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U.K. Government dithering over decisions

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Whatever our individual views are we elect a government to make major decisions for our future benefit.

Sometimes I wonder if any of them are prepared to make a major decision during their term of office.

Surely we should have some cross party agreement on what must be put in place for the future .

The latest fiasco surrounds an eleventh hour delay regarding Hinckley C,and apparent confusion on what our future policy on power generation should be.

We have similar endless debates on transport networks,High speed rail,Trident,and of course the saga of the 3rd runway at Heathrow,or an alternative.

Everything takes an age in the UK because of endless committees,reports,consultations etc.

Meanwhile other successful countries leave us standing because they are prepared to make a decision rapidly and move on with it.

No wonder ourindustry suffers as they wait for orders to materialise from investment projects.Just make a decision and get on with it.

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Let's be honest they arent being pressed forward because they aren't great ideas. Hinckley Point will be single most expensive building on the planet as and when they get around to it. One of the options for Heathrow expansion is effectively digging up 20% of the M25.


We need more power capacity we need more transport capacity but they're both very expensive.


What we really need is less people.

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Governments never do things on budget, they are in thrall to the private sector and are willing to just pay through the nose for things because they don't have the will or know how to bring the private sector to heel.

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Why do we have to have "foreign" company's building our Power Stations and then charging us a kings ransom for the power.


I have a cunning plan. SCRAP that silly train jobby at 60 billion that gets us to London 10 minutes quicker, and in its place build 3 Nuclear power stations with the brass. Surely that would make commercial sense, and we would get cheaper Lecky from our Government than from the French mob who are in line to profit handsomely from our misery.




---------- Post added 29-07-2016 at 19:00 ----------


I was reading in the Guardian today that Sir David Higgins is being paid £750,000 - a year!







While I agree 110% with you, it certainly is a ridiculous ammount. I have put my other hat on and wonder how a bladder kicker can stroll around for 90 minutes on a football field and command "wages" of £250,000 a WEEK.



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Why do we have to have "foreign" company's building our Power Stations and then charging us a kings ransom for the power.


I have a cunning plan. SCRAP that silly train jobby at 60 billion that gets us to London 10 minutes quicker, and in its place build 3 Nuclear power stations with the brass. Surely that would make commercial sense, and we would get cheaper Lecky from our Government than from the French mob who are in line to profit handsomely from our misery.




---------- Post added 29-07-2016 at 19:00 ----------






While I agree 110% with you, it certainly is a ridiculous ammount. I have put my other hat on and wonder how a bladder kicker can stroll around for 90 minutes on a football field and command "wages" of £250,000 a WEEK.




Now why don't you go into politics Angel1, you will definitely get my vote.

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So much of UK plc has been ruined by corrupt contracts.

School, hospitals, railways, etc.

Hinkley would have put us in hock over our eyebrows ... to more foreign companies.


We need the power supply. But at what cost?


What's the cost if we don't get it? Genuine question..

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I was reading in the Guardian today that Sir David Higgins is being paid £750,000 - a year!




Wiki says "Higgins is married with two children. His hobbies include hiking and outdoor pursuits." I guess he puts his money under the mattress ;)


---------- Post added 01-08-2016 at 10:04 ----------


Let's be honest they arent being pressed forward because they aren't great ideas. Hinckley Point will be single most expensive building on the planet as and when they get around to it. One of the options for Heathrow expansion is effectively digging up 20% of the M25.


We need more power capacity we need more transport capacity but they're both very expensive.


What we really need is less people.


We havnt run out yet. We need to use less energy, tax it more and better insulation.

Perhaps its our democracy at fault for not giving the people what they really want?

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