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The legacy of Cameron and Osborne

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The economy does generally perform better under the Tories, but we should also consider living standards.

I hope you are not making excuses for the crash and recession of 2016 caused by the Tories ;)


The recession if it happens is the fault of the 52% of the population that listed to people like farage and gove.


On the subject of Living Standards:


UK living standards return to pre-financial crash levels


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On the subject of Living Standards:


UK living standards return to pre-financial crash levels



Sorry, I should have wrote 'Real-terms average weekly earnings: UK 2001-2015' :hihi:



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Sorry, I should have wrote 'Real-terms average weekly earnings: UK 2001-2015' :hihi:




Wow thats one hell of a spelling mistake. You wrote "Living Standards" but meant to write "real-terms average weekly earnings". What are the chances of that?


Because Real-Earnings were rocketing while Blair/Brown was sailing the good ship UK PLC straight into the economic crash, having put an end to boom a bust. Selling off our gold reserves like it were going out of fashion and funding illegal wars.



The UK was rolling in the cash while Labour were in charge right. Or was it more like they only once got earning back up to the rate they were when they took over the country in 1997 and then sunk them to the lowest point in a very long time.


Please do not try to re-write history.

Edited by Berberis
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The economy is cyclical, there will be more ups and downs, its the nature of the beast so any memories of them helping a recovering will soon be superseded.


I don't even think George will be remembered. David will be remembered as the Prime Minister that failed to keep the country in the EU.

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Selling off our gold reserves like it were going out of fashion and funding illegal wars.


Our present Government would do well to sell some of our Gold, instead of our land and state owned companies.

Compared to the UK being the 7th richest country, we are well down the list for the amount of Gold.

Why are countries in so much debt, yet they have massive Gold reserves, it does not make sense.


---------- Post added 18-07-2016 at 18:24 ----------


The economy is cyclical, there will be more ups and downs, its the nature of the beast so any memories of them helping a recovering will soon be superseded.



It is only 'cyclical' because our Government mess up, China manage to have a positive growth for over 25 years.

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Our present Government would do well to sell some of our Gold, instead of our land and state owned companies.

Compared to the UK being the 7th richest country, we are well down the list for the amount of Gold.

Why are countries in so much debt, yet they have massive Gold reserves, it does not make sense.

They should keep the gold. They would have more gold to keep, if Gordon Brown had not sold most of our gold, when the price of gold was at a 20 year low. :loopy:

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They should keep the gold. They would have more gold to keep, if Gordon Brown had not sold most of our gold, when the price of gold was at a 20 year low. :loopy:


When Brown sold the Gold, the Swiss, the Belgians and the Dutch also sold very significant amounts.

The plan was to invest the revenue in other assets - which would have risen in value, but not quite as much as Gold, as it turns out.

Did you predict the rise in Gold prices, and invest at low prices, I think not.

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When Brown sold the Gold, the Swiss, the Belgians and the Dutch also sold very significant amounts.

The plan was to invest the revenue in other assets - which would have risen in value, but not quite as much as Gold, as it turns out.

Did you predict the rise in Gold prices, and invest at low prices, I think not.

Yes, I did predict gold would rise when it was at a 20 year low. I also predict the current price of gold will rise in the future. :help:

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That is what all the other parties had planned, where as the benefit stop after two children is a big change, and not suggested by other parties.


Real terms average weekly earnings are still below what they were in 2009.


Apart from the crash, growth under the Tories has been similar to growth under (New)Labour; so no big legacy there.




Growth under New Labour was artificially inflated by the property boom deliberately engineered by Brown by reducing Capital Gains Tax to below other tax rates, thereby causing investors to pile into property.


The 2008 crash knocked 8% off GDP so when you average all that out New Labour's growth was actually very modest, and less than Cameron achieved.


And you conveniently forget that tax thresholds have been significantly raised, so anyone working pays less tax. Brown even taxed his own minimum wage.


Perhaps a recap on the Brown/Blair legacy would be helpful to put Cameron's achievements into proper perspective.

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