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Anyone else been unable to sleep?

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My wife, who is usually a sound sleeper, has had two nights where she has just not been able to sleep, and has also had bad headaches. I wouldn't mention this on here except that several of our friends here in Sheffield have had the same over the past few days too.

I know the plastic ski slopes at the old ski village were on fire over the weekend and the stench was all pervasive on Sunday and into Monday where we live. As there was little wind to disperse it, I'm wondering if the combustion products of the burning polypropylene(?) might have been affecting people downwind of the fire.

Anyone else had unusual sleeping problems or headaches?

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It's very funny you should say that - I'm a very good sleeper, I'm asleep within seconds of my head hitting the pillow and don't move until my alarm goes off, and I never suffer from headaches (unless I'm poorly), but this week I've had bad headaches, and I've laid awake for hours during the night.


I live in Oughtibridge so not too close, but also not too far from the ski village, but I can't say as I've noticed any unusual smells or anything like that, I just put it down to the hot stuffy weather.

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Guest makapaka

I think it might be time of year and perhaps allergy related. I was getting headaches last week and also sinuses playing up. Started taking anti histamines and cleared up pretty fast.

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Ironically, I've been sleeping better and much longer than the usual 4-5 hours I tend to manage.


If I'm sapping some hours out of others, then sorry but thanks! (Headache's aren't my fault though)

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high temperatures usually mean high air pressure, which can affect those sensitive to it with bad headaches.


I hope it's that.


Because if it isn't, then the military are testing new aerosol-based chemical weapons :o

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