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Many dead in Bastille Day lorry "attack"

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So the most recent information about the man who drove the lorry in Nice is that he didn't observe Ramadan or attend mosque, was known to the police for drug and alcohol related offences and had suffered mental breakdowns.

Could this be a case of someone with severe mental health issues possibly high on drugs who 'flipped' for want of a better word ?

And what does it say about those who immediately jumped on the Islamaphobia bandwagon as soon as it was revealed he was of Tunisian heritage ?

Just a thought........

Edited by Daven
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Are you and all other Brexiters willing to share some of the blame for the murder of Jo Cox MP?


Let me guess . . . No you're not.


But why not?


After all, Jo Cox MP was killed by a sick, twisted, xenophobic Brexiter.


Does this mean all Brexiters are sick, twisted, xenophobic killers?


By the low standards of Zamo and Penny, yes . . . yes it does.


That is a lazy analogy that fails at the first hurdle.


To start I haven't seen anyone in this thread accuse all Muslims of being terrorists. So your "Does this mean all Brexiters are sick, twisted, xenophobic killers? By the low standards of Zamo and Penny....." is crass and misleading. It is not their position that all Muslims are terrorists and the audacity you show in misrepresenting their opinions is staggering. You should apologise to them.


There is also a difference between the Brexit movement and Islam. The Brexit movement was not founded by a killer who sanctioned the rape of women. The Brexit movement did not produce a piece of literature that contained all its core ideals that demanded all Brexiters murder non Brexiters.


Imagine if Boris Johnson had said in one of his speeches "Find the Remainers and slay them wherever you find them". Further imagine that Boris was seen by Brexiters as the perfect man, one whom should be copied and admired. Imagine the devotion to the man being so strong that they ignored the fact Boris had married a 6 year old girl. Imagine they loved him so much that the name "Boris" became by far the most popular baby name amongst brexiters. They loved him so much that criticising him led to violent reprisals and that when these violent reprisals were dished out, Brexiters filled the streets to celebrate. Imagine a Danish cartoonist making fun of Boris' silly hair and Brexiters demanding the cartoonist is killed.


Imagine that a Brexit manifesto had been released, a small manifesto of about 90k words. This manifesto said it was ok to rape the women of non Brexiters, said you must kill them.


Were the above true then you could kind if compare the Brexit movement to Islam.


Imagine all the above being true and Zamo saying "hey this Brexit movement is bloody scary, someone needs to do something about it", would you jump down his throat then?


If not, why treat Islam differently?



Islam is certainly not the only driver of these atrocities. Western foreign policy, poverty, lack of education and mental health all play their part. Islam is however a major driver, to deny it in the face of so much evidence (scripture and testimony) is absurd.

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I'm not calling you a liar, but if Islam or Muslims were as bad as your hilariously nonsensical rant makes out, I'm sure that my Muslim neighbours would have killed / beheaded / raped me by now.


Ok, I admit it, I am calling you a liar.

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I'm not calling you a liar, but if Islam or Muslims were as bad as your hilariously nonsensical rant makes out, I'm sure that my Muslim neighbours would have killed / beheaded / raped me by now.


Ok, I admit it, I am calling you a liar.



What is nonsense specifically about my "rant"?


Also, just because a religion tells you to do something, doesn't mean that people do it. In fact, the vast majority of people pick and chose from their religion.


Do you think that the majority of brexiters would have listened to Boris had he said "slay the Remainers where ever you find them"? Or do you think very, very few would.


If only a few did slay some brexiters, would you defend Boris and the movement by saying "well my neighbour hasn't killed me and he is a Brexiter so the Brexit movement is not violent"?

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I'm not calling you a liar, but if Islam or Muslims were as bad as your hilariously nonsensical rant makes out, I'm sure that my Muslim neighbours would have killed / beheaded / raped me by now.


Ok, I admit it, I am calling you a liar.


Maybe this is a reason why some non muslims are rattled by Islam.




