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The Calais farce.

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Migrant/asylum/refugee if it comes from an Islamic country it means trouble. The only thing that's failed is Years of an inability to tackle immigration into Europe/UK


---------- Post added 05-08-2016 at 00:21 ----------



Almost forgot to follow up my question of how many refugees you have living in your house?


You really dont know what you are talking about.


What relevance does the question have?

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why is it relevant?


To whether refigees are responsible for terrroism?

Whether the EU is to blame?


I never said ALL refugees are responsible for terrorism just incase that's what your trying to insinuate by the way. My point was to stop terrorists entering Europe with have to stop them all coming into Europe to begin with, a Donald trump style wall would be perfect although unfortunately it won't happen.

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Now you are just going with your normal anti immigrant rant. Migrants is different from asylum seekers which is different from refugees, yet you use the terms as though they are the same.

The thread was about Calais.


You tried to go on about terrorism

You tried to blame the EU


You failed as usual.


where are the refugess in Calais ?

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complete drivel, almost ALL the terrorists have been home grown and have either criminal backgrounds or mental health issues.


I am prepared to accept that if you can tell us the percentage of home grown terrorists with criminal backgrounds or mental health issues who don't say they are following Islam.


Jukes x

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I never said ALL refugees are responsible for terrorism just incase that's what your trying to insinuate by the way. My point was to stop terrorists entering Europe with have to stop them all coming into Europe to begin with, a Donald trump style wall would be perfect although unfortunately it won't happen.


You're the one banging on about refugees and the terrorist threat.


To date there have been relatively few terrorists casualties in this country.


The actualy perpetrators havent been refugees, not ISIS operatives direct, but people who have been radicalised over the internet. Home grown.



Building a wall around all europe is ludicrous because people will still cross or go round Smugglers will find a way to get across. utter waste of billions of £.


You also miss the point that there are millions of people in the UK or in Europe already to whom combating any risk by builiding a wall is going to have zero effect.

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Deaths from terrorism since 2000 less than 60. 52 of those on 7/7 which were home grown radicals.


Deaths from road accidents about 27,000.


There are huge economic and social benefits that massively offset the negatives of having motor vehicles. The strength of the pro's is why we tolerate the cons.


The same is not true for refugees/immigrants. They bring with them social, cultural and extremism problems. They place a burden on public services (meaning lower standards for all) and they make a negative financial contribution (meaning we are all a bit poorer). Every opinion poll on the subject of immigration provides a clear message... most people have had enough of it. If we keep on testing people's tolerance then, sooner or later, it will snap.


All the immigrants/refugees in Calais are illegally in the country and the French should arrest them and force them to make an asylum application, deport them or intern them if they don't know where they are from. And those that make it across the channel should be sent straight back by our government to France.

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And now we have "opted out" of Europe, do you think the French will give a flying FIG about the immigrants coming here?



I wouldn't


Infact I'd HELP them, just to get them out of "our" soil.


They are required by international law to keep the borders secure, but the French are well known for ignoring the rules when it suits them.


---------- Post added 05-08-2016 at 11:39 ----------


That's because they are.


Not all of them and as France is not logging who they are, its impossible to say either way. All you can say is they have passed through a number of safe countries to get to the UK border. Which means they are economic migrants and not asylum seekers or refugees.


Because it's a great place to live and the countries they've fled aren't safe.


They have passed through France at least which is safe. They have no need to come to the UK other than to seek a better life than they would in France, which on the face of it I do not blame them, but that does not mean they are in need of protection or somewhere safe as they are already there.

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