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Kelvin McKenzie do you think he's right?

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It seems appropriate that a Muslim should read the news dressed in anyway they want. It stands as a reminder to the stupid that not all Muslims are terrorists.

Nobody here has said all Muslims are terrorists.


If the Muslim lady in question, was due to read the news in a studio in the UK on the day of the terrorist attack, then I can see no problem in her reading the news. BUT, Channel 4 should have sent a reporter who wasn't wearing an hijab to Nice out of respect for the French people, who might or might not seen her presence as insensitive.

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If the Muslim lady in question, was due to read the news in a studio in the UK on the day of the terrorist attack, then I can see no problem in her reading the news. BUT, Channel 4 should have sent a reporter who wasn't wearing an hijab to Nice out of respect for the French people, who might or might not seen her presence as insensitive.
I'm French. What you might also call a "hardline secularist" in full support of the burka ban.


I didn't find the Channel 4 hijab'd female newscaster insensitive at all. This is the UK, hijabs are extremely common, as are turbans, and Channel 4 is one of the more progressive broadcasters. Par for course.


That attack had about as much to do with 'Islam' as Utøya had to do with 'Christianity', not least in view of the number of Sunni and Shia Muslim victims in Nice.


Call it for what it is: Daesh is just a convenient scapegoat for lone wolf attacks by deranged psychopaths of Arabic descent. Not that Daesh minds, of course.

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I'm French. What you might also call a "hardline secularist" in full support of the burka ban.


I didn't find the Channel 4 hijab'd female newscaster insensitive at all. This is the UK, hijabs are extremely common, as are turbans, and Channel 4 is one of the more progressive broadcasters. Par for course.


That attack had about as much to do with 'Islam' as Utøya had to do with 'Christianity', not least in view of the number of Sunni and Shia Muslim victims in Nice.


Call it for what it is: Daesh is just a convenient scapegoat for lone wolf attacks by deranged psychopaths of Arabic descent. Not that Daesh minds, of course.

You can't speak for all French people though.


Do you think the French people were correct to boo the French Prime Minister yesterday in Nice?

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You can't speak for all French people though.
I didn't proclaim to, I just gave my personal opinion in reply your post.


Feel free to dismiss it, but before you do so, please recheck my post and see for yourself that I didn't proclaim to speak for all French people.

Do you think the French people were correct to boo the French Prime Minister yesterday in Nice?
They were partially correct, yes.


Not because the security services could have prevented the attack (I very much doubt that they could have), but because Nice has been increasingly deprived of public security jobs and investments by the State in recent years, relative to other cities. Posts not fulfilled, retirees not replaced, ever longer budget cycles and lower maintenance/equipment budgets. The city is definitely police- and gendarmes-poor for its size, has been a while.


This is no doubt down to 'revenge' (and/or vote-influencing) politics at the initiative of the Socialist government, since Nice is a bastion of the Front National. And the final say about allocation of public security resources lies with Valls.


Suffice to say you don't get to hear about that broader context in UK news.

Edited by L00b
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I didn't proclaim to, I just gave my personal opinion in reply your post.


Feel free to dismiss it, but before you do so, please recheck my post and see for yourself that I didn't proclaim to speak for all French people.

They were partially correct, yes.


Not because the security services could have prevented the attack (I very much doubt that they could have), but because Nice has been increasingly deprived of public security jobs and investments by the State in recent years, relative to other cities. Posts not fulfilled, retirees not replaced, ever longer budget cycles and lower maintenance/equipment budgets. The city is definitely police- and gendarmes-poor for its size, has been a while.


This is no doubt down to 'revenge' (and/or vote-influencing) politics at the initiative of the Socialist government, since Nice is a bastion of the Front National. And the final say about allocation of public security resources lies with Valls.


Suffice to say you don't get to hear about that broader context in UK news.

Its interesting to hear the views of a French person about what is going. I wasn't dismissing anything you said and I am sorry if I gave that impression.

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Its interesting to hear the views of a French person about what is going. I wasn't dismissing anything you said and I am sorry if I gave that impression.
No need of any apology Gamston, it was my invite.


FWIW, and most regrettably, IMHO Charlie Hebdo, the Bataclan, Nice and all the others are just part of the 'beginning'...and we're nowhere near the end of the beginning. We'll only get to that stage (hopefully, at that) when Daesh has been vanquished.


Then it will likely take years, if not decades, to 'purge' extremist jihadi sentiment and ready-made excuse from the disenfranchised and psychopathic, whether domestic or imported.

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You can't speak for all French people though.


Nor can you...


Channel 4 should have sent a reporter who wasn't wearing an hijab to Nice
out of respect for the French people
, who might or might not seen her presence as insensitive.


Incidentally, many 'French people' are Muslim, many of the victims of the Nice atrocity..were Muslim.

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Nor can you...



Incidentally, many 'French people' are Muslim, many of the victims of the Nice atrocity..were Muslim.


And I didn't say I speak for any French people.


You are correct many French people are Muslims. Muslims now make up nearly 10 percent of the population in France, which is an higher proportion than any where else in Western Europe. France also have had more recent terrorist attacks comitted by Muslims, than any where else in Western Europe.


Any thoughts why France have suffered more recent terrorist attacks, than any where else in Western Europe?

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And I didn't say I speak for any French people.


You are correct many French people are Muslims. Muslims now make up nearly 10 percent of the population in France, which is an higher proportion than any where else in Western Europe. France also have had more recent terrorist attacks comitted by Muslims, than any where else in Western Europe.


Any thoughts why France have suffered more recent terrorist attacks, than any where else in Western Europe?


Shockingly awful security services?

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