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Chocolate dundee biscuits

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Does anyone remember these big round buiscuits (or was i so small as a child they looked big) they used to sell them at break times at our school. But they tasted great and im sure they were sprinkled with sugar, can you still buy them ????:)

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Ah, if only you'd posted this last week. I bought a packet of them at the continental market on fargate on Friday. Blummin nice they were too! Not quite as nice as I remember from when I was a kid but still pretty good.

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  • 1 year later...
Does anyone remember these big round buiscuits (or was i so small as a child they looked big) they used to sell them at break times at our school. But they tasted great and im sure they were sprinkled with sugar, can you still buy them ????:)


There was a grocers van which was an old coach that used to come around lowedges on friday nights and saturday tea time. The blokes name was goeff. I used to badger my mum to buy me a pack with five or six in. I can tell you they didn't last long.

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