Afghanistan January 1, 2016 – A Taliban suicide bomber detonated himself in a French restaurant called 'Le Jardin' in Kabul. 2 dead 15 injured.[211]


India January 2, 2016 – In the 2016 Pathankot attack suspected Jaish-e-Mohammed militants attacked an Indian air base killing 7 security force members. Several injured.[212]


Iraq January 3, 2016 – Five Islamist suicide bombers attack an Iraqi military base. 15 dead and 22 injured.[213]


Afghanistan January 4, 2016 – A Militant drove a truck packed with explosives to the armored gates of a compound for civilian contractors near Kabul's airport before detonating. 30 people injured, including children.[214]


Libya January 7, 2016 – In the Zliten truck bombing Islamist militants detonated a truck bomb at the police training camp al-Jahfal in the coastal town of Zliten, Libya. 50+ dead 100+ wounded.[215]


France January 7, 2016 – In the January 2016 Paris police station attack an Islamist from Morocco wearing a fake explosive belt attacked police officers with a meat cleaver. He was shot dead.[216]


Libya January 7, 2016 – A car bombing at a checkpoint in the Libyan oil port of Ras Lanuf left seven people dead and 11 wounded.[217]


Egypt January 8, 2016 – In the 2016 Hurghada attack two militants armed with a melee weapon and a signal flare stormed the Bella Vista Hotel. 3 injured.[218]


France January 11, 2016 – A 15-year old Turkish ISIL supporter attacked a teacher from a Jewish school in Marseille with a machete. 1 injured.[219]


Iraq January 11, 2016 – ISIL gunmen detonate suicide vests in a shopping mall, killing at least 20 and wounding more than 40 people.[220]


Turkey January 12, 2016 – In the 2016 Istanbul bombing an ISIL suicide bomber kills 10 tourists and injures 15 more in the historical centre of Istanbul.[221]


Indonesia January 14, 2016 – In the 2016 Jakarta attacks 4 assailants kill 2 and injure 24 in a terrorist attack in Jakarta. The attack was orchestrated and financed from ISIL in Syria.[222]


Somalia January 15, 2016 – In the El Adde attack, Al-Shabaab terrorists attack a African Union Kenyan army base in El-Adde. 63+ killed, several injured.[223]


Burkina Faso January 15, 2016 – In the 2016 Ouagadougou attack Islamist gunmen armed with heavy weapons attacked the Cappuccino restaurant and the Splendid Hotel in the heart of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. 20+ killed. 15+ injured.[224]


Pakistan January 21, 2016 – At least 22 killed in attack on Bacha Khan University, Pakistan. The Taliban claim responsibility for the attack.[225]


Somalia January 22, 2016 – Al-Shabab attack on beachside restaurant leaves 20 dead.[226]


Cameroon January 25, 2016 – Suspected Boko Haram insurgents have blown themselves up in a market in Cameroon, killing at least 25 people and injuring 62 others.[227]


Nigeria January 30, 2016 – Boko Haram gunmen raided a Nigerian village, at least 65 people were killed and 136 others injured.[228]


Ivory Coast March 13, 2016 – In the 2016 Grand-Bassam shootings Al Qaeda gunmen stormed 3 hotels in the beach resort city of Grand-Bassam in the Ivory Coast, leaving 18 people dead.[229]


Iraq March 20, 2016 – In Anbar, Iraq, ISIL suicide bombers kill at least 24 at municipal building[230]


Belgium March 22, 2016 – 2016 Brussels bombings includes two suicide bombings in Brussels Airport and one bombing in Brussels Metro that resulted in 35 deaths and more than 300 wounded.[231]


Yemen March 25, 2016 – Three ISIL suicide bombers strike security checkpoints in the Yemeni city of Aden, killing 26 people.[232][233]


Iraq March 25, 2016 – 30 people killed and 95 injured after a suicide bomber blew himself up at a football stadium in Iskandariya, south of Baghdad. ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack.[234][235]


Pakistan March 27, 2016 – The 2016 Lahore suicide bombing targeted Christians who had gathered on Easter in Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park. The blast, by Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a Pakistani Taliban faction, killed at least 70 people and injured 300 others.[236][237]


Afghanistan April 19, 2016 – The April 2016 Kabul attack targeted a security team responsible for protecting government VIPs in Kabul, Afghanistan. The attack killed 64 people and wounded 347. It was the Taliban's biggest attack on an urban area since 2001.[238]


Bangladesh April 23, 2016 – Attackers hacked a university professor to death in the city of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack stating that they assassinated him "for calling to atheism in the city of Rajshahi in Bangladesh".[239][240]


Bangladesh April 25, 2016 – Two gays rights activists were hacked to death in the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka. An Al-Qaeda affiliated group claimed responsibility for the attacks and stated they killed the two as they were "pioneers of practicing [sic] and promoting homosexuality in Bangladesh".[241][242]


