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The Rich Get Richer 2

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Indeed it is. If ever more evidence that Cameron and his cronies were simply self-serving, out of touch, selfish incompetents, this is it.


What planet are they on to think that this is in any way acceptable.


Hang on. Are you suggesting Blair and his cronies were not self-serving? Can I point out Blunkett's £440k a year earnings when he was supposed to be serving his poverty stricken constituents. A few years ago I was given a ban from SF for posting a link to Blunkett's entry in the Register of Members Financial Interests including his £50k a year from Murdoch continuing AFTER the Millie Dowler scandal, and his directorship of the dodgy public sector provider A4e.


They are all in it. And Cameron isn't nearly the worst offender.


---------- Post added 18-07-2016 at 19:44 ----------


... those (government employees) who lost their livelihoods or had to struggle on reduced incomes found themselves simultaneously demonised because of their need for support, and blamed for a deficit not of their making.[/i].


What do you suppose happened to hundreds of thousands of people who lost their jobs when Gordon Brown bombed the economy? The construction industry still hasn't got back to where it was in 2008.


And who pays for all those government employees? The Tooth Fairy? It certainly is not the government. The public sector is a luxury we afford ourselves by taking money from the private sector workers and businesses. And the less of them there are, the bigger the burden has to be. So it doesn't help when reckless politicians abuse their power to try and hang on to it but fail and ruin the economy. Why should the private sector workers cough up more tax to keep public sector workers in jobs?

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Who the people over 50? I have not seen a single case of anyone who is made redundant being blamed for it, other than large companies where unions get involved and refuse to adapt to the market changes.


Come off it. Critics don't discriminate. They lump anyone who is unemployed all together, they don't ask questions. Then they label them scroungers/skivers and a multiplicity of other not very nice names, encouraged, I might add, by the media and its plethora of 'dole' programmes and newspaper articles.


I notice you ignored the main point of my post which is that people in the real world don't get any extra help, and they are the ones who need it most, certainly more than already rich civil servants


---------- Post added 18-07-2016 at 20:40 ----------


Hang on. Are you suggesting Blair and his cronies were not self-serving? Can I point out Blunkett's £440k a year earnings when he was supposed to be serving his poverty stricken constituents. A few years ago I was given a ban from SF for posting a link to Blunkett's entry in the Register of Members Financial Interests including his £50k a year from Murdoch continuing AFTER the Millie Dowler scandal, and his directorship of the dodgy public sector provider A4e.


They are all in it. And Cameron isn't nearly the worst offender.

I most certainly do not excuse Blair or his cronies either. Yes they are all at it, Labour and Tory.

Which is why it all needs to change - and that is what Jeremy Corbyn is all about. He wants to stop it and stop political corruption. And that is why he will probably be biting the dust anytime soon. It's also why he has such enormous backing from the electorate who can see it happening, and none from politicians - Can't have anyone putting an end to the gravy train can we?

Edited by Anna B
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What do you suppose happened to hundreds of thousands of people who lost their jobs when Gordon Brown bombed the economy? The construction industry still hasn't got back to where it was in 2008.


And who pays for all those government employees? The Tooth Fairy? It certainly is not the government. The public sector is a luxury we afford ourselves by taking money from the private sector workers and businesses. And the less of them there are, the bigger the burden has to be. So it doesn't help when reckless politicians abuse their power to try and hang on to it but fail and ruin the economy. Why should the private sector workers cough up more tax to keep public sector workers in jobs?


When Gordon Brown acted in the event of a sub-prime disaster created in the trading frenzy of deregulated capital he was a villain, but when George Osborne's policies failed he blamed the biggest financial collapse in living memory. For all their misdeeds New Labour did not crash the economy in 2008.


And who pays public sector employees?, we all do - through our taxes. Notice that the rich and big business have simply chosen not to pay the tax they owe - another scandal helped along by the financial sector and visited upon the poor.

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Most at the bottom of the pile didn't "find themselves" there, they got their through their own actions. A significant number didn't and are there through no fault of their own, but a larger number contributed heavily to their position in society.


Does anyone have a link to more information about Cameron's action please? I'd like to understand it more.


How does it happen?

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When Gordon Brown acted in the event of a sub-prime disaster created in the trading frenzy of deregulated capital he was a villain, but when George Osborne's policies failed he blamed the biggest financial collapse in living memory. For all their misdeeds New Labour did not crash the economy in 2008.


And who pays public sector employees?, we all do - through our taxes. Notice that the rich and big business have simply chosen not to pay the tax they owe - another scandal helped along by the financial sector and visited upon the poor.


Very good point.

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When Gordon Brown acted in the event of a sub-prime disaster created in the trading frenzy of deregulated capital he was a villain, but when George Osborne's policies failed he blamed the biggest financial collapse in living memory. For all their misdeeds New Labour did not crash the economy in 2008.


And who pays public sector employees?, we all do - through our taxes. Notice that the rich and big business have simply chosen not to pay the tax they owe - another scandal helped along by the financial sector and visited upon the poor.

I still don't know what you stand for, other than that you are 'against' things. Do you know what the black economy is?

The only reason this isn't a big issue in the UK is because the UK is totally inadequate when it comes to accountability systems. We all know it occurs at large though, poor or rich.

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Why should the private sector workers cough up more tax to keep public sector workers in jobs?


sorry, are you by any chance referring to the £ billions in taxes that Vodafone, Amazon, Google and boots dodged?

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sorry, are you by any chance referring to the £ billions in taxes that Vodafone, Amazon, Google and boots dodged?


Indeed. And not to mention that people in the public sector pay taxes as well, and many private companies have got their mitts on juicy public sector contracts - SERCO, A4E, Crapita, G4S....

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Can I point out Blunkett's £440k a year earnings when he was supposed to be serving his poverty stricken constituents. A few years ago I was given a ban from SF for posting a link to Blunkett's entry in the Register of Members Financial Interests including his £50k a year from Murdoch continuing AFTER the Millie Dowler scandal, and his directorship of the dodgy public sector provider A4e.


Dont you think he deserves it, after all it was him that gave the DWP contract to A4E in the first place.. :suspect:


A poor man that has achieved a great deal by becoming a millionaire through politics!

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Dont you think he deserves it, after all it was him that gave the DWP contract to A4E in the first place.. :suspect:


A poor man that has achieved a great deal by becoming a millionaire through politics!


Sadly that is modern politics. It's an opportunity for enrichment.


It always puzzled me why the people who are offered cabinets posts waltz into Downing Street grinning like a Cheshire cat. Their pay increases immediately from £75k to £135k. Their pension rights increase, they get the grace and favour houses, the limos. They look forward to a future of consultancy and directorships.


This like you say is not just the Tories but Labour too and the libDems didn't shy away from it either. The very top of politics is a breeding ground for corruption of morals.

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