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State Pension Advice and SERPS

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Wondering if anyone can help as we have tried the DWP and can't get a definite answer.


My mum gets her state pension in November, (6th) she is going to get the full amount of £155.


Now my dad paid for him and her SERPs. Am I right in thinking that under this new larger basic pension that additional pension is in effect null and void and she will get no extra on her pension from the SERPs paid? My dad passed away a few years ago but was always happy in the knowledge she would get the extra money.


One article I read said she will get 50% of contributions. One said that she now won't get anything. The DWP keep saying "we work that out differently" or "we will send you a letter"


Any help gratefully received. Thanks

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Serps contributions should appear on top of the basic pension unless she was contracted out. Was she contracted out? Has she had any pension forecast letters yet?


Ultimately it's wait till they send the letter and see what they say. Then you can challenge anything that doesn't seem right.

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No she wasn't contracted out and the letters do not mention them. When we ask we get a really flakey answer and are struggling to find out what is happening


Don't phone them you wont get much use.


Write a letter asking for the following.


1. Pension entitlement (you know this already but not hurt to ask)

2. How many years contributions have been received over her working life, and what class were the contributions made.

3. Contributions made to SERPS and the SSP (SERPS died in 2002 and was replaced with SSP)

4. Contracting out history.

5. A breakdown of how much of the pension is made up of basic and SERPS. Ask specifically if there is a premium for SERPS contributions or if there has been a rebate due to lack of contributions.


You mother will have to sign the letter and it will need to go to the address they have for her.

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The new pension system has heavily penalised some woman.

A woman born in march 1953 with full contributions of 30 years is entitled to 119 pounds plus serps /ssp. This is unlikely to bring the payment up to 155 pounds

Born one month later the woman gets 155 pounds if she has full contributions.

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