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Why are American tv viewers treated like idiots?


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I've noticed on a lot of American documentary/reality tv shows, there is dramatic incidental music playing virtually all the way through them, even when its just not appropriate. Its as if American programme makers feel that a typical American viewer won't pay attention for long unless there is incidental music and sound effects.


I don't think American viewers are generally any less sophisticated than any other viewers but even the idea that people don't need to hear the sound of audience laughter to get that something is funny seems a relatively new concept in American comedy.


I've also noticed that during the various American shows such as Hells Kitchen, Ink Master and Ghost Adventures etc, it cuts away to snipets of recorded interviews with the people featured in the programme, but they're talking in current tense, when it should be past tense given that these cut away clips were obviously recorded after the event.

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I've noticed on a lot of American documentary/reality tv shows, there is dramatic incidental music playing virtually all the way through them, even when its just not appropriate. Its as if American programme makers feel that a typical American viewer won't pay attention for long unless there is incidental music and sound effects.


I don't think American viewers are generally any less sophisticated than any other viewers but even the idea that people don't need to hear the sound of audience laughter to get that something is funny seems a relatively new concept in American comedy.


I've also noticed that during the various American shows such as Hells Kitchen, Ink Master and Ghost Adventures etc, it cuts away to snipets of recorded interviews with the people featured in the programme, but they're talking in current tense, when it should be past tense given that these cut away clips were obviously recorded after the event.


The bit I hate the most is the needless recap after each break. You could fit most documentaries into 20 minutes.

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The bit I hate the most is the needless recap after each break. You could fit most documentaries into 20 minutes.


was just going to say that misen.


real crime docs are awful for it. because we have fewer ads than they do the recaps occur all over the shop.

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I partly agree with some of the comments but I dont think its as simple as treating people like idiots.


Part of the biggest problem is the way US Television splits its commercial breaks.


Many shows broadcast in the states will end with their credits but then jump straight into a cold open of the next show. After a couple of minutes intro they will then have a commerical break before the actual opening credits. 6 or so minutes of programme then another commerical break. Repeat the process for the duration and finish with a commerical break before the final 2-3 minutes of the show and end credits, no gap and stright into the next show....


This then has to be edited to fit the British method of commerical breaks which usually are between the end of one show and commencement of another, followed by 12-15 of programme repeated until the end of the show with flow through to credits then a commerical break between end/start of the next.


Trying to edit the American model to suit our less regular breaks is one tricky task and I have to agree does make it look extremely repetative with the constant recaps and cut aways.


You can see this even more teling when you watch US Dramas such as game of thrones or Walking Dead where the action will stop a quick flash of the titles and then without any ads, the show continues. This is clearly where the US breaks have been slotted in but then removed for our broadcasts.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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