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Many dead in Bastille Day lorry "attack"

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You missed out a list of all the Muslims killed by western invasions, I'm sure more Muslims have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan alone than were killed in the attacks you list.

I blame the non Muslims who invaded Iraq and Afghanistan for us ending up where we are now so stop laying all the blame at Islams door.

Did you think that invading country's and killing over a million innocent people would not lead to retaliations?


Correct me if im wrong ,but i was under the impression ISIS terrorists were all Islamic ?


---------- Post added 16-07-2016 at 23:28 ----------


It has moved on. It's perhaps a little behind western Christianity, but not drastically so.

It's being dragged back to a limited extent by a vast fundamentalist network funded primarily by the Saud family. This is made possible by the fact that they can just sit and sell their natural oil wealth rather than operating a proper economy.


Whilst this is a problem for non-Muslims like you and me, it's a far bigger problem for the Muslims themselves. Nobody except the islamic fundamentalists is really happy about it.


A little behind ?


This is a religion who`s followers murdered people just because they drew a CARTOON of some geezer who is spoke about in their chosen religious comic.

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Correct me if im wrong ,but i was under the impression ISIS terrorists were all Islamic ?


Quite so. And their number one most hated people are Shia Muslims, who they consider heretic and have killed in their thousands.


---------- Post added 16-07-2016 at 23:55 ----------


Are they still going ? :hihi:


They have 7 more MPs than UKIP do. Are they?

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Not been sure what to think of this. Know a couple who were in Nice on that promenade on that night. They're still there now. They didn't see anything bad, they didn't see the truck or see anybody killed or injured. There was mass panic and they were told by the police to run up a side street which they did and just returned to their hotel, turned on the TV and realised what had happened. They're in shock, feeling very lucky.


Can't comprehend what would cause somebody to do this. In France it always seems to be economically excluded young adults, often with a history of petty crime. There is a massive lesson to be learned there I think.

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Not been sure what to think of this. Know a couple who were in Nice on that promenade on that night. They're still there now. They didn't see anything bad, they didn't see the truck or see anybody killed or injured. There was mass panic and they were told by the police to run up a side street which they did and just returned to their hotel, turned on the TV and realised what had happened. They're in shock, feeling very lucky.


Can't comprehend what would cause somebody to do this. In France it always seems to be economically excluded young adults, often with a history of petty crime. There is a massive lesson to be learned there I think.


Terrorism in France is nothing new. It's not even rare. In the mid 90's in was the Algerian Armed Islamic Group. In the 80's it was Armenian ASALA and Lebanese groups, such as Hezbollah.


Ramming with vehicles, civilians included, is entirely unoriginal as well. The scale of Nice makes it truly shocking. Of course Isil claimed it, why wouldn't they? They have nothing to lose by doing so.

Edited by Radan
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Islamic terrorism in France is nothing new. It's not even rare. In the mid 90's in was the Algerian Armed Islamic Group. In the 80's it was Armenian and Lebanese groups and others.


Ramming with vehicles, civilians included, is entirely unoriginal as well. The scale of Nice makes it truly shocking. Of course Isil claimed it, why wouldn't they? They have nothing to lose by doing so.


True. In France though there are massive problems with integration. Truly massive. That is what I was getting at really. Whatever the rights or wrongs of mass immigration once a community is established they have to be integrated economically and they have to feel they are part of society. Alienate them and marginalise them and there will be huge problems. The key is economic success for them, nothing less, and I feel that once that is achieved the major tensions will melt away to a large degree.


That is the challenge for us in the UK. Other cultures are here in numbers. They have to be made to feel welcome, feel included, be given education and life chances. So far I think we have done OK really. It has been tough at times and there is a huge amount to do but I get a horrible feeling we are on the cusp of going down the wrong track and creating permanently excluded sections of society. That will bite us big time. The Le Pens have had true national prominence much longer in France than Farage and co have here, and it is really only quite recently that Ukip have flipped into Le Pen territory with the populist rhetoric. France now is us in ten years IMO unless we do something. By that I don't mean stopping people coming here, I mean working hard to promote inclusivity for the people already here.

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Below to accompany a photo of a deceased child, crushed under a trucks wheels.


Dear members of Islamic State -

This is not a terrorist

This is not an infidel

This is not an armed soldier on the front line ready and waiting your attack- prepared to fight to the death for the protection of their country.....


This is a small child ...

An innocent soul who had not yet made a decision as to where their religion lies or chosen which country to fight for, to die for


This is a small child who this evening wanted nothing more than to watch fireworks .... To watch the lights dance in the sky and listen to the crackles and bangs, simply watching fireworks - No religion involved


You "Islamic state" have taken away this young innocent life in the name of your "God" and your "religion"


I am horrified that people could actually act so stupidly .... Like sheep .... Following endless rantings of some old dusty book .... Nothing in there souls saying "actually this is wrong"


I do not believe religions are evil I believe people are - NO RELIGION could persuade me to take an innocent life NONE


The people behind these attacks are EVIL - no religion needed just evil, ALL confirmed "Islamic state" supporters should be hung no questions asked and this picture of this darling child whose life tonight has been taken so cruelly should be stapled to their foreheads before they go.....



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What is nonsense specifically about my "rant"?


Also, just because a religion tells you to do something, doesn't mean that people do it. In fact, the vast majority of people pick and chose from their religion.


Do you think that the majority of brexiters would have listened to Boris had he said "slay the Remainers where ever you find them"? Or do you think very, very few would.


If only a few did slay some brexiters, would you defend Boris and the movement by saying "well my neighbour hasn't killed me and he is a Brexiter so the Brexit movement is not violent"?


Slay the remainers wherever you find them? I assume you are alluding to the passage in the Quran that says 'slay the unbelievers wherever you find them? Your other posts mentioning killing unbelievers suggests so.


Problem is RunningMan, it doesn't say 'unbelievers' in the Quran, it says idolaters. You claim to have read the Quran? How can you not know that? Idolatry is forbidden in ALL Abrahamic religions.


You asked about context before. If you had read the Quran you would know the context and recall the passage concludes:


'But if they repent and establish the prayer, and give Zakah, then leave them alone. Indeed, Allah is Ever Forgiving, Most Merciful'


Care to explain?

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As idolaters means anyone who worships anyone other than allah then i think unbelievers more than covers it dont you.


But if they convert to islam and pay a tax then they can be forgiven!


Do you really grasp what you have quoted? It only goes to re-enforce the belief that islam wants to take over according to many quoran passages and be the only religion anyone can practice and woe betide anyone that doesnt tow the line.


If your post was in defence of islam then im afraid its had the opposite affect.


Of were you just trying to point score and belittle?

Edited by yellowperil
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