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Military coup in Turkey.

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Several voices in the EU have stated unequivocally that if Erdogan is using this 'coup' attempt it will cut-off all negotiations for ascension and possibly follow up with sanctions. Now John Kerry has stated that if democracy is under threat in Turkey it can not expect to remain a NATO member. Looks like Erdogan is overplaying his hand big time.

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Several voices in the EU have stated unequivocally that if Erdogan is using this 'coup' attempt it will cut-off all negotiations for ascension and possibly follow up with sanctions. Now John Kerry has stated that if democracy is under threat in Turkey it can not expect to remain a NATO member. Looks like Erdogan is overplaying his hand big time.


It seems a bit rich of the US to talk about adherence to international law.

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It seems a bit rich of the US to talk about adherence to international law.


This isn't about international law, it is about the founding rules of the NATO and EU, that a country eligible for membership should uphold freedom and democracy as core values. (In the case of NATO, as deposited in the instrument of accession by Turkey to the US)

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Several voices in the EU have stated unequivocally that if Erdogan is using this 'coup' attempt it will cut-off all negotiations for ascension and possibly follow up with sanctions. Now John Kerry has stated that if democracy is under threat in Turkey it can not expect to remain a NATO member. Looks like Erdogan is overplaying his hand big time.


"Several voices in the EU" eh? that's because it can't speak with one voice given that its a large diverse place with different member states taking different views.


This is the basic and ultimate flaw of the EU and why this dream of it becoming a single political financial and military entity is a flatulent fantasy.

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"Several voices in the EU" eh? that's because it can't speak with one voice given that its a large diverse place with different member states taking different views.


This is the basic and ultimate flaw of the EU and why this dream of it becoming a single political financial and military entity is a flatulent fantasy.


Tusk was the first to speak out, he was backed by numerous heads of state and MEPs. But if I had said: 'Tusk said' you would have spouted your usual drivel about 'undemocratic' and bureaucrats.


It is easy to kick things Alan, how about something constructive to say?

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Tusk was the first to speak out, he was backed by numerous heads of state and MEPs. But if I had said: 'Tusk said' you would have spouted your usual drivel about 'undemocratic' and bureaucrats.


It is easy to kick things Alan, how about something constructive to say?


Well at the end of the day, who is Polish Donald Tusk to speak on behalf of Sweden, or even Britain??


Britains hard and soft power makes us stand apart in the geo political arena. We haven't developed over thousands of years just to blend into nothing within the EU and have Tusky speak on our behalf.

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Well at the end of the day, who is Polish Donald Tusk to speak on behalf of Sweden, or even Britain??


Britains hard and soft power makes us stand apart in the geo political arena. We haven't developed over thousands of years just to blend into nothing within the EU and have Tusky speak on our behalf.


Very constructive indeed. That will serve Britain's hard and soft power well once the government finds the cojones to invoke article 50.


PS: have you noticed that it is the UK that never, as a nation, condemned the Armenian genocide? Look at that map that was provided earlier. Talk of soft power, my pillow has more spring to it.

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Some amazing CCTV footage from Turkey about what was happening during the failed coup shown on Turkish TV tonight.Looks like firing from the rebels helicopter that went up,shells landing around the parliament possibly and the TV station takeover with the interraction between staff and soldiers as they shut it down.

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Ive got a lot of Turk mates over there just been talking to one of them on facebook he is in Altinkum, business as normal get yourself on the plane mate he says...another mate in bodrum says same...we are due to go in a few weeks we will still be going.




Are you serious ?

The decision to go or not may well be taken out of your hands.

Hope you have good travel insurance............

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Hope you have good travel insurance............
He might need it: there's many large army barracks in the backwacks not too far (especially by the giant radio array), and a huge police academy a stone's throw away (I used to scuba-dive right underneath its parapet by the coastline, you can spot the giant Turkish flag hung there from miles away).


Getting increasingly glad that we opted for Florida this year, it'll likely get a lot busier next year and push prices up :|


On-topic: I'm hardly lent to conspiracy theories...but the scale and pace of the aftermath makes this look increasingly like an Erdogan-run false-flag op. It's carving through the Turkish police, military and judiciary (3,000 judges and prosecutors arrested within 24 hrs of the coup!) top to bottom far too quick, not to have been pre-planned by Erdogan & Co. I hope I'm wrong; because if I'm not, Turkey's about to veer pro-Muslim in a big way and soon.

Edited by L00b
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