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Are Summer Riots to become an anual event in the UK?

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Do you know what would have been the quickest way to make sure it turned into one? Containment!

Yes they were hearded to marble arch but it wasnt a riot that was hearded, just the revellers,a riot was largely avoided because they didnt contain them.

Its human nature,you can be in the nicest place in the world but if you feel captive there you rebel and want to leave!

But what do i know eh


I had read what you wrote, spelling mistakes and all. They herded people to Marble Arch to prevent a riot but inadvertently damn near started one there instead? Have a word with yourself.


Containment is the best method to deal with a riot,i agree.

I suggest you read what i put rather than reply to what you think i put.


The concert statement is totally irrelevant!

Flyers about the waterfight were posted on social media you say?

Not everyone follows social media believe it or not so it wasnt advertised as such and definitely not as well as as the proper organised concerts you mention.


The quotes about the concerts and the local mood about them was to disprove your theory I was making stuff up. I succeeded. You deflected.


The water fight was arranged. Flyers and social media gave advance warning. The police knew it was happening. Why do you think they were there? They were happy for it to happen. Otherwise they would have turned people away at 3pm, no?


Instead they let crowds grow and only began to disperse them six hours later and attempted to seize a sound system. So bang goes your theory about it being unorganised, unofficial and unlicensed. The police literally let them do it for six hours!!


You forget that young people have a sense of entitlement more mature people grow out of. Hey, if Stevie Wonder is allowed to blast out Songs in the Key of Life til 10:30 at night why can't we play a bit of reggae* on our stereos?


Are you punch drunk yet?




*before anyone says I'm 'racist' for writing reggae music, the 'event' was billed as Bashment in the Park - a reference to Jamaican music. An 'event' the police knew was happening. Hence why they were there from 3pm and made no attempt to stop until 6 hours later :)

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I certainly did yes. Try reading it.


It wasnt a full scale riot was it but would have escalated into one if containment had been used,thats what it says.


I lost connection so the post was sent incomplete. Please review edited post 60 at top of page.

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Just have.

If the waterfight was organised can you tell me who the event organiser was then?

That will cover the "unorganised,unlicenced and unofficial" comment.


I never said you were making anything up, only that an organised concert was different to this event as has already been said by someone else on the thread, the two are incomparable really.


As for the riot,you say "damn near started one" which would imply that there wasnt one which is what i said, prevented from happening by the action of the met in NOT trying to contain them. Why do i have to have a word with myself? You seem to be agreeing with me?.


A sense of entitlement isnt entitlement though is it,the laws apply to teenagers as well.

Do you think it woukd have been reggae then? And do you think they would have stopped at 10.30?


Punch drunk? Youve not connected yet. Lol

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Just have.

If the waterfight was organised can you tell me who the event organiser was then?

That will cover the "unorganised,unlicenced and unofficial" comment.


I never said you were making anything up, only that an organised concert was different to this event as has already been said by someone else on the thread, the two are incomparable really.


As for the riot,you say "damn near started one" which would imply that there wasnt one which is what i said, prevented from happening by the action of the met in NOT trying to contain them. Why do i have to have a word with myself? You seem to be agreeing with me?.


A sense of entitlement isnt entitlement though is it,the laws apply to teenagers as well.

Do you think it woukd have been reggae then? And do you think they would have stopped at 10.30?


Punch drunk? Youve not connected yet. Lol


A perfect example of this is your reasoning thet they wanted to spend time in the park because its usually hijacked by concerts!!!


If thats what you think is the true reason then its a waste of time even trying to debate with you.


Does that not imply I had made it up? A claim I based on what local residents had said. Which the newspaper article confirmed.


I think it was reggae music because it was billed as Bashment in the Park. A reference to Jamaican music. As I wrote already. Please see post 60.


I can't tell you who organised it. I bet the police can. They knew it was happening. They turned up in riot gear to police it didn't they?


