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Christian protest at Pride - Endcliffe Park

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I dared to go to End Cliff Park this Saturday for Gay Pride a group of 15 Christians told me I'm going to hell on dear . I'm a hopeless sinner lead a sinful life despite the fact I had no choice of what I'm am spent ten years in the Army served in Iraq but I'm still a sinner . Like Madonna sang life is a mystery indeed it is.

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I dared to go to End Cliff Park this Saturday for Gay Pride a group of 15 Christians told me I'm going to hell on dear . I'm a hopeless sinner lead a sinful life despite the fact I had no choice of what I'm am spent ten years in the Army served in Iraq but I'm still a sinner . Like Madonna sang life is a mystery indeed it is.


At least you don`t have to walk there then.

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It's difficult to relate, not being gay, I mean no one ever protests that you're too hetro. However I would like to think most of the LGBT community are smart enough to just realize they're nutters. I imagine if I was told I was heading straight for hell because of my sexuality I'd generally respond with ''Aye alright'' and keep walkin'

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Trouble is they really do believe these people are going to burn in hellfire for eternity because of their actions; and if the LGBT sinners just repented, they would be heading for an eternity worshiping Jesus instead (aka North Korea). How do they sleep at night 'knowing' of this impending torment?


I find it fascinating that these fundie christians are unable to question the morality of a god that would not merely condone but actually instigate such torture based solely on a person's identity (that the god created in the first place).

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One of them ask me if I went to church? I said yes so they said which one ? So I said the ' Big Gun' then they ask do they belive in spirits I said yes they do if fact they can be purchased they looked at me blaffed so they ask does this church have a high alter I said yes its called a bar so I ask them would they be kind enough to buy the next round? They were not be seen so much for brotherly love.

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Guest makapaka

I saw a clip of this on the star website.


What a disgraceful thing to do.


Typical religious bigotry. No place for it in society.

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One of them ask me if I went to church? I said yes so they said which one ? So I said the ' Big Gun' then they ask do they belive in spirits I said yes they do if fact they can be purchased they looked at me blaffed so they ask does this church have a high alter I said yes its called a bar so I ask them would they be kind enough to buy the next round? They were not be seen so much for brotherly love.

id be more scared being gay and going in the big gun? Oo

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