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Christian protest at Pride - Endcliffe Park

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Rushdie?! :hihi:

Can we not go back another 35 years and maybe we can find something from the Indian Independence movement!

By the way, i didn't click on link, as i wouldn't even inflict the rag that is Express on my PC either!


If you clicked on the link you would have seen that the article was from 2007, so we need not go back 35 years. You implied that accounts of flag burning that resulted in no arrests did not happen in real life. The link provided evidence to the contrary.


To get back on topic, I believe the point being raised was that of freedom of speech. Bigoted people should be allowed to spout their archaic views, if anything it makes them easier to avoid.

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And not forgetting the documentary by Stacey Dooley (I think that was her name)

Im sure we have all seen them burning flags and poppies on the news..


---------- Post added 01-08-2016 at 16:39 ----------


Mothers Pride is acceptable.

But Warburtons is better :hihi:

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Going to a peaceful meeting with megaphones chanting anti gay sentiment is not about equality but incitement and should therefore be classed as hate crime.


Each time you you put a word hate in front of "crime" a little bit of justice dies.

Crime is crime, motivation is irrelevant.

Anti gay people should be able to express themselves if they wish.

They should do it in civil way thou, not in this way.

Best way to be done with them is to let them speak.


That's not strictly true. The European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association has graded each country in terms of LGBT equality and the UK scored 81%. Thats the third best in Europe behind Belgium (82%) and Malta (88%), but still not 100%.


Those are not normal gay people, those are gay activists.

I give them very little credibility as spokesmen for all gay people in tolerant countries. Same as some fringe Christian groups representing whole society.


I'd also be interested in seeing some evidence that most people that are gay don't identify themselves as exclusively gay. The Office for National Statistics says that 1.1% of people identify as gay and only 0.4% identify as bisexual.


If your identity relies solely on sexuality you are a perv. Irrespective of orientation or any - made up or not - gender you identify with.

People identify themselves as different things.

Conservative, fireman, engineers, doctors, muslim etc. Being gay is just part of their personality.


Also, there is nothing stopping small business owners, mountain bikers etc etc from organising pride parades if they so wished. They probably don't feel it is necessary as they didn't grow up in a society where being a mountain biker or small business owner was illegal, or that being either of those is punishable by death in other countries.


But we are not in other countries, are we?

That is not support for gays in muslim countries march, its gay pride parade to support Sheffield LGBQTABCXYZ and some more letters.

Gays who are normal members of society live perfectly normal lives just like any other normal members of society. And don't need gay activists and pride parades. They are more interested in tax breaks and petrol prices. Today in Sheffield you will be more discriminated for being Liverpool supporter then gay.

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The problem is though, if you believe the Bible to be true, you have to believe that God almighty himself strictly forbids homosexuality (according to Leviticus). How does a Christian deal with that?


Stop believing cobblers they read in a religious comic, thats how.

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Each time you you put a word hate in front of "crime" a little bit of justice dies.

Crime is crime, motivation is irrelevant.

Anti gay people should be able to express themselves if they wish.

They should do it in civil way thou, not in this way.

Best way to be done with them is to let them speak.




Those are not normal gay people, those are gay activists.

I give them very little credibility as spokesmen for all gay people in tolerant countries. Same as some fringe Christian groups representing whole society.




If your identity relies solely on sexuality you are a perv. Irrespective of orientation or any - made up or not - gender you identify with.

People identify themselves as different things.

Conservative, fireman, engineers, doctors, muslim etc. Being gay is just part of their personality.




But we are not in other countries, are we?

That is not support for gays in muslim countries march, its gay pride parade to support Sheffield LGBQTABCXYZ and some more letters.

Gays who are normal members of society live perfectly normal lives just like any other normal members of society. And don't need gay activists and pride parades. They are more interested in tax breaks and petrol prices. Today in Sheffield you will be more discriminated for being Liverpool supporter then gay.


I agree with you (as I have expressed elsewhere) that people should be allowed to civilly express themselves whatever their viewpoint. As for the rest of your post I'm not sure where to begin..


I'm not sure what differentiates a 'normal gay person' from a 'gay activist'? Can someone not be both, or does being an activist disqualify you from being normal?That aside, ILGA-Europe are not trying to be the spokespeople for all gay people in Europe, but merely (from what I understand) ranking European countries on the basis of legal, political and social situations of gay people in different countries. The criteria on which they rank countries are largely not subjective, but an objective assessment of legal and political decisions. I'm not sure how allowing that information to be easily accessible from one places makes them 'gay activists' that shouldn't be trusted?


I'm not sure how to respond to your second point. The figures I quoted where from the Office of National Statistics, and were from a survey that explicitly asked people to tick the box that they felt matched their sexual orientation. Where in that is the suggestion that any of those people felt that there identity relied solely on their sexual orientation?


I also wouldn't group being gay with being a conservative, fireman, doctor, muslim etc etc. People are born gay, they aren't born conservative, a fireman or even a muslim. Someone raised a Muslim in Iran would likely be raised Christian in America, someone born gay in Iran would still be gay if they were born in America.


Finally, why do you seem so against gay people having pride parades if they so wish? I get the impression that it annoys you that normal members of society, which I thankfully believe you sincerely think gay people are, don't need activists or parades? Surely anyone can have a parade if they want?

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I went to Pride and witnessed the protesters, they had a megaphone. There was also megaphone being passed around the supporters of Pride. Trust me the Christian protesters where being drowned out.


They had much right to be there to speak there views as the people who support Pride. They were not violent (or at least what I witnessed wasn't - I didn't see it all.) As long as they are not violent they have a right to express their views, the same as the LGBT community have their right to tell them what they think back.


There was a Christian woman handing out flyers for her Church and explaining that not all Christians I like that. I reassured her that I know not all Christians feel the same.


Overall it was a very peaceful event - music, picnics, stalls, kids playing. I had a great time.


Whether there is a need for Pride or not (I think there is a there is still homophobia out there), surely it is doing no harm? It is an event that anyone gay or straight can attend and enjoy.

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