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Christian protest at Pride - Endcliffe Park

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I have mixed feelings here. I am gay man who actually doesn't agree with Pride. I think it does our cause more harm than good these days as inevitably the media focus on those who choose to use such events to be 'outrageous' tar us all with the same brush. Being a rather normal bloke into his rock music, sport and beer I see quite often what reaction this promotes amongst the average man in the pub.


I think Pride causes people to protest and act violently towards gay people who are deliberately trying to be different. IMHO if you want acceptance, integrate don't differentiate.


However, any protest (and acts of violence) is of course unacceptable - not just to gay people but to any portion of society who don't conform to the norm. What next - anti fatty rallies? Speccy-four-eyed demonstrations? In that case I'm seriously in trouble!

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I have mixed feelings here. I am gay man who actually doesn't agree with Pride. I think it does our cause more harm than good these days as inevitably the media focus on those who choose to use such events to be 'outrageous' tar us all with the same brush. Being a rather normal bloke into his rock music, sport and beer I see quite often what reaction this promotes amongst the average man in the pub.


I think Pride causes people to protest and act violently towards gay people who are deliberately trying to be different. IMHO if you want acceptance, integrate don't differentiate.


However, any protest (and acts of violence) is of course unacceptable - not just to gay people but to any portion of society who don't conform to the norm. What next - anti fatty rallies? Speccy-four-eyed demonstrations? In that case I'm seriously in trouble!


I can see your point, the gay community itself can come over as militant at times their been times when this has had a negative effect . Its the same with the image thing everyone got to looks like this or got to their rubbish . Then everyone is tarred as camp with a high speaking voice and look like drones I find it sad that people think this is what gay life is about . I don't have camp voice or need to be shouting the odds I'm not perfect I'm just me who loves history and getting the camera out to record that building before its gone forever I enjoy that more than sitting with clones who simply bitch about someone. As for Pride some are now nothing more than profit making the real meaning has long gone Manchester comes to mind with that one.

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Avalunche, I AGREE, and I am a Christian, and they judge me, as well.

I went to church, on Sunday, and I walked out in disgust !

I was just ignored, they are just PIG IGNORANT ! !

They will get what they desereve, believe me, I say good morning to perfect strangers, several times a day, when I go shopping.

They are full of pride, and not Gay Pride, they need to stop being so judgmental, and act with love and kindness, instead.

I am my brothers keeper, and will continue to be that way.


---------- Post added 06-09-2016 at 17:16 ----------


Hi, crooked spire, I do agree some gay men love to cause controversy, and stick it in peoples faces, hetrosexual people dont do it !

I wish you all the very best, enjoy your life, and be happy, enjoy your music, a pint or two, and stay safe, and happy.:)

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Avalunche, I AGREE, and I am a Christian, and they judge me, as well.

I went to church, on Sunday, and I walked out in disgust !

I was just ignored, they are just PIG IGNORANT ! !

They will get what they desereve, believe me, I say good morning to perfect strangers, several times a day, when I go shopping.

They are full of pride, and not Gay Pride, they need to stop being so judgmental, and act with love and kindness, instead.

I am my brothers keeper, and will continue to be that way.


---------- Post added 06-09-2016 at 17:16 ----------


Hi, crooked spire, I do agree some gay men love to cause controversy, and stick it in peoples faces, hetrosexual [sIC] people dont do it !

I wish you all the very best, enjoy your life, and be happy, enjoy your music, a pint or two, and stay safe, and happy.:)


Heterosexual people do not do what exactly? Cause controversy or stick it in people's faces? Perhaps you are being sarcastic?

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You have to laugh really, when the christian faith is all about being accepting, forgiving, judge not lest ye be judged etc.


And they are the most nasty judgemental people you could ever meet.


A Christian man once said to me "When I look around me all I can see is filth, depravity and the lowest degradations of the human soul". Mind you we were in a Berlin sex shop at the time.

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Robin H I am not being sarcastic at all, some respect please.

I mean Heterosexual people don't flaunt there sexuality, in peoples faces.

Just live life, quietly with some decorum, and self respect.

Some gay people ask for all they get, they court controversy and trouble, and then kick off.

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Robin H I am not being sarcastic at all, some respect please.

I mean Heterosexual people don't flaunt there sexuality, in peoples faces.

Just live life, quietly with some decorum, and self respect.

Some gay people ask for all they get, they court controversy and trouble, and then kick off.


Why on earth is asking if you are being sarcastic disrespectful?


Your comment that 'heterosexual people don't flaunt there [sIC] sexuality' is so absurd that I don't know where to begin.


Would two straight people kissing in public be flaunting their sexuality, or does that only count as 'flaunting' if they are gay? Give me strength!

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Robin H I am not being sarcastic at all, some respect please.

I mean Heterosexual people don't flaunt there sexuality, in peoples faces.

Just live life, quietly with some decorum, and self respect.

Some gay people ask for all they get, they court controversy and trouble, and then kick off.


Heterosexual couples never hold hands in public.

Heterosexual couples never kiss in front of other people.

Heterosexual couples never draw any attention to the fact that they're about to get married, or already married. You won't see them wearing wedding rings or talking about their spouses to anyone.

There are no love songs from men to women or from women to men...and TV contains no images of straight couples snogging or more.

Heterosexual couples never let on that they've had babies...you know, that direct result of heterosexual sex. For gay couples to be that blatent about having had sex they'd have to start waving used condoms in your face.


No...heterosexual couples never flaunt their sexuality.

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