I know the laws apply to teenagers. I didn't say they didn't. Perhaps if the police had used a softly approach instead of seizing stereo equipment this might not have happened huh?


But you don't believe the police are ever heavy handed do you?


Ian Tomlinson's family do. A struck off cop from TSG proves it.


(TSG are the ones that wear riot gear by the way yellow)

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Would be much better and you might make more sense if you posted another reply rather than editing one youve already made earlier.

Makes it even harder to follow.


---------- Post added 21-07-2016 at 15:39 ----------


Does that not imply I had made it up? Which I based on what local residents had said. The ones I quoted after.


I think it was reggae because it was billed as Bashment in the Park. A reference to Jamaican music. As I wrote already. Please see post 60.


I can't tell you who organised it. I bet the police can. They knew it was happening. They turned up in riot gear to police it didn't they?


No it says that its only your opinion of why you think they wanted to use the park, or can you safely speak for all those that attended and say thats the case?


I didnt say you made it up, just thats its only your opinion and that i disagree with it. Infact if you can post a link where anyone has said thats the reason they gathered because they "wanted to spend time in the park as they usually cant" then it would go towards you being right and me being wrong.

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Would be much better and you might make more sense if you posted another reply rather than editing one youve already made earlier.

Makes it even harder to follow.


---------- Post added 21-07-2016 at 15:39 ----------



No it says that its only your opinion of why you think they wanted to use the park, or can you safely speak for all those that attended and say thats the case?


I didnt say you made it up, just thats its only your opinion and that i disagree with it. Infact if you can post a link where anyone has said thats the reason they gathered because they "wanted to spend time in the park as they usually cant" then it would go towards you being right and me being wrong.


So you don't agree with me or the Guardian? Or the local activists the Guardian was talking off? Or the local residents the Guardian was talking off?

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I think the fact that there wasnt a riot shows that they handled it well.


And im not saying that they never go in heavy handed at all,just that in this case they didnt and their actions were justified.


If the event was licenced and legitimate then why would they stop them using a sound system?? Maybe it wasnt eh?


---------- Post added 21-07-2016 at 15:48 ----------


So you don't agree with me or the Guardian? Or the local activists the Guardian was talking off? Or the local residents the Guardian was talking off?


So how many of those local activists and residents that were interviewed attended then? Infact did any of them attend at all?


Youre clutching at straws to try to back up your opinion.


(after ive finished writing this and posted it ill check back and see if youve edited your post again to make it look like ive missed something)

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I think the fact that there wasnt a riot shows that they handled it well.


And im not saying that they never go in heavy handed at all,just that in this case they didnt and their actions were justified.


If the event was licenced and legitimate then why would they stop them using a sound system?? Maybe it wasnt eh?


Yes, they handled it splendidly. Only a few injured coppers and a few stabbings and a few raided shops. Fine work from the Met.


I don't know why they seized the sound equipment. Ask the police themselves. Ask them why if they didn't want any trouble they didn't do anything from 3pm to 9pm.


If you don't want a crowd is it police policy to let a crowd grow for hours before you say enough is enough? I'm going to take a wild guess and say.......No.


---------- Post added 21-07-2016 at 15:53 ----------


I think the fact that there wasnt a riot shows that they handled it well.


And im not saying that they never go in heavy handed at all,just that in this case they didnt and their actions were justified.


If the event was licenced and legitimate then why would they stop them using a sound system?? Maybe it wasnt eh?


---------- Post added 21-07-2016 at 15:48 ----------



So how many of those local activists and residents that were interviewed attended then? Infact did any of them attend at all?


Youre clutching at straws to try to back up your opinion.


(after ive finished writing this and posted it ill check back and see if youve edited your post again to make it look like ive missed something)


No. I'm using information from a newspaper to back up my statement that some people in London are annoyed by the concerts. A possible motivation for the kids arranging their own 'event' there on Tuesday after the park had been closed because of those concerts.



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