


Never let the facts get in the way of an ignorant racist rant though ;)


---------- Post added 16-07-2016 at 12:28 ----------



Oh I have a very realistic view on the world. The EU has already given concession on entry to these countries. If you opened your front door from time to time you might notice it.


Tell me what I should expect to see. All I can see is decent people going about their everyday business, young families, hard workers.


Lend me your crap-tinted spectacles and I'll go for a wander.

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