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Christian protest at Pride - Endcliffe Park

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Thank you, I have even gone home AND CRIED I HAVE BEEN SO UPSET ! ! !

I LOVE CHURCH, but have honestly become afraid to put my foot in one, any more.

I cand stand the rejections any more, and decided, its for the best, for my own sanity, to just stay away, I cant keep confronting the issues any more.

It grieves my heart and spirit, because I love worshiping.

Christians, well ? ? ? ? ?


---------- Post added 03-08-2016 at 21:45 ----------


Jesus loved and embraced sinners, that is what he came to earth for.

The situation makes me very very sad, in my heart !

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There is more love and good deeds done in the tap room at a local pub than in any church, or any other place of worship.


Pubs are on the decline remember. Where will we go for inspiration and chat?


Social Media.






If there is a god, may he bring the flock back into pubs (and churches, as long as current Sunday alcohol licensing remains and can pop for a pint after).



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Indeed. The Treaty of Tripoli (1796) states that 'The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion…' whereas the UK is in the minority of countries in the world the does have a state religion.


That does not take away from my point however. The population of the USA is much more religious than the population of the UK. Recent figures from 2015 indicate that 48.5% of the UK population are atheist - that figure is only around 20% for the USA, which is low for such a wealthy and industrialised country.


I don't care what 'The Treaty of Tripoli (1796)' says with its blanket sweeping generalisation that its 'not, in any sence' founded on Christian religion.


The Pilgrim Fathers were followed by wave after wave of persecuted religious groups, the vast majority of whom were christian.

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I don't care what 'The Treaty of Tripoli (1796)' says with its blanket sweeping generalisation that its 'not, in any sense' founded on Christian religion.


The Pilgrim Fathers were followed by wave after wave of persecuted religious groups, the vast majority of whom were christian.


What an odd comment. Whether or not you care about the Treaty of Tripoli is by the by, it exists, and unless you are in charge of setting state religions, it means that it the USA will continue to be officially a secular state.


As the rest of my comment mentioned, the populace of the USA however are very religious, the vast majority of whom are indeed Christian.

Edited by Robin-H
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I didn't see a video in the link and just checked again and I still can't see one. Not sure why.

Sorry, I thought we were still talking about the incident in the OP, I didn't realise you were talking about a seperate incidint, my bad.

I can't see any video either..

See above, sorry.

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Actually, Jesus died on the cross for 'our sins'.

But what we're those sins?

They were the things spelt out in Leviticus and that is why Christians can do things that are still considered 'sins' in Judaism and Islam.

This includes homosexuality, so any Christian who has something against the gay community is either Jewish, Islamic, or think they know better than their God and Jesus died for nothing.

Ask if they eat pork.

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Sorry, I thought we were still talking about the incident in the OP, I didn't realise you were talking about a seperate incidint, my bad.


See above, sorry.


Thats cool. I was at Pride anyway so I saw the protest first hand so I never bothered watching the the clip of it. When threads get big they often go off at a tangent and its hard to keep track.

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I believe that everyone has the right to protest on any subject but in a civil and lawful way. We live ( well least I hope we do) in a democracy we might not like other peoples views but they still have that right remember it works both ways . Over the years gay people have protested in churches so why can't Christians protest at Pride events ? If we have one rule for one group of people and another rule for others then we have become a dictatorship and that is bad for all of us.

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