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Christian protest at Pride - Endcliffe Park

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What an odd comment. Whether or not you care about the Treaty of Tripoli is by the by, it exists, and unless you are in charge of setting state religions, it means that it the USA will continue to be officially a secular state.


As the rest of my comment mentioned, the populace of the USA however are very religious, the vast majority of whom are indeed Christian.


Fair do's - your comment refers to the US Government as they tried to stop the taking of their citizens into slavery. They also paid a massive fee to the Pasha of Tripoli including ' 13 watches of gold', rings of diamonds & sapphires, money, etc, etc. What is said in any treaty is usually to accommodate both sides of disputes but it ain't necessarily so in the real world.


However, the first amendment to the constitution safeguards religious worship in whatever form. IMO - This allows the U.S. to be a more religious country.

Edited by Flanker7
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Actually, Jesus died on the cross for 'our sins'.

But what we're those sins?

They were the things spelt out in Leviticus and that is why Christians can do things that are still considered 'sins' in Judaism and Islam.

This includes homosexuality, so any Christian who has something against the gay community is either Jewish, Islamic, or think they know better than their God and Jesus died for nothing.

Ask if they eat pork.


Are you saying that if Jesus died for our sins, the laws prohibiting those sins are no longer applicable?

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Are you saying that if Jesus died for our sins, the laws prohibiting those sins are no longer applicable?


That is exactly what Jesus died for. This us why Christians have various freedoms, where other religions that have a similar beginning to not.

There are many references later in the Bible.


Acts 11:9

"The voice spoke from heaven a second time, 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.'


Galatians 3:13

"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse for us."


Galatians 5:1

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."


James says we cannot pick and choose. 2:10

"For whoever keeps the whole Law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it."


Basically, if people are going to Base their protests on the book of Leviticus, then they should live by ALL the laws in Leviticus (such as the examples in the link below) and admit they are in fact, NOT Christian at all, but Jewish or Muslim.



Edited by Scozzie
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To be honest I'm pretty confused by the whole thing.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but according to Christian mythology, original sin came about when Adam ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden (a tree that God presumably put there himself, because he created everything after all).


After a while, and after killing almost every living thing on earth with a big flood, he decides that the best way of freeing the people of earth from sin is to cause a teenage virgin to give birth to himself so he can be killed. He makes sure this happens at a time when most people are illiterate and when there is no form of mass communication (my favourite line from JC Superstar).


Sounds a bit far fetched to me.

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We were all released from the old law, for the Jews, when Jesus Christ came to Earth, and his sacrifice at Calvery was completed.

He came to set the captives free, and that included the Mosaic law.

The law is still followed by the Jewish people (who I love), and it is no longer needed for Christians, we were set free from the law, but must still live by the principals laid down, By Jesus Christ.

Its not a get out clause, to do just as we like, but must still be obedient.

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We were all released from the old law, for the Jews, when Jesus Christ came to Earth, and his sacrifice at Calvery was completed.

He came to set the captives free, and that included the Mosaic law.

The law is still followed by the Jewish people (who I love), and it is no longer needed for Christians, we were set free from the law, but must still live by the principals laid down, By Jesus Christ.

Its not a get out clause, to do just as we like, but must still be obedient.


Matthew 5:17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them"

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All this theological to and fro is really rather beside the point.


The true message of Jesus was for us to love another - these clowns at the park have forgotten the most compelling and important message of their own faith.

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We are set free from the law, and live under grace, If we are still under the law, we are constantly living in SIN, we do not follow the Jewish laws, and rituals.

Jesus Christ,was refering to the Jewish faith, he was speaking to the Jews !

There is a great lack of love in churches, backbiting, slander, gossip.

I have heard it with my own ears ! ! ! !

Whitewashed sepulcures, on the outside, but as dead mens bones, and all corruption.

A lot of people Heaven bound, or think they are, may be in for a terrible shock.

The road to destruction, is broad and easy.

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All this theological to and fro is really rather beside the point.


The true message of Jesus was for us to love another - these clowns at the park have forgotten the most compelling and important message of their own faith.


Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple".


Doesn't sound like he was that big on love to me - sounds like a horrible narcissist.

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