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South Sea - Broomhill.

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There's plenty of blokes who don't like sport (in a pub anyway).

If the sport is on when we arrive somewhere after training we often go elsewhere so that we can find a seat and not have to listen to cheering everytime some fool manages to kick a ball.


I agree, I hate going to a pub with friends when matches are on the big screen and you get big groups of lagered up lads yelling abuse at the referee and being excessively noisy..we just walk out and take our custom somewhere else, as do most people that are not bothered about sport..


While the business argument is certainly there, when you have 6 pubs in Broomhill, 5 of which already cater for the sport crowd, you really want something a bit different for those MANY non sport fans..and there are MANY of us I promise you that..and we spend just as much money and we are NOT a minority!!


we are usually not noticed as much as we dont gather in herds in front of TV screens, clutching pints of Stella, wearing England or some other football colours, and uttering verbal abuse at flickering images on a screen, or drink ourselves into oblivion before herding into Balti King to be sick on the tablecloth!


We are not usually noticed as we tend to be well behaved, engage in intelligent conversation amongst ourselves about non sport subjects, and tend not to bellow indiscriminate verbal expressions at other people in a loud and intimidating manner..but yet we spend just as much money, but in a more pleasant way, and generally do not all herd into Balti king shouting obscenities at the staff, and we also refrain from being sick on the tableclothes!

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Golden Fleece

You seem to have a very negative view of people that enjoy football and other sports. I recognise your opinion but wish to differ. I have run The Hadfield for over 10 years now and sport is a very big part of our pub but it is promoted in a very sensible way. I do not allow people to get out of hand, being abusive and annoying others. The trick is to be present in your pub when these sporting events are on and creating clear guidelines to customers and staff as to what you will accept. It all boils down to experience. Something that I have plenty of.

Not having a TV in your pub in the heart of Broomhill would be business suicide and Im not ready to die yet.

Just to settle another myth, we have NOT sponsered the hockey team.


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Golden Fleece

You seem to have a very negative view of people that enjoy football and other sports. I recognise your opinion but wish to differ. I have run The Hadfield for over 10 years now and sport is a very big part of our pub but it is promoted in a very sensible way. I do not allow people to get out of hand, being abusive and annoying others. The trick is to be present in your pub when these sporting events are on and creating clear guidelines to customers and staff as to what you will accept. It all boils down to experience. Something that I have plenty of.

Not having a TV in your pub in the heart of Broomhill would be business suicide and Im not ready to die yet.

Just to settle another myth, we have NOT sponsered the hockey team.



Negative opinion based on lots of pubs (not the Hadfield) that just open the doors and let herds of idiots in..most are like that.


Yes, some pubs are VERY big on sport I agree, but I am just saying that not ALL should be the same. I think a pub in Broomhill with no big screen or sports channel would be a welcome change, and far from being business suicide, would create a very wide market appeal. Not questioning your experience in any way..


To suggest that everyone in Broomhill wants to watch TV in a pub is rather a sweeping statement though, and the other five pubs already provide sport on TV, so the opportunity to create a unique selling point in this area is very obvious to me..you dont just tap into existing markets, you CREATE new ones..I've been involved in marketing and promotions for 20 years now and my experience tells me the opposite to you, that in a densely populated area like this with 6 pubs all on top of each other, its imperative to create a fresh identity and offer something that the others don't offer, and not just to duplicate their target markets.


Then again,. its your pub, I am simply making observations, and I am sure lots of people here would welcome something a bit different and sport free in the area. Broomhill is a very vibrant community, full of students and locals in a good mix, and whom I am sure would embrace a slightly different offer from licensed premises other than the standard big screen footie.

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I agree, I hate going to a pub with friends when matches are on the big screen and you get big groups of lagered up lads yelling abuse at the referee and being excessively noisy..we just walk out and take our custom somewhere else, as do most people that are not bothered about sport..


