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South Sea - Broomhill.

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Everytime i've been in its been dead, no atmosphere, staff looked very bored (which is fair enough, i was bored too) and definitely no incentive to go there again. And i was a student and even the cheapness didn't entice me back more than twice.

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The SOUTH SEA used to be an OK place in the early 80's, quite a mini rock pub in some ways as members of Def leppard were in there on a regular basis circa 79/80/81........however it was always a place associated with the odd bit of trouble, and generally was avoided by students until it became a SCREAM pub a few years back. Since then it has suffered with various problems, chavs, drugs, etc and in its present state is a real challenge for anyone to make it a viable business.


Broomhill has always enjoyed having its five main pubs, Fox and Duck, South Sea, York, Nottingham House, Broomhill Tavern, and later with the addition of The Place it boasts SIX watering holes. However, the question is here, since both the South Sea and the Nottingham House are or have been recently up for sale, as have the Broomhill Tavern last year, do these facts indicate a lucrative potential trading future in the area? Whenever I see a whole group of pubs for sale in one area I always ask the question.....WHY? It is usually, but not always, due the fact the present tenants or owners cannot make the business a viable going concern. Now this MAY be down to management styles and poor marketing, etc, but equally it may be that the area just cannot support 6 pubs any more.....and in the modern pub climate of closures at a staggering rate each week, and more and more becoming offices, flats or car parks, 6 pubs within walking distance of each other in a City residential suburb is asking an awful lot from the future.


Of all the pubs in Broomhill, the South Sea has the worst frontage and reputation, and in all honesty it would take a real consistent effort to change and raise the profile of this place to an acceptable level, and one which has the necessary cross-market appeal in this area to survive.


And I would spend a LOT of time in the area checking out the other 4 pubs.....what are they doing...when are they busy....who are their customers.....which ones are failing and which are the victors, especially at weekends, etc. I looked into taking the Nottingham House recently, part of the same estate as the South Sea, but the figures just did not add up for what I wanted for a weekly turnover in this area.....


Of course, many a past its prime and down and out pub has been saved and made good again, sometimes against all odds, so its all pretty much an ongoing game in many ways. And to see a place like the South Sea made good and busy with the RIGHT sort of patrons would be amazing.......


I still remember sitting in there around early 1980 drinking Carling Black Label lager (URGHHH) and chatting with members from a little known Sheffield rock band who made it BIG TIME 4 years later.....LETS GET ROCKED!!!!!

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I have only ever been in this pub once and was not that impressed. I agree with the comments made by Ousetunes.

Decor inside and out needs an overhaul and cater for the locals (like me) as well as students (dont let them take over the South Sea as they have The Gridnstone).


exhausted, do you have any part time jobs? work full time during the day so looking for something one or two nights during the working week and one weekend every now and again?

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I'd invest in a big blackboard or hoarding advertising your wares to stick on the frontage facing the main road. Thousands of drivers and bus passengers get stuck in the traffic queue there every day and gaze blankly at the South Sea as they're passing. Usually they're thinking 'bit rough, went in there once and haven't been back for years'. But if you were advertising something good (food, beer, music etc) and you seemed to be making an effort smartening it up then people might notice.

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