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Hostages taken by gunmen in France.

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Do you not think that if someone is so certain they will go to heaven if they commit suicide. killing as many other people as possible, that using the same ideology to put in place a means that would prevent them from entering paradise would not work?

No, I dont think [that if someone etc...]


Pig based funereal deterrents did not "work in Chechnya" as Ted Heath suggested. What "worked" in Chechnya was wholesale occupation, direct rule, the utter, utter destruction of Grozny, and a scorched earth policy, all delivered sans pigskin by the Russian military.

Most muslims believe that pork is unclean and even touching it is forbidden resulting in their inability to enter the afterlife.

Some muslims also think that killing infidels means they go straight to heaven.


Put these two together and you have an effective deterrent.


And Voila! Serapis ends Islamic fundamentalist suicide attacks with a Venn diagram and a pig based funereal deterrent.


Let me know when you're nominated for the Nobel.

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Berberis, the 'chink in their armour' is love and the rest of mankind getting along with their business and embracing people of all races/religions/genders/sexualities/rich/poor etc etc as if nothing's happened.


Well, something HAS happened, and it is happening repeatedly; and sitting round the jolly old camp fire holding hands and singing "Imagine" isn't going to cure it, either.


No, the terrorists don't have weapons of mass destruction but if they did they would most certainly use them.

Edited by Harrystottle
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I have never excused terrorism, giving a reason for why attacks may be happening is not excusing or supporting their aims.

Extremist terrorists are just as much a threat to me as they are to non Muslims..


---------- Post added 26-07-2016 at 16:36 ----------



Suicide is forbidden in Islam as is killing innocent people, non of the terrorists who kill innocent people will enter heaven...


If suicide is forbidden by Islam why do they blow them selfes up ? 7/7 springs to mind .


---------- Post added 26-07-2016 at 18:08 ----------


Yes. ITV reported he was 92. Perhaps they wouldn't have attacked him had they realised it was just 2 armed men against an 86 year old.


Because they are cowards.

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Well, something HAS happened, and it is happening repeatedly; and sitting round the jolly old camp fire holding hands and singing "Imagine" isn't going to cure it, either.


Tell thi wot..carpet bombing Syria/Iraq hasn't exactly reduced their numbers... either.


---------- Post added 26-07-2016 at 18:10 ----------


If suicide is forbidden by Islam why do they blow them selfes up ? 7/7 springs to mind


Because like all ideological hypocrites they bend the rules to fit their cause..the Sixth Commandment springs to mind.

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"Soldiers" was the word I heard ISIS describe these two as. Couldn't be further from the truth. They kill an 82 year old priest and attack a Nun. More like cowards who pick the only target they could actually manage. ....pathetic individuals and my heart goes out to those involved and their families, and France...again!

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Maybe Europe should have turned away all those strapping young men coming over as refugees and concentrated on the children instead.


---------- Post added 26-07-2016 at 12:32 ----------


ISIS want to bring about the end of times. In order to do this they must start a religious war. Europe being the seat of the Catholic Church is their prime target to do so. Allowing ISIS to fester only draws more to their cause. The west needs to launch all out war against ISIS and when they are defeated, those that believed their BS will see they were wrong.


Until we stop letting in refugees ,this will only get worse. This is no time for the bleeding heart liberals to get on their high horse. The majority of these refugees are from Muslim countries ,so the only way to stop the beardy murderers passing themselves off as refugees is to stop all refugees coming to Europe asap .


Im sorry if this dosnt fit with the fluffy bunny view held by the lefties .


When the refugee crisis started , a security expert was on the news warning of this exact thing happening, and he has been proven right.


---------- Post added 26-07-2016 at 20:41 ----------


It's written in the Quran.....


Why do religious people believe everything they read in their religious comic of choice. ?


If the coran or bible told one of its "followers " to jump off a cliff ,would they do it ?

Edited by Penistone999
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Until we stop letting in refugees ,this will only get worse. This is no time for the bleeding heart liberals to get on their high horse. The majority of these refugees are from Muslim countries ,so the only way to stop the beardy murderers passing themselves off as refugees is to stop all refugees coming to Europe asap .


Ok, let's play that scenario out. We've now got the situation rather than letting refugees in they're dying en mass in Syria and in sprawling camps in turkey, not to mention those that are still drowning in the Med.


You've now got more Muslims dying than before, ignored by the west. How do you think marginalised angry Muslims already here will see that? Also worth pointing out that the big terrorist attack in the west happened before our various sand based adventures and Arab Spring.

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