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The Rich Get Richer 2

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Labour did crash the economy, they were in charge of the economy, if we had had a Tory government in at the time you and your fellow travellers would have been all over them.


They borrowed, they sold our gold they pillaged our pensions and they let the economy bomb. Stop defending the indefensible. Stop spreading lies.


You obviously know very little about the circumstances leading up to the World financial crash. I suggest you do some research.


As for the hackneyed point about selling our gold etc, nobody has a worse record for selling off the family silver than the Conservatives, and as for pensions, the Tory's have presided over the biggest drop in annuity rates in history, more than halving people's pensions, and done nothing about it. Not to mention the fiasco over the 'new' pension rates. Interest rates have been hovering around zero for years now.

I'm sure you will say none of this is the fault of the Conservatives, yet you are still peddling the stupid myth that Labour crashed the world economy. :loopy:

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Corbyn may have spoken about the violence but he hasn't DONE anything. But it doesn't really matter because Labour are now looking like the nasty party and driving electoral support further away.


You're missing the point about Blunkett - he was a hard-line Socialist, like Jezza, prepared to ruin this city to score his stupid political points. But as soon as he got near power he filled his boots and left his dim voters to rot, while he settled down in Chatsworth. Corbyn will be no different. His supporters certainly won't. They are the classic 'something for nothing' Socialist shirkers waging their 19th century class war.


It's not a revolution, it's a protest movement, and a minor one at that. What you are actually seeing is a bunch of angry losers getting violent to get their way. They were beaten time after time in the 80s as Old Labour. They are being beaten time after time in the 2000s as New Labour. So now they will be beaten time after time in the teens and twenties as New Old Labour.


Yes, the hard left will take over Labour and they'll be beaten in election after election until it eventually dawns on them that principled opposition delivers nothing, and is no match for compromised power. How can Corbyn deliver change to the political process without power?



Agree , the trio Blunket , Betts & Barton did their best to ruin Sheffield and could not get away quick enough to fill their boots, Barton to the Easy Street as EURO MP. Of the councillors at the time PRICE is worthy of mention for his determination to the causes of Sheffield and not leaving the sinking ship the other three created.

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The "There is no money left" note said it all and should not be forgotten. Labour left us almost bankrupt. The Torys turned us into the best performing economy in the G8.


We might be the best performing economy in GB, (?) but not in the EU. We are well outstripped by Germany for a start. You really don't want to believe everything the Conservatives tell you, didn't you realise they tell lies...

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We might be the best performing economy in GB, (?) but not in the EU. We are well outstripped by Germany for a start. You really don't want to believe everything the Conservatives tell you, didn't you realise they tell lies...


I can't forget Gordon telling us it was the end of boom and bust...truth or lie?

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thats not true. the poor aren't poorer, just the very rich are richer.


I didn't say the poor are poorer. I said that society is poorer, not for just those at the bottom, for having a massive disparity in wealth and income.

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I think society is poorer, not for just those at the bottom, for having a massive disparity in wealth and income.
That disparity was always there, and likely always will.


It just wasn't as publicised and in everyone's awareness as it is nowadays through anytime/anywhere t'Internet and the unrelenting push of celeb culture.


I daresay people used to be smarter and knew not to flash it when they got it, for the sake of self-preservation if not modesty and decency.

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I can't forget Gordon telling us it was the end of boom and bust...truth or lie?


He was totally wrong. Mistaken, or a bear faced lie, you decide....


What I find hardest to understand was all parties saying 'nobody knew' the world economy was going to go bust, when it had been on the internet, (Learned economists, with impeccable credentials saying it, with full explanations etc.) for a couple of years before it happened. One important guy, (sorry, can't remember his name,) actually quit his job in the banks to do a lecture tour of the US, trying to get the word out, so frustrated was he that he couldn't get his message into the media.


Other whistleblowers, including one of the main regulators of the bank of England, were sacked for saying the same thing. Then there's the fact that hardly any of the main perpetrators were punished, in fact they're doing very nicely out of the trouble they've caused, to the point where we live in fear that it could all happen again, and soon.

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