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BLM March in Sheffield 22/7/16

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Why would you compare BLM (misguided Internet people who would follow anything with a hash tag in front of it) with Islam?


If BLM published a central document that mandated the killing of police officers, would you still say it isn't a terrorist organisation?


No, of course not. But it doesn't and it isn't.


---------- Post added 18-07-2016 at 19:28 ----------


So, black lives matter are organising a rally next friday the 22/7/16. Now although the Sheffield Star is usually a bit lackluster in reporting the real news I was unaware that Sheffield had a police brutality problem towards the black community.


Black Lives Matter is now being called an terrorist organisation in the USA after the last weeks shootings. I see that more police have been killed again today. This is a movement that promotes death to police and segregation of blacks and whites. How anyone can support this movement is beyond me, it's a huge backwards step.

Yes I'm a straight white male so obviously i need to check my privilege.


You're factually wrong on both points - it doesn't promote death to police, nor does it promote racial segregation.


It exists to highlight the appalling way that black people continue to suffer unequal and unfair treatment at the hands of the police - and in society generally to a greater or lesser degree.

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So what if they are? Did they make up the quote? Also, don't swear, this is a family forum.


Quite possibly, but even if they didn't it doesn't matter. BLM is neither a promoter of killing police nor racial segregation as has been foolishly claimed here.



What's your issue with them exactly? (Beyond one idiot who may or may not have said some reprehensible things.)

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then don't lie. I despise liars.


Where have I lied? Also, even if I have, lying isn't against the forum rules, swearing is.



Quite possibly, but even if they didn't it doesn't matter. BLM is neither a promoter of killing police nor racial segregation as has been foolishly claimed here.



What's your issue with them exactly? (Beyond one idiot who may or may not have said some reprehensible things.)


I don't have a huge problem with them, the world is full of Internet warriors. Their beliefs don't stand up to scrunchy, but then that is quite common for Facebook protests.

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I don't have a huge problem with them, the world is full of Internet warriors. Their beliefs don't stand up to scrunchy, but then that is quite common for Facebook protests.


You don't have a huge problem with them? What's the small problem then?


You say the beliefs of BLM protestors 'don't stand up to scrutiny'.

Are you claiming that black Americans aren't disproportionally killed by police officers, or that black Americans have no right to complain about it?


What is it exactly?

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