While the business argument is certainly there, when you have 6 pubs in Broomhill, 5 of which already cater for the sport crowd, you really want something a bit different for those MANY non sport fans..and there are MANY of us I promise you that..and we spend just as much money and we are NOT a minority!!


we are usually not noticed as much as we dont gather in herds in front of TV screens, clutching pints of Stella, wearing England or some other football colours, and uttering verbal abuse at flickering images on a screen, or drink ourselves into oblivion before herding into Balti King to be sick on the tablecloth!


We are not usually noticed as we tend to be well behaved, engage in intelligent conversation amongst ourselves about non sport subjects, and tend not to bellow indiscriminate verbal expressions at other people in a loud and intimidating manner..but yet we spend just as much money, but in a more pleasant way, and generally do not all herd into Balti king shouting obscenities at the staff, and we also refrain from being sick on the tableclothes!



So, by some unexplained reasoning, you spend as much - presumably on alcohol - but you and your friends are more intelligent than those who like sports? And don't suffer the same levels of alcoholic intoxication?


You also manage to label anyone who likes to go out and watch the football with a pint as social inadequates. Read it, because that's what you're saying. But what you actually do is label yourself as a snob - an anti-sports snob. You try to brand others, but all you do is mark yourself out as intolerant and with a superior attitude - and a completely unfounded superior attitude.


Hey, if you don't like going to a pub where football is on, don't go; or maybe write and ask the landlords if they'd rather not present something their customers want to accomodate you?


From Broomhill, it's easy - go to West 10 at Ranmoor, no big deal if you don't want to watch football when it's on.


Also, 5 of the 6 Broomhill pubs don't cater for the sport crowd, as the York is deffo just a student pub and doesn't make any effort to attract a non-student crowd in the evenings or weekends. If you're going to quote facts and figures, try to get them right. The Notty also isn't popular in any sense, and the Tav shows games but is such an awkward shape that no-one deliberately goes there to watch sports. So it's the Fox and the Place..that's 2 out of 6.


When it comes to the business side, you are being either a jerk, or deliberately obtuse; or are you suggesting that, come next summer, you'll offer to compensate the SS for the lost earnings if they chose not to show England matches? Because you are basically telling them not to show the European Championships then - and presumably World Cup matches in future. At a conservative estimate, if they attract 75 extra customers per England game, selling each 4 pints, that would be around £750 per night..and that's being conservative.


Plus all the income they can generate on a more irregular basis by showing football - which doesn't have to be noisy (you certainly can't hear much from the matches normally shown in the Place or the Fox)..and this can mean the difference between the casual drinker choosing to go to the SS or elsewhere..just in case someone who doesn't like sport happens to be out??


Last time I went to watch football in a pub on an afternoon, I went with my wife, a friend, my nephew and his wife. We ate out and had a few drinks. We weren't drunk, violent, abusive or sick. You're telling the SS not to cater for us, because it's better to cater for people who will spend less and tell themselves they're better. Read your post, because that's what you're saying



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When it comes to the business side, you are being either a jerk, or deliberately obtuse;


Last time I went to watch football in a pub on an afternoon, I went with my wife, a friend, my nephew and his wife. We ate out and had a few drinks. We weren't drunk, violent, abusive or sick. You're telling the SS not to cater for us, because it's better to cater for people who will spend less and tell themselves they're better. Read your post, because that's what you're saying




actually your reaction is way over the top and makes you look rather stupid..you read what I am saying ..its simply my opinion and it works for me. I am not saying ALL sports fans are drunken buffoons, its just my experience..yours is obviously different so what are getting so excited about?

And its nothing to do with snobbery..its suggesting that Broomhill needs something a bit different..so whats wrong with that, you seem to have taken it personally


and to suggest non sports fans spend less demonstrates how little you know about such people..try doing some research yourself..

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Mod note: Can we ask for a little civility please? It's against forum rules to insult other forum users, and posts containing insults are likely to disappear, even if the post is otherwise thought provoking and well written. It would be a shame to have to close the debate for petty squabbling.

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