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Many dead in Bastille Day lorry "attack"

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No it isn't, where to I condemn any Muslims?


I mention the fact that the Qu'ran supports terrorist actions (as do the Haddith) and that Muhammed wasn't exactly the nicest guy in the world. These things are true.


As does the Bible.


Deuteronomy 13, 17

Numbers 13

Lunk 19:37

Matthew 10:34

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And how many have lost their lives recently because of people following that to the letter?


The religion has moved on and the muslim religion needs to aswell.


It has moved on. It's perhaps a little behind western Christianity, but not drastically so.

It's being dragged back to a limited extent by a vast fundamentalist network funded primarily by the Saud family. This is made possible by the fact that they can just sit and sell their natural oil wealth rather than operating a proper economy.


Whilst this is a problem for non-Muslims like you and me, it's a far bigger problem for the Muslims themselves. Nobody except the islamic fundamentalists is really happy about it.

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All this bile and hostility to each other over what various comic books say and don't say. The worms are waiting for us all, that is a true fact.


Abandon the whole lot and lets live in harmony with each other.




That would be great. How do you propose to arrange it? A campaign of mass-hypnosis?

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It has moved on. It's perhaps a little behind western Christianity, but not drastically so.

It's being dragged back to a limited extent by a vast fundamentalist network funded primarily by the Saud family. This is made possible by the fact that they can just sit and sell their natural oil wealth rather than operating a proper economy.


Whilst this is a problem for non-Muslims like you and me, it's a far bigger problem for the Muslims themselves. Nobody except the islamic fundamentalists is really happy about it.


A little behind!


---------- Post added 16-07-2016 at 16:26 ----------


I also think it depends on just how moderate you consider a moderate muslim to be in the context of fundamental or moderate.


If you met a christian who insisted on inserting a phrase after they mentioned god or jesus would you consider them moderate? I know i wouldnt.

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A little behind!


---------- Post added 16-07-2016 at 16:26 ----------


I also think it depends on just how moderate you consider a moderate muslim to be in the context of fundamental or moderate.


If you met a christian who insisted on inserting a phrase after they mentioned god or jesus would you consider them moderate? I know i wouldnt.


My bold=

Is that the way you determine who is a moderate Muslim? :rolleyes:

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We've been through this so many times before and I really don't see what progress we're going to make but hey ho.


There is a particular brand of Muslims called Muslim Fundamentalists. Unlike most Muslims, the fundamentalists are very literal about the nasty bits of the Quran and act upon them. They don't understand that the world has moved on.

There is a subset of islamic fundamentalism generally called Islamism, which is under the very odd impression that a 1500 year old prescription for how to build a perfect society around Islam is applicable to the modern world and make a thing out of acting upon it.


Islamists and fundamentalists in general, are everywhere. They are influential to varying degrees in Muslim dominated countries and within the Muslim communities in Muslim minority countries.


The fundamental reason for the conflict (rather than the obvious live and let live solution) is that our prosperity undermines the Islamist case that our way of life and government is inferior, and therefore makes it harder to persuade Muslims in general that they want to live in an Islamist state.


Very sage post unbeliever, with which I agree.


What we western, non Muslim observers repeatedly fail to understand is that ISIS have no interest in the promotion of Islam, if they did they wouldn't be seeking to alienate millions of Muslims across the world by trying to blow them up as much as the next man.


I will not be suckered into falling for the 'hate trip', that's what those buggers want-disharmony and races/religions hating each other because of what they are rather than who they are.


If anything, acts of Islamist terrorism make me more likely to extend the hand of friendship to Muslims than close the door on them..but to some commentators ie Katie Hopkins and Richard Littlejohn such a concept is like rocket science.



I don't know what the solution to all this is, but it's fairly obvious that it's not to be overly critical of the Islamic faith, as it's perfectly possible to be a Muslim and a thoroughly decent person. mafya being a basketcase in point.



Just tidied that up for you, hope you (& mafya) dont mind ;)

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No but its one indicator of how moderate some one is.


---------- Post added 16-07-2016 at 17:03 ----------


Very sage post unbeliever, with which I agree.


What we western, non Muslim observers repeatedly fail to understand is that ISIS have no interest in the promotion of Islam, if they did they wouldn't be seeking to alienate millions of Muslims across the world by trying to blow them up as much as the next man.


I will not be suckered into falling for the 'hate trip', that's what those buggers want-disharmony and races/religions hating each other because of what they are rather than who they are.


If anything, acts of Islamist terrorism make me more likely to extend the hand of friendship to Muslims than close the door on them..but to some commentators ie Katie Hopkins and Richard Littlejohn such a concept is like rocket science.





Just tidied that up for you, hope you (& mafya) dont mind ;)


You mean like Angela merkel did with the immigrant crisis?!

That worked out well didnt it.


Turning the other cheek is all well and good until you run out of cheeks.

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