Iraq May 11, 2016 – At least 40 people were killed and 60 injured in a car bomb attack on a market in Baghdad. ISIL claims responsibility.[243]


United States June 12, 2016 – 49 people were killed and 53 injured in a mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The shooter, Omar Mateen, pledged allegiance to ISIL.[244][245]


France June 14, 2016 – Two French citizens, a police officer and his wife were stabbed to death in Magnanville, France by a man swearing his allegiance to ISIL.[246]


Pakistan June 22, 2016 – Assassination of Amjad Sabri, claimed by a splinter group of the Pakistani Taliban who accused Sabri of blasphemy.[247]


Bangladesh July 1, 2016 – Gunmen killed 20 hostages. 13 hostages were rescued, two police officers, and six terrorists were killed. One terrorist is in custody. ISIL has claimed responsibility, but according to Bangladeshi officials, the attack was carried out by homegrown militant group Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh.[248]


Iraq July 3, 2016 - July 2016 Baghdad bombings Two coordinated bomb attacks killed over 300 people and injured over 221 others.


The list is yet to include Nice and is only for 2016

What is the one thing they all have in common?

Well, its the Koran. If Islam cleaned house and separated the wheat from the chuffs then maybe some non muslims would not be so scared of Islam?


---------- Post added 16-07-2016 at 11:40 ----------


Define the West? I am not sucking up to the Saudis and I doubt you are?


Are you a Government who buys their oil and sells them arms? I dont suck up to the Saudis either but like me, you aint important.

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Do you think that the majority of brexiters would have listened to Boris had he said "slay the Remainers where ever you find them"?


We're coming back full circle to the point I made earlier.


Was the Bastille Day murderer a devout Muslim?




But you're trying to convince us his actions are typical of the Muslim community.


Are the actions of the Brexiter who murdered Jo Cox MP typical of all Brexiters?


By your own admissions, they are.

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We're coming back full circle to the point I made earlier.


Was the Bastille Day murderer a devout Muslim?




But you're trying to convince us his actions are typical of the Muslim community.


Are the actions of the Brexiter who murdered Jo Cox MP typical of all Brexiters?


By your own admissions, they are.


I am absolutely not suggesting they are typical of the whole community. You should apologise for the disgusting portrayal of my point.


I said that it is ridiculous to compare the actions of that murderer to the actions of a Muslim terrorist. This is because the Qu'ran expressly tells you to kill unbelievers, the Brexit movement did not do this.


My point was that had the Brexit movement demanded violence from its followers, in the same way Islam does, no one would be defending Brexit. Because Islam is a religion, people hold it to different standards (as they do with all religions).

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The list is yet to include Nice and is only for 2016

What is the one thing they all have in common?

Well, its the Koran. If Islam cleaned house and separated the wheat from the chuffs then maybe some non muslims would not be so scared of Islam?


Most of those attacks are against other muslims, just as the Nice attack where one of the first to fall was a muslima. My muslim friends, whether here, the Netherlands or indeed in Turkey, UAE and Jordan are just as scare of these bar stewards as anybody else, they condemn them all the same as we do. That is enough. Your list also does not contain a precedent of the Nice attack, in 2009 an attempt to do just this same thing, except it explicitly targeted the Dutch Royal family, was committed in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. It was by a white man, with severe mental health issues.



Are you a Government who buys their oil and sells them arms? I dont suck up to the Saudis either but like me, you aint important.


I have a vote and I use it to choose who gets into power. Those happy to trade with the Saudis are not those that get my vote.

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Most of those attacks are against other muslims, just as the Nice attack where one of the first to fall was a muslima. My muslim friends, whether here, the Netherlands or indeed in Turkey, UAE and Jordan are just as scare of these bar stewards as anybody else, they condemn them all the same as we do. That is enough. Your list also does not contain a precedent of the Nice attack, in 2009 an attempt to do just this same thing, except it explicitly targeted the Dutch Royal family, was committed in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. It was by a white man, with severe mental health issues.



I have a vote and I use it to choose who gets into power. Those happy to trade with the Saudis are not those that get my vote.

I genuinely fail to see why you bring colour into this. As far as I know white, black, brown and yellow people can be Muslim.


Bold bit.

Yes, I have a vote too and I dont vote for the Saudis mates either. They still keep getting in though dont they.

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