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Do you know your neighbour?

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Yes I know my neighbour she's an old lady very nice she is really chatty,mind you I haven't seen for a week or two was hoping she would pop in and collect all her milk and post I've been taking in.


You'd better take a whiff through her letter box.:hihi:

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My neighbours are nice quiet people. We are all polite and civil and everyone will help out in time of need. However, I don't count them among my friends and I would not choose to spend much time with them.

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I used to get on well with my neighbours on one side, but they have now moved house and the house has been empty for more than 6 weeks.

The neighbours at the other side are less friendly, but just ok. I try to be friendly with most in my local area, I am always around walking the dog.

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This issue keeps getting a mention; we do need to know and be friendly towards our neighbours in order to live in a civilised world.


Are things different from when you were a child?


Neighbourliness should be shown whether they are black, white; Muslim or atheist.

People tend to want to live among their own kind, but we must encourage a mix; how do we do this?

Selling off council houses was great for getting a more diverse community; housing policy that required builders to include social housing in their developments was also good.

It takes all sorts to make a good society, help your neighbour.

I know my neighbours. One side, they are great. A lovely couple with sweet kids and a cute dog. We looked after their house recently when they were away.

The other side? A certifiable psycho who routinely tries to enter our property because the Duke of Norfolk has told her she can :loopy:

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I know my neighbours on one side well they're an elderly couple the man is a keen gardener, been bugging me to cut the hedge on my side since its grown a few inches :)


don't know the neighbours on the other side that well but they seem ok if a bit noisy from time to time :)

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We know our neighbours on both sides and are lucky to have decent families in place. They give me all their grass and privet (for composting) and I give them fruit and veg in return. New Potatoes (yum) and Raspberries / Strawberries so far. If they are lucky, they might get some Grapes and Figs later in the year!! Having good neighbours is a real bonus.

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I know my immediate next door neighbours but probably couldn't identify more than 10% of the rest of the street if you paid me. One side is more chatty (older), the other side not so much but we don't make waves when he has gathering and he doesn't when the dog barks at a suspected burglar 3 streets away and we have an unwritten working arrangement with on street parking. Perfectly happy with it. Civil, help on minor emergencies if required.

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