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Christian protest at Pride - Endcliffe Park

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Haddock is right - people comment on here masking barely their distaste that someone is different from them .. Diversity and toleration of it is the hallmark of a true democracy and free speech ..


Its the list of outrages posted earlier on in this thread that outline precisely the need to still have Prides !


If the christians concerned were having a church service and gays and lesbians invaded it with placards would they be much pleased?


We could always find out which church the protesters came from and pay them a visit anyone up for it? :hihi:

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Sincere apologies if I misquoted you Michael. You seem to be rather touchy....It was only a few posts ago that you were mentioning that in response to homophobia gay people shouldn't complain but should "get over themselves".

One rule for one?


Not touchy at all me Mister M, with regards to people getting over themselves, well that was not just directed exclusively at gay people but the general modern day attitude that certain groups are oppressed, it seems to get spun quite a bit in the media and on here in my opinion.

Let's not forget that we do live in a very tolerant society in the UK and have done for years, so why some nowadays feel the need to look to be offended all the time I don't know.

Call me old fashioned but I preferred how older generations seemed to have a much more dignified and level headed approach to dealing with things, as opposed to today's social media generation, which seems to be full of people obsessed with highlighting their own moral outrage and self righteousness.

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Not touchy at all me Mister M, with regards to people getting over themselves, well that was not just directed exclusively at gay people but the general modern day attitude that certain groups are oppressed, it seems to get spun quite a bit in the media and on here in my opinion.

Let's not forget that we do live in a very tolerant society in the UK and have done for years, so why some nowadays feel the need to look to be offended all the time I don't know.

Call me old fashioned but I preferred how older generations seemed to have a much more dignified and level headed approach to dealing with things, as opposed to today's social media generation, which seems to be full of people obsessed with highlighting their own moral outrage and self righteousness.


In many ways, as far as LGBT rights go, today's society is more tolerant than the one I grew up in, and I welcome that. However the so called Christian protest at the Pride protest was for me, an unwelcome reminder of days gone by when bigotry was acceptable. For many others they may still live with bigotry.

I wouldn't presume to know other posters experiences, but I wouldn't want to conflate it with being self obsessed or the need to strike an attitude. You say you preferred how older generations seemed to have a much more dignified and level headed approach to dealing with things. I think that stiff upper lip hid a great deal of pain and anger. So why shouldn't people fight back? Are the people doing the oppressing behaving in a dignified and level headed way?

The only self righteousness expressed was that from the so called Christians who gate crashed the Pride celebrations. I wasn't there at the Pride celebrations this year, but I'm glad that those who were felt empowered to stand up to those who looked down their noses at them.

Edited by Mister M
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you are assuming that what you interpret as his/her/its/their commands are in fact his/her/its/their commands and if you are using historical texts that they were permanent commands or commands which were applicable only to the cultural and historical context of the times they were issued.


I'm not interpreting anything, I'm taking it literally - the Bible claims that these laws were from God's own mouth. As far as I'm aware, there's no point in the Bible where God or Jesus (or Jesus as God, depending on which interpretation of the trinity you may or may not believe in) said the laws no longer apply.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems to me, its all about trying to manipulate and control people, just live and let live, and let people decide how they wish to conduct their lives.


---------- Post added 29-08-2016 at 19:47 ----------


There is so much control in the Christian churches, as well, people looking down their noses, at others, being monumentaly judgmental.

Bowing down to graven images, and revering crosses, wearing symbols of an instrument of torture, round their necks, if you child or whoever was shot, would you wear a bullit on a chain?

Please leave people alone, its a form of being bullied, you have certainly brought disgrace upon yourselves,and the Church, do not judge or hate !


---------- Post added 29-08-2016 at 19:56 ----------


Father God in Heaven, Jesus Christ, The Savior, The Holy Spirit, are love, and patient, full of grace, slow to anger, Jesus Christ loves us, and me.


Leave gay people alone, and let The Holy Spirit do his work, in His time.

Christian gang warfare will never work.

Edited by mrsmontague
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Looking for gay / Bi friends drop me an in box cheers - J

No social groups anymore only that dump down the Moor or OMG bar. Not forgetting that sauna.........:(


---------- Post added 05-09-2016 at 19:06 ----------


Here's a video of part of the confrontation for those who haven't seen it. Just under 30 minutes long.



Let's turn up at their church and show some brotherly love they need to be shown the' light' :D

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No social groups anymore only that dump down the Moor or OMG bar. Not forgetting that sauna.........


I was out at Bungalows and Bears tonight with the Sheffield LGBT social group from Meetup.com. Take a look on Facebook there's also a Sheffield Bisexual social group too. Make tha own entertainment, lad!

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I was out at Bungalows and Bears tonight with the Sheffield LGBT social group from Meetup.com. Take a look on Facebook there's also a Sheffield Bisexual social group too. Make tha own entertainment, lad!


Will have as look but I'm not on Facebook though.

Edited by nikki-red
fixed the quote
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