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The Rich Get Richer 2

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Indeed. And not to mention that people in the public sector pay taxes as well, and many private companies have got their mitts on juicy public sector contracts - SERCO, A4E, Crapita, G4S....


Mister M is absolutely correct. It appears that big business hates tax, but it's not true. They won't pay tax, but they love our taxes, they take that by the million, and public sector agencies like government departments and local authorities are complicit in this scandal.

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Mister M is absolutely correct. It appears that big business hates tax, but it's not true. They won't pay tax, but they love our taxes, they take that by the million, and public sector agencies like government departments and local authorities are complicit in this scandal.


Are you going to persist in ignoring my question?

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I most certainly do not excuse Blair or his cronies either. Yes they are all at it, Labour and Tory.

Which is why it all needs to change - and that is what Jeremy Corbyn is all about. He wants to stop it and stop political corruption. And that is why he will probably be biting the dust anytime soon. It's also why he has such enormous backing from the electorate who can see it happening, and none from politicians - Can't have anyone putting an end to the gravy train can we?


I think you are naive to believe that Corbyn is all about changing the system. He isn't. And the point I made about Blunkett was exactly because he was a raving Trot, just like Corbyn. But as soon as he got his snout in the trough he sold out his ideals and his voters to Murdoch, big business and anyone else holding out wads of cash. And that's exactly what Corbyn and his cronies will do.


But, what makes Corbyn even more revolting than Blunkett (and that's saying something) is his willingness to stand by while his cronies send death and rape threats to anyone who doesn't agree with them. He has done nothing to stop the violence his supporters are perpetrating in his name.


Corbyn holds out the hope of change simply because he's an opportunist exploiting the disenfranchised to make himself important after a lifetime of peddling his backward looking Socialist attitudes. But, he's yet another out of touch metropolitan, political academic who has never had a real job. And he is still just a puppet of the unions, and as such a danger to the country.


He might be popular promising something for nothing to a few old Trots, and a few young, idealistic, know nothings, but he is talking to a very small number of people. Certainly not enough to win any power.

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Are you going to persist in ignoring my question?


We've been here before; he doesn't like answering things. FWIW in the previous thread we managed to work out his political ideals were closer to communism than any other 'ism, so assuming he's a socialist isn't going to work.

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I think you are naive to believe that Corbyn is all about changing the system. He isn't. And the point I made about Blunkett was exactly because he was a raving Trot, just like Corbyn. But as soon as he got his snout in the trough he sold out his ideals and his voters to Murdoch, big business and anyone else holding out wads of cash. And that's exactly what Corbyn and his cronies will do.


But, what makes Corbyn even more revolting than Blunkett (and that's saying something) is his willingness to stand by while his cronies send death and rape threats to anyone who doesn't agree with them. He has done nothing to stop the violence his supporters are perpetrating in his name.


Corbyn holds out the hope of change simply because he's an opportunist exploiting the disenfranchised to make himself important after a lifetime of peddling his backward looking Socialist attitudes. But, he's yet another out of touch metropolitan, political academic who has never had a real job. And he is still just a puppet of the unions, and as such a danger to the country.


He might be popular promising something for nothing to a few old Trots, and a few young, idealistic, know nothings, but he is talking to a very small number of people. Certainly not enough to win any power.


I couldn't agree more about Blunkett, and a good number of other Blairite Labour Politicians. That was the whole reason Jeremy Corbyn stood in the first place. So there was a real choice between his policies and just more of the same corrupt 'Labour Lite.'


As for him 'standing by' while his 'cronies' (they are not his cronies) threaten rape and murder, nothing could be further from the truth. He has spoken out about it fiercely in no uncertain terms, and thoroughly condemned it. - Not seen it on TV? What a surprise. Try looking it up on Youtube.

There's also the strong possibility that it's more Tory dirty tricks, giving Corbyn's supporters a bad name. I believe Tory subversives will use any method to besmirch Corbyn and his supporters.


Nor do I believe he is talking to a 'small number of people' and that they are 'old Trots' and 'know nothings.'

What we are seeing is an angry population rising up against the politicians and their cronies working for their own interests rather than the good of the electorate, and then lying about it.


It's a revolution of sorts.

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I couldn't agree more about Blunkett, and a good number of other Blairite Labour Politicians. That was the whole reason Jeremy Corbyn stood in the first place. So there was a real choice between his policies and just more of the same corrupt 'Labour Lite.'


As for him 'standing by' while his 'cronies' (they are not his cronies) threaten rape and murder, nothing could be further from the truth. He has spoken out about it fiercely in no uncertain terms, and thoroughly condemned it. - Not seen it on TV? What a surprise. Try looking it up on Youtube.

There's also the strong possibility that it's more Tory dirty tricks, giving Corbyn's supporters a bad name. I believe Tory subversives will use any method to besmirch Corbyn and his supporters.


Nor do I believe he is talking to a 'small number of people' and that they are 'old Trots' and 'know nothings.'

What we are seeing is an angry population rising up against the politicians and their cronies working for their own interests rather than the good of the electorate, and then lying about it.


It's a revolution of sorts.


Corbyn may have spoken about the violence but he hasn't DONE anything. But it doesn't really matter because Labour are now looking like the nasty party and driving electoral support further away.


You're missing the point about Blunkett - he was a hard-line Socialist, like Jezza, prepared to ruin this city to score his stupid political points. But as soon as he got near power he filled his boots and left his dim voters to rot, while he settled down in Chatsworth. Corbyn will be no different. His supporters certainly won't. They are the classic 'something for nothing' Socialist shirkers waging their 19th century class war.


It's not a revolution, it's a protest movement, and a minor one at that. What you are actually seeing is a bunch of angry losers getting violent to get their way. They were beaten time after time in the 80s as Old Labour. They are being beaten time after time in the 2000s as New Labour. So now they will be beaten time after time in the teens and twenties as New Old Labour.


Yes, the hard left will take over Labour and they'll be beaten in election after election until it eventually dawns on them that principled opposition delivers nothing, and is no match for compromised power. How can Corbyn deliver change to the political process without power?

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When Gordon Brown acted in the event of a sub-prime disaster created in the trading frenzy of deregulated capital he was a villain, but when George Osborne's policies failed he blamed the biggest financial collapse in living memory. For all their misdeeds New Labour did not crash the economy in 2008.


And who pays public sector employees?, we all do - through our taxes. Notice that the rich and big business have simply chosen not to pay the tax they owe - another scandal helped along by the financial sector and visited upon the poor.


Labour did crash the economy, they were in charge of the economy, if we had had a Tory government in at the time you and your fellow travellers would have been all over them.


They borrowed, they sold our gold they pillaged our pensions and they let the economy bomb. Stop defending the indefensible. Stop spreading lies.

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Labour did crash the economy, they were in charge of the economy, if we had had a Tory government in at the time you and your fellow travellers would have been all over them.


They borrowed, they sold our gold they pillaged our pensions and they let the economy bomb. Stop defending the indefensible. Stop spreading lies.


The "There is no money left" note said it all and should not be forgotten. Labour left us almost bankrupt. The Torys turned us into the best performing economy in the G8.

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