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How about making Sheffield a better place?

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Rubbish seems to be an increasing menace in lots of places, not just Sheffield.


I'd like to see a public publicity campaign like we used to have in the seventies and eighties to raise awareness and encourage people to take more pride in their environment, along with more litter bins, street cleaners etc.

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Rubbish seems to be an increasing menace in lots of places, not just Sheffield.






I'd like to see a public publicity campaign like we used to have in the seventies and eighties to raise awareness and encourage people to take more pride in their environment, along with more litter bins, street cleaners etc.



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my first priorities would be. manor top shrub islands ,a disgrace

nghospital and hallamshire all the kerb edges round the entrances to all dept are 6inch deep in fag ends and weeds.


Just a very slight exaggeration ................:rolleyes:

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Met one of Sheffield's finest on Fargate yesterday....... walking along, I thought he had dropped something, so I said "Excuse me, I think you have dropped something" to which I got a torrent of abuse, told to eff off etc, transpired it was an empty crisp packet.


First time Mrs Smithy and i had been into Sheff for ages, and think it may be a while before we return. Pity to see so many fine buildings such as the Salvation Army building rapidly decaying.

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Are you referring to this monstrosity ?

I'm all for saving beautiful old buildings - but this isn't one of them I'm afraid.


https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=gpo+building+sheffield+pictures&client=firefox-b&biw=1440&bih=785&tbm=isch&imgil=BYhhnwIrbS8KEM%253A%253BjZmyMR5HDmkuhM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww4.shu.ac.uk%25252Fmediacentre%25252Ffirst-class-home-arts-sheffield&source=iu&pf=m&fir=BYhhnwIrbS8KEM%253A%252CjZmyMR5HDmkuhM%252C_&usg=__bDav4ePt9M1dtLuX5qGBPcDp6SY%3D&ved=0ahUKEwiVgu3Prp3OAhVrK8AKHY3JBJQQyjcIPg&ei=gsGdV5W5JevWgAaNk5OgCQ#tbm=isch&q=post+office+building+sheffield&imgrc=BYhhnwIrbS8KEM%3A this one truly is worth saving and is being lovingly restored currently.



And these folk are working very hard to get the old court building restored to it's former glory.

To paint a bleak picture about the state of 'many' of Sheffields old buildings is really quite unfair imo.


---------- Post added 31-07-2016 at 10:27 ----------


Met one of Sheffield's finest on Fargate yesterday....... walking along, I thought he had dropped something, so I said "Excuse me, I think you have dropped something" to which I got a torrent of abuse, told to eff off etc, transpired it was an empty crisp packet.


First time Mrs Smithy and i had been into Sheff for ages, and think it may be a while before we return. Pity to see so many fine buildings such as the Salvation Army building rapidly decaying.


I was in the Fargate/ Barkers Pool area in the sunshine yesterday and it was lovely. Lots of people around enjoying the sunshine and the music.

There are some people who will always focus on the negatives - I'm glad I don't live in their world.

Edited by Daven
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So it seems that even if there's a discussion about "30 years ago everything was better" vs "it was tragic then" as well as "but it's pretty in X area" vs "no it's not" :) we all agree that overall situation doesn't look good right now. And I hear a lot of voices saying "now it's too late to change it", but aren't you afraid that in 5 years we're all going to say "well, it's too late now, if only we could do something 5 years ago when we still had a chance"?


I can observe the situation for two weeks only so far. It;s not eneough to state that "situation is stable" - maybe it is and maybe we all got used to it. However, I think that the situation is not getting better. What if it's getting worse? And it will go down the hill getting worse and worse?


Please remember the boiling frog anecdote (if you don't remember - look here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_frog ). What if we're all frogs in this situtation?


---------- Post added 06-08-2016 at 18:26 ----------


Hey, small update. Nothing much changed around the city, but I did a littlw experiment on my street today. I cleaned "my" part of sidewalk. I walked through a part of the street, knocked to a couple of doors... most of them didn't open, but some of them did. May friend was with me and we asked our nejghbours to hel us clean the street. And they said "sure, great idea". Well, they also said "but not today, tomorrow will be a better day". And probably most of them will do nothing. But at least I tried. What would happen if more people just try?

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