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The legacy of Cameron and Osborne

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Will it be leaving the EU?


I have read articles about their attack on the poor, whilst encouraging the rich. But surely this is the major aspect of Cameronism - "Tax credits and housing benefit to be cut for families with more than two children".


I assume it affects non-working families too?


It hardly gets mentioned, but I see it as a major change. One of the biggest changes for immigrants coming into the UK with large families.

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I would have though it was taking the near basket case economy that Labour left after the crash, and turning it into something that was actually showing growth, stability and a path back to prosperity.


I'm sure you wont agree.

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I would have though it was taking the near basket case economy that Labour left after the crash, and turning it into something that was actually showing growth, stability and a path back to prosperity.


I'm sure you wont agree.


I agree with this. Cameron took a country that had been sailed headlong into a massive financial crisis and turned it into the best performing economy in the G8. That's no mean feat and took both Cameron and Osborne.


Im sure many of those who are ardent Labour supporters will look for any tiny negative and try to blow it out of proportion in order to attack them both, but the given example needed to be sorted. We have or had women having babies just so they could get more benefits.


But personally I think Cameron will be remembered for bringing in Gay Marriage and the living wage.

Edited by Berberis
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I would have though it was taking the near basket case economy that Labour left after the crash, and turning it into something that was actually showing growth, stability and a path back to prosperity.


I'm sure you wont agree.


That is what all the other parties had planned, where as the benefit stop after two children is a big change, and not suggested by other parties.


Real terms average weekly earnings are still below what they were in 2009.


Apart from the crash, growth under the Tories has been similar to growth under (New)Labour; so no big legacy there.



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Real terms average weekly earnings are still below what they were in 2009.


Apart from the crash, growth under the Tories has been similar to growth under (New)Labour; so no big legacy there.




Isn't that more to do with what happened in 2009 than what has happened since?


If only it was as easy to clear up a car crash as it was to be driving the car when it happened. Since the crash Osbourne and Cameron achieved groth around double that of the rest of the EU which has hardly recovered at all from the crash.


I'm not really sure that growth under the last Labour administration can be isolated from the crash that they failed to avoid. Then there was unemployment that was higher in 2010 than when they came to power in 1997.


Cameron and Osbourne have overseen a period where 31 million are working in the UK. Around 3 million higher than when Brown was PM.

Edited by foxy lady
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If only it was as easy to clear up a car crash as it was to be driving the car when it happened. Since the crash Osbourne and Cameron achieved growth around double that of the rest of the EU which has hardly recovered at all from the crash.



The economy does generally perform better under the Tories, but we should also consider living standards.

I hope you are not making excuses for the crash and recession of 2016 caused by the Tories ;)

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Cameron and Osborne stopped the rot, had he not been betrayed by Gove and Johnson and subsequently the country, he would have stayed in power until 2019.


He tried to stop the moves to extremism exemplified by UKIP and the right wing of the Tory party by holding a referendum. Had Gove and Johnson not been traitors instead of pathetic chancers he would have won.


Our country would not be facing the uncertainty it now faces, we would not have nonentities like David Davis and Liam Fox scurrying round the globe trying to fix the damage.


History will judge Cameron and Osborne kindly, patriots.

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The economy does generally perform better under the Tories, but we should also consider living standards.

I hope you are not making excuses for the crash and recession of 2016 caused by the Tories ;)


As I recall your solid Labour voting neck of the woods embraced xenophobia and decided to leave in their droves, so it's hardly caused by them.


But when has that ever stopped you rewriting inconvenient bits of history.

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