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Do you know your neighbour?

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Guest sibon
Yes I know them, although I wish I had never ever been exposed to their vile existence.





But since you are moving soon, I'm sure that you will put us out of your mind shortly:D

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But since you are moving soon, I'm sure that you will put us out of your mind shortly:D


I love people, but people who have absolutely no cares about the people around them, even their own children, have no place in my world, I'll leave them to their amphetamine addictions and their anti social behaviour, leave them to stew in their own juices.


Btw I love you sibon x

Edited by mickey finn
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I know my neighbours very well, in fact we get on like a house on fire.

I wouldn't swap them for anything.

They are my son, daughter in law and two lovely grandchildren !! :banana:


Ah, a bit like me then.. :)


And on the other side I have some very nice neighbours who are migrants from Eritrea, a hard working taxi driver with wife and son and who I am glad to have as neighbours.

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Yes - I know and speak to ALL my neighbours. There are only six properties on our lane, but we all speak to and help each other.


I'm not in and out of their houses though - not because I'm antisocial, just because that's the way I am.


Strangely enough, I can't say I really know any of the residents of the road that runs alongside, although I do speak to the 3 or 4 whose back gates open on to the lane.

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