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The Calais farce.

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There are thousands of people in France who call themselves refugees who are bending over backwards to get to Britain. Why?


I've seen a lot of France and its a lovely Country and the people are just like you and me. Some are not so nice and yet most of them are. What is happening in Calais is the fault of the French as the people trying anything to get here to the UK are already on safe soil and have no real or urgent reason to come here.


The French should storm the illegal camps and deal with the situation instead of hoping they all make it to Britain as they don't want to deal with these people and fingerprint and expel them if their claims are unreal.... Instead they do nothing and make the lives of their own people in Calais an absolute hell.


Socialists are all about something for everyone else and nothing for their own and I can never quite get my head around their self hatred and indulgence of trying to appear to hold the moral ground whilst they do their best to destroy those around them who are indigenous.

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In France at the moment,mind you a long way from Calais,all the beggars are white French,the blacks are working,have seen the tanned ones at Calais,thing is why are they coming to Europe when billions have been sent to Africa to help them?

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There are thousands of people in France who call themselves refugees


That's because they are.


---------- Post added 04-08-2016 at 08:42 ----------


bending over backwards to get to Britain. Why?



Because it's a great place to live and the countries they've fled aren't safe.


---------- Post added 04-08-2016 at 08:43 ----------



The French should storm the illegal camps and deal with the situation .


What do you propose should happen to all those people?


---------- Post added 04-08-2016 at 08:45 ----------


Instead they do nothing and make the lives of their own people in Calais an absolute hell.


Really? Compared to those in the camps, are the lives of the average resident of Calais 'absolute hell'?


I think you're making an absurd and grossly exaggerated claim.


---------- Post added 04-08-2016 at 08:47 ----------


Socialists are all about something for everyone else and nothing for their own and I can never quite get my head around their self hatred and indulgence of trying to appear to hold the moral ground whilst they do their best to destroy those around them who are indigenous.


I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding about what socialism is.



Your use of the word indigenous suggests to me that you think we should treat people differently according to where they were born - can you expand on that?

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Socialists are all about something for everyone else and nothing for their own and I can never quite get my head around their self hatred and indulgence of trying to appear to hold the moral ground whilst they do their best to destroy those around them who are indigenous.


Funny that because not too long ago you were blaming Merkel for the knife attack in France.


Mutti Merkel has a lot to answer for.


---------- Post added 04-08-2016 at 08:58 ----------


You were also convinced Andrea Leadsom was going to be the new PM;


Leadsom may be new but she's made of better stuff than May and Cameron and I reckon she will pull it off and actually keep her promises like all EU citizens living here now and settled can stay and she will trigger article 50 straight away.
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What is, in my opinion, shameful, is the UK itself. 3.




Three Border Control ships to cover 7000 miles of coast. I have said it on here many times and I will say it again. Illegal immigrants get to the UK in their droves. But the government is too inept to stop it and has been for a long, very long time. That boat with Albanians was one where it went wrong, how about the thousands that go right?


They estimate that there are millions of illegal immigrants in the UK, how many of those do you think were smuggled in on little boats under the cover of darkness?


The way to get around it, for the UK? Is by keeping the attention firmly on Calais. (And of course it's Europe's fault!!)

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Really? Compared to those in the camps, are the lives of the average resident of Calais 'absolute hell'?


Terrified Calais resident reveals Jungle has Muslim-only zone where police CANNOT patrol



Angry Calais residents protest in Paris over migrant crisis



'It was petrifying': lorry driver attacked near Calais feared for his life



There are dozens more if you search.

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There are thousands of people in France who call themselves refugees who are bending over backwards to get to Britain. Why?


I've seen a lot of France and its a lovely Country and the people are just like you and me. Some are not so nice and yet most of them are. What is happening in Calais is the fault of the French as the people trying anything to get here to the UK are already on safe soil and have no real or urgent reason to come here.


The French should storm the illegal camps and deal with the situation instead of hoping they all make it to Britain as they don't want to deal with these people and fingerprint and expel them if their claims are unreal.... Instead they do nothing and make the lives of their own people in Calais an absolute hell.


Socialists are all about something for everyone else and nothing for their own and I can never quite get my head around their self hatred and indulgence of trying to appear to hold the moral ground whilst they do their best to destroy those around them who are indigenous.


1. Becayse they would prefer to live in the UK, they may have family, they may prefer britain, they speak the language, there is a bigger community, its a more tolerant society?

2. Not the fault fo the French, but those who caused the wars from which most of these people are fleeing.

3. You dont seem to be able to get your head round a lot.

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There are thousands of people in France who call themselves refugees who are bending over backwards to get to Britain. Why?


I've seen a lot of France and its a lovely Country and the people are just like you and me. Some are not so nice and yet most of them are. What is happening in Calais is the fault of the French as the people trying anything to get here to the UK are already on safe soil and have no real or urgent reason to come here.


The French should storm the illegal camps and deal with the situation instead of hoping they all make it to Britain as they don't want to deal with these people and fingerprint and expel them if their claims are unreal.... Instead they do nothing and make the lives of their own people in Calais an absolute hell.


Socialists are all about something for everyone else and nothing for their own and I can never quite get my head around their self hatred and indulgence of trying to appear to hold the moral ground whilst they do their best to destroy those around them who are indigenous.

now weve left the EU just wait till we move the border to OUR soil and they actually get here before we stop them :P

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