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The Calais farce.

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All the immigrants/refugees in Calais are illegally in the country and the French should arrest them and force them to make an asylum application, deport them or intern them if they don't know where they are from. And those that make it across the channel should be sent straight back by our government to France.



Buy they arent going to arrest them. they dont want them so they are happy to wave them through to the UK. You cnat force people to make an asylum claim. As you already know refugees can claim asylum where they want. France isnt going to process people who dont wish to be there. The UK wouldnt be allowed to send them straight back of they make asylum claims when they hit Kent.

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The same is not true for refugees/immigrants. They bring with them social, cultural and extremism problems. They place a burden on public services (meaning lower standards for all) and they make a negative financial contribution (meaning we are all a bit poorer). Every opinion poll on the subject of immigration provides a clear message... most people have had enough of it. If we keep on testing people's tolerance then, sooner or later, it will snap.


All the immigrants/refugees in Calais are illegally in the country and the French should arrest them and force them to make an asylum application, deport them or intern them if they don't know where they are from. And those that make it across the channel should be sent straight back by our government to France.


Typically ignorant and bordering on racist drivel from you.


By the way, what would you do with all the unaccompanied children?

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Typically ignorant and bordering on racist drivel from you.


By the way, what would you do with all the unaccompanied children?


Some proposals by the USA with regards to unaccompanied child migrants (0-17yrs) coming into the country:


Thorough but swift court hearings for children followed by return to their home countries in an expeditious manner for those who do not have a claim to remain in the United States—so that court delays do not in themselves become an attraction for illegal immigration. Swift return would also help to disrupt the business model of the smugglers, who charge stiff fees and offer specious guarantees that kids will be allowed to remain in the United States.


Safe return and reintegration programs devised and implemented in cooperation with countries of origin so that return is a sustainable option that does not place deported children in danger of extreme deprivation, discrimination, or violence in their homes or communities.


A crackdown on smugglers and others who abuse children while misleading and exploiting their families.


Support for countries of origin to identify at-risk kids before they undertake the dangerous journey north, and interventions to support and assist these children so that emigration does not seem their only option for a decent life.


Training for members of the Border Patrol, FEMA, and other authorities who come into contact with child migrants on the laws that apply particularly to children, and on appropriate ways of treating kids at apprehension, in detention, in court, and on release to an adult family member or guardian.


Better routes to family reunification for children whose parents are in the United States legally. This would require amendments to some elements of U.S. law. For example, the law on Temporary Protected Status can extend legal status to people for many years but does not allow them to bring their children to join them.

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From that short reply I take it that you can only find lots of terrorists who are Islamic with the excuse of criminal backgrounds or mental health issues.


Please stop making excuses for Islam because all it does it to hold up the enlightenment and reformation of Islam and the end of Islamic terrorism, torture, exploitation, slavery, homophobia, misogyny, oppression, etc.


Jukes x

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From that short reply I take it that you can only find lots of terrorists who are Islamic with the excuse of criminal backgrounds or mental health issues.


Please stop making excuses for Islam because all it does it to hold up the enlightenment and reformation of Islam and the end of Islamic terrorism, torture, exploitation, slavery, homophobia, misogyny, oppression, etc.

Jukes x


Jukes, that's a woefully ill-informed, reductionist and wholly inadequate representation of Islam.

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From that short reply I take it that you can only find lots of terrorists who are Islamic with the excuse of criminal backgrounds or mental health issues.


Please stop making excuses for Islam because all it does it to hold up the enlightenment and reformation of Islam and the end of Islamic terrorism, torture, exploitation, slavery, homophobia, misogyny, oppression, etc.


Jukes x


Wait, first you said I may include the IRA, now you say I can't? Disappointing :roll:

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Jukes, that's a woefully ill-informed, reductionist and wholly inadequate representation of Islam.


As an ex Muslim it is likely that I am better informed and more enlightened than you. I have found it impossible to have nuanced debate with apologists because they are only interested in closing down discussion that may be critical instead of accepting real criticism as the basis of progressive debate. I saw that you did not try have any discussion instead of trying to close me down and belittle my opinions as an Islamic apostate.


Jukes x


---------- Post added 06-08-2016 at 11:27 ----------


Wait, first you said I may include the IRA, now you say I can't? Disappointing :roll:

I didn't say that, I said that you can only find lots of terrorists who are Islamic with the excuse of criminal backgrounds or mental health issues. If you have the percentage of non Islamic terrorists who have criminal backgrounds and are mentally ill of please post it. If you can't post it to back up we will have to believe that you are making excuses for Islamic terrorism.


Jukes x

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