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Are Summer Riots to become an anual event in the UK?

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Errrm, how do you interpret that as me saying it was actually an 'official' event?


Is it because I wrote 'unofficial? Have a look at the words around it and understand the context with which it was written.


". So bang goes your theory about it being unorganised, unofficial and unlicensed" (all your words.yes?)

If my theory has gone bang doesnt that mean you are telling me i was wrong?

If im wrong then you must be of the opinion that the opposite is in fact correct?


Enough nuance for you?


I will make it simpler for you. The police officially responded to the event they knew was happening.


No! The police attended an event that they were aware of.

Theres a massive difference,there was nothing official about it!


Im done anyway, this is old news now and the thread can tell the tale.


Its still funny how you indignantly tell me how stupid i am though,then trump me,even asking me if i was "punch drunk yet" once!

Im assuming from the blows you think you reigned down on me with your superior knowledge, pity you didnt apply any!


Ding ding,seconds out!

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My word, you have gotten yourself all excited haven't you?


Let's have a look shall we?


". So bang goes your theory about it being unorganised, unofficial and unlicensed" (all your words.yes?)


Yes, all my words. Thanks for quoting them again.


In rhetoric there is something called the 'rule of three.' Let's look at two:


Unorganised: It wasn't unplanned. There were flyers doing the rounds online a few days before. So, it was planned. It wasn't spontaneous. So I was correct to use that word.


Unlicensed: You don't need a licence to have a water fight. You might for playing music on a stereo in a public space though thinking about it....meh. Let the PRS sue. I was at least half correct using that word.


Now the tricky one. Unofficial. Of course it wasn't official. If I thought it was I would have provided what I thought was evidence of officialdom. Perhaps my choice of the word unofficial was therefore clumsy. But it's plain as day I don't think this was an official (by that, Council permitted) event. If I did I would have said so and claimed they had a permit or similar. I never did.


The fact the police allowed it to happen doesn't exactly convey a massive desire to stop it. It shows they were prepared for it. They were prepared for an event that wasn't officially sanctioned but they clearly didn't intend to stop it happening. They didn't respond to the flyers and tweets asking people not to attend or turn people away on the day.


If my theory has gone bang doesnt that mean you are telling me i was wrong?

If im wrong then you must be of the opinion that the opposite is in fact correct?


Enough nuance for you?


That's not what nuance means.


What you have written is a rather long way of saying 'do you think I'm wrong and you're right.'


Yes. I do think that. Why do you think I'm bothering to reply to you?


No! The police attended an event that they were aware of.

Theres a massive difference,there was nothing official about it!


Yes, yellowperil. A thousand times yes there was something official about the police response. They attended an event that they were already aware was going to happen. That was their official response. Their official response was not to try and stop it or disperse crowds upon arrival. Their official response was to police the event.


Its still funny how you indignantly tell me how stupid i am though,then trump me,even asking me if i was "punch drunk yet" once!

Im assuming from the blows you think you reigned down on me with your superior knowledge, pity you didnt apply any!


Ding ding,seconds out!


I'm glad you were amused. I was more bored than anything.


You don't 'reign' blows. You 'rain' blows.


I don't think you are stupid. :)

Edited by Radan
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  • 1 year later...
Looks like the riots have started


Warm summer nights, dry, no work in the morning


All the ingredients for your annual summer riot


I don't suppose you know when the next one is rogets. date time place etc.

I fancy taking the family to one, should be good fun.

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Looks like the riots have started


Warm summer nights, dry, no work in the morning


All the ingredients for your annual summer riot


What riots have started? where?

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really?? and bend to mob pressure:loopy: lets get the water cannon trucks out that were ordered:hihi:


then they will get wet, and get a terrible cold putting the nhs under even more pressure. not the answer.

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oh good o . lets hope the police don't get to heavy handed.

A bloke on the news said they have to carry knives and sell drugs because they need money and don't want to work for the system. Well that's OK then, bless em, they don't mind taking benefits from the system.

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