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Many dead in Bastille Day lorry "attack"

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84 dead. The driver was French-Tunisian, known to the police but not for anything terrorism related.


it must've been absolutely terrifying. Hollande has described it as a 'monstrous terrorist act', I can't think of any better words.



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This is such a terrible situation...and as the father of a couple of young kids, I can only begin to understand some of the terror faced by those on that street last night

...a street I have walked frequently in the past, on camping holidays in the 70s, when I was the child...but that seems such a carefree world away.


My heart goes out to the French...but I do not think another Twitter hashtag or unity march will help change anything.


I really think the answer at the moment is for all moderate Muslims to do as much as they can to help root out the problem that does exist in the community...because there must be no denying that a problem exists.

I know many, many good people exist in the world, both here and all the Muslim countries that I have visited and passed through in the past 25 years (Morocco, Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia)...people who have welcomed me into their lives and in some cases kindly offered me food and a place to stay.


All must stand together against those still fighting the wars of 632AD in their name.

I feel sad for my Muslim friend, who was born in Sheffield, grew up in Sheffield and now feels the heat of each attack...my only advice is to stand firm with us and we will prevail.


And we must not deny that we are in a war...sometimes in the physical sense, but mostly a war of minds and ideas

A war against an ideology that can persuade someone to drive a truck over kids out with their parents.

A war for the soul of Islam

A war for progress, knowledge and wisdom

A war for jobs, self respect, safety and hope

A war against fear

A war against leaders who do not listen to those who are led.


I believe we will win this war and are steadily winning it...but it will take many generations.

As the battles are won, the fire will die down.

France and this country have been through much worse before and ultimately the forces of moderation will triumph...the future will increasingly have no place for the fundamentalist of whatever persuasion.


In the meantime we will continue to see the desparate gasp of the dying ideology, as the fundamentalists turn further to their God to stem their ultimate demise.


Stand fast



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I can't see how this is nothing other than a person with mental health issues, sucked in by middle eastern/middle ages based dogma. Islam is not the cause but it is a catalyst and the removal of the more violent passages from the quran and the modernisation of the religion is the only way we can get away from such attacks.


Mentally ill people will always be a problem.

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Poor France, why are they always the target?


I suspect its in part due to their membership of CJTF–OIR as well as their own operations in Syria "Operation Chammal" coupled with a large population from the other side of the med from their ex colonies who have wasted their life so far and want a purpose, albeit misguided.


I thoroughly believe if it were not for the channel, our lgun laws and us not being part of the schengen agreement we would have seen many more terrorist attacks in the UK.

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I can't see how this is nothing other than a person with mental health issues, sucked in by middle eastern/middle ages based dogma. Islam is not the cause but it is a catalyst and the removal of the more violent passages from the quran and the modernisation of the religion is the only way we can get away from such attacks.


Mentally ill people will always be a problem.


These animals are doing it in the name of Islam , so how can you say Islam is not the cause ?

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