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Many dead in Bastille Day lorry "attack"

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If you'd read it you'd know the passage 'kill the idolaters wherever you find them' relates to Meccans that had persecuted Muslims causing some to flea to Christian lands for safety and later the Prophet to Medina.


The thread is not about the the history of the faith. You grossly misquoted and ripped out of context part of the book. You got called on it. Let the thread return to topic.


I didn't grossly misquote anything. There are numerous passages in the Quran that order the killing of non-muslims. Muhammad and Abu Bakr waged constant wars of aggression throughout their Islamic lives. It was definitely not out of the ordinary, as Arabic tribal wars were common place before Islam.

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You have to ask yourself, 'would you holiday in a muslim country now'? I certainly wouldn't, the middle east is a dangerous place.

The Turkish problem won't end here, there will be a civil war in Turkey before long.

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Yes, generalisation = root of evil. Saw it in Balkan wars 25 years ago.


Indeed and it is a shame we do not learn from history. How was peace eventually restored in the Balkans? Division. They fought and then they divided over their differences.


Why do we ignore this human trait? Do you think ignoring it will stop people from behaviour like they do in the Balkans? It is dangerously naive. There has been no quantum leap in human evolution and we remain the same animal. ISIS and their ilk know this even if we in the West remain in denial.


---------- Post added 17-07-2016 at 11:10 ----------



If anything, acts of Islamist terrorism make me more likely to extend the hand of friendship to Muslims than close the door on them..but to some commentators ie Katie Hopkins and Richard Littlejohn such a concept is like rocket science.


It is nothing more than a gesture that will ultimate fail to stop people acting as people do. In the Balkans friends turned on each other when the conflict came. The chose 'sides' because people don't get to opt out.


Don't bother blaming me for pointing out the realities of the human character as I don't hold with the whole 'you smelt it, you dealt it' crap. I'm telling it as it is because denying it will not stop it.

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Don't bother blaming me for pointing out the realities of the human character as I don't hold with the whole 'you smelt it, you dealt it' crap. I'm telling it as it is because denying it will not stop it.


The failings of the human character are well reported over the centuries, however to regard the challenge of those failings as a futile exercise would still have children being shoved up chimneys, women (and men without property) unable to vote and homosexuality considered an act of criminality.

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What was Anders' Breivik's religion again? Remind me? Or indeed that of Adolf Hitler or Iosif Stalin?


Christians stopped quoting the Bible and the words of their prophets as justification for murder about five hundred years ago. None of the murderers you named used Christianity to justify their actions, Brevik claiming to be Pagan, Hitler being raised Catholic but not practising in adult life, and Stalin being an avowed atheist. Islam is used in strict accordance with the texts to justify murder, torture, enslavement, inequality, violence, misogyny, homophobia and cruelty every day.


It is very important that people do not confuse Muslims as people with Islam as a religion but many people, such as yourself is seems, are emotionally unable to separate the two for fear of causing offence where none should really be taken in the 21st century.


Jukes x

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Christians stopped quoting the Bible and the words of their prophets as justification for murder about five hundred years ago. None of the murderers you named used Christianity to justify their actions, Brevik claiming to be Pagan, Hitler being raised Catholic but not practising in adult life, and Stalin being an avowed atheist. Islam is used in strict accordance with the texts to justify murder, torture, enslavement, inequality, violence, misogyny, homophobia and cruelty every day.


It is very important that people do not confuse Muslims as people with Islam as a religion but many people, such as yourself is seems, are emotionally unable to separate the two for fear of causing offence where none should really be taken in the 21st century.


Jukes x


My point, dear Jukes, was that religion does not play a role in barbaric acts. If you re-read the post you quoted, you will see that. It takes barbaric minds to encourage these acts, whatever the excuse, be it nazis, communists or jihadists.


Tim x

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In the 21st century are some people not capable of deciding themselves how to lives their own lives instead of doing what they are told by their religious comic of choice. ?


Its pathetic that some people cannot make their own decisions on what and what not to do ,and have to listen to some weirdo who may or may not have lived thousands of years ago.

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In the 21st century are some people not capable of deciding themselves how to lives their own lives instead of doing what they are told by their religious comic of choice. ?


Its pathetic that some people cannot make their own decisions on what and what not to do ,and have to listen to some weirdo who may or may not have lived thousands of years ago.


It is, but it happens. A bit like people voting for nationalistic interests without the evidence that it will improve their situation.

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Christians stopped quoting the Bible and the words of their prophets as justification for murder about five hundred years ago.


You're stereotyping Christians as much as you are Muslims.


The fact is a common tenet of Abrahamic religions is the forbidding of life taking, particularly in the Christian embodiment of it, remember the Sixth Commandment?


Here's a shock/horror revelation:


Christians lie

Jews lie

Muslims lie

Mankind lies

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