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Christian protest at Pride - Endcliffe Park

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It was against the law to be a Homosexual, in the 40s 50s and 60s.

If it was revealed you performed Homosexual acts, with another man,it would mean prison, and public disgrace.

That's why it wasn't heard of, it was considered illegal.

Plus the fact, you would be ridiculed, beaten up, or even killed.

Its only because the law has been changed, it has been out in the open.

Men used to meet in various known places, such as saunas, Turkish baths, underground clubs, or in each others homes, hidden behind locked doors.

It has been going on, since time began, its written about, in the Bible.

I am so glad the law has been changed, but sadly still so much biggotry and pure hatred.

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It was against the law to be a Homosexual, in the 40s 50s and 60s.

If it was revealed you performed Homosexual acts, with another man,it would mean prison, and public disgrace.

That's why it wasn't heard of, it was considered illegal.

Plus the fact, you would be ridiculed, beaten up, or even killed.

Its only because the law has been changed, it has been out in the open.

Men used to meet in various known places, such as saunas, Turkish baths, underground clubs, or in each others homes, hidden behind locked doors.

It has been going on, since time began, its written about, in the Bible.

I am so glad the law has been changed, but sadly still so much biggotry and pure hatred.

Blinkin heck ,I used to go to the sauna and Turkish baths at Glossop Road with my pals Jack Wasdon and Ronnie Wetherall, never gave it a thought that it was an under ground meeting place while chucking water on the fire wi now"t on .

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I was born in the 2cd World war and growing up in the fourty"s ,fifty"s and sixty"s I had never heard of gays ,in fact a gay man was deemed to be some one who dressed smartly .

Now it seems as if all the World has gone gay mad with T.V. programmes ,films, and all other walks of life full of these folk.

At the same time Christian god farin folk were every where ,the chapels and churches were full up with congregations bellowing out hims and praising the Lord to high heaven on a Sunday because the pubs were shut.


So why has this happened ,why has the World turned gay, why have the churches shut up and become flats and furniture shops.


Life was so simple and uncomplicated when I was singing at Sunday school and listening to bells on Sunday.


I'm sorry but what can incredible ignorant comment. As mrsmontague has already pointed out, it was illegal to be homosexual in England until 1967, so it is hardly surprising that gay people felt the need to hide their sexuality.

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I'm sorry but what can incredible ignorant comment. As mrsmontague has already pointed out, it was illegal to be homosexual in England until 1967, so it is hardly surprising that gay people felt the need to hide their sexuality.

My point is why do all these groups be it Christian , Muslim , gay,black ,white,goths, and uncle Tom Cobley and all strive to bring so much attention to their groups.

All this while the ordinary Joe and Janet are striving to go about their every day lives bringing up kids, paying mortgages,walking in parks and down High Streets minding their own business only to be confronted by every one that wants to tell all and sundry how good their carry on is .

Just get on with it.

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My point is why do all these groups be it Christian , Muslim , gay,black ,white,goths, and uncle Tom Cobley and all strive to bring so much attention to their groups.

All this while the ordinary Joe and Janet are striving to go about their every day lives bringing up kids, paying mortgages,walking in parks and down High Streets minding their own business only to be confronted by every one that wants to tell all and sundry how good their carry on is .

Just get on with it.


Sigh. Gay pride events have played an important part of the LGBT rights movement. If the way you were born meant that you couldn't love the person you wanted without being in-prisoned, chemically castrated, or beaten up, you might be grateful for events that contributed to changes in your legal rights.


We are fortunate enough that we live in a country where it is no longer illegal to be gay and men are not chemically castrated for the way they were born. You are however still more likely to be bullied at school, suffer mental health problems, and commit suicide. If events like gay pride do anything towards making people feel more accepted then they are well worth it.

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Sigh. Gay pride events have played an important part of the LGBT rights movement. If the way you were born meant that you couldn't love the person you wanted without being in-prisoned, chemically castrated, or beaten up, you might be grateful for events that contributed to changes in your legal rights.


We are fortunate enough that we live in a country where it is no longer illegal to be gay and men are not chemically castrated for the way they were born. You are however still more likely to be bullied at school, suffer mental health problems, and commit suicide. If events like gay pride do anything towards making people feel more accepted then they are well worth it.

Like I said ,It is now the ordinary Joe and Janet going about their lives without fuss who are ignored by all in this Country.

As to your comment on castration etc then all those comments are no longer valid.

People commit suicide for all sorts of problems ,bullies pick on all sorts of folk and the gay community has those in their ranks especially on line.

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Like I said ,It is now the ordinary Joe and Janet going about their lives without fuss who are ignored by all in this Country.

As to your comment on castration etc then all those comments are no longer valid.

People commit suicide for all sorts of problems ,bullies pick on all sorts of folk and the gay community has those in their ranks especially on line.


You seriously think the 'ordinary Joe and Janet' are 'ignored by all this country?' What evidence do you have for that exactly? What part of living in this country are the 'ordinary Joe and Janet' faced with difficulties that are not also faced by everyone else.


My comments regarding chemical castration are still perfectly valid. Like I said, we should be grateful that we live in a country where such barbaric treatment is no longer performed, but I was using it as an example of why pride events have been and still are important.

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Like I said ,It is now the ordinary Joe and Janet going about their lives without fuss who are ignored by all in this Country.


Maybe because they're the majority and can live their lives without fear? Its the blacks, the gays, the foreigners who get abuse and attacked just for being different.


And if that means parades and "shoving it down our throats" (Alan Partridge) to bring them into the mainstream for acceptance then I'm all for it.

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