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The Calