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Germany in hate speech raids

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The aim is to tackle what police called "a substantial rise in verbal radicalism".

Typical crimes included "glorification of Nazism [and] xenophobic, anti-Semitic and other right-wing extremism", they said.


He said politically motivated hate crime on the internet had increased significantly in the wake of the European refugee crisis


dont forget

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Doesn't nature make one hate the things which threaten the things one loves ? Do you think those behind the 'Stop Hate' campaigns don't hate those it's aimed at, and to some tune !? Just another 'shut you up' phrase from the fascist liberal left, those who attended the Marxist Unis with their Frankfurt School 'No platform' policies for every topic they disagreed with....at universities of all places !! "Don't debate,legislate' is their 'free speech' ; but, be warned, the pendulum is swinging and what ye reap, so shall ye sow!

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But have these so called "hate crimes" risen or is it because internet technology has allowed Facebook, Twitter and the like to make it easier for people to communicate?


BTW, dont forget what?

its always been there, dont forget germanys had very severe anti nazi laws in place for decades. And yes internet sites have given it a platform, but it says in the link it has risen due to the recent refugee crisis.


dont forget, as in its still there and it is rising, despite everybody focussing on islamic terrorism etc, right wing hate is festering under the surface


---------- Post added 17-07-2016 at 19:33 ----------


Doesn't nature make one hate the things which threaten the things one loves ? Do you think those behind the 'Stop Hate' campaigns don't hate those it's aimed at, and to some tune !? Just another 'shut you up' phrase from the fascist liberal left, those who attended the Marxist Unis with their Frankfurt School 'No platform' policies for every topic they disagreed with....at universities of all places !! "Don't debate,legislate' is their 'free speech' ; but, be warned, the pendulum is swinging and what ye reap, so shall ye sow!


here we go with the just joined (how many names now) right wing troll turning everything on its head and spitting it back

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Put like that, your " here we go with the just joined " is hardly encouraging to anyone thinking of joining. Hadn't you "just joined" once upon a time? Is their a hierarchy ? Sorry if I've ruffled a few feathers, but look up the word 'Forum'


So, could this rise be because debate was shut down ? Could it be that our shutting it down has caused much of this racism which has heated like a pressure cooker and was bound to blow as even some politicians now say; Trevor Philips for one ? Could not most racists have been persuaded they were wrong by having debated with them in the past rather than leaving them for Right Wing movements to Hoover up ? That's my point, if I'm allowed to 'troll' it as you say. Troll or no troll, please debate my points and say where you think I am wrong as I am genuinely open to persuasion.

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Put like that, your " here we go with the just joined " is hardly encouraging to anyone thinking of joining. Hadn't you "just joined" once upon a time? Is their a hierarchy ? Sorry if I've ruffled a few feathers, but look up the word 'Forum'


So, could this rise be because debate was shut down ? Could it be that our shutting it down has caused much of this racism which has heated like a pressure cooker and was bound to blow as even some politicians now say; Trevor Philips for one ? Could not most racists have been persuaded they were wrong by having debated with them in the past rather than leaving them for Right Wing movements to Hoover up ? That's my point, if I'm allowed to 'troll' it as you say. Troll or no troll, please debate my points and say where you think I am wrong as I am genuinely open to persuasion.

Its a bit like the Masons on here mate,roll up your trouser leg and shake hands back to front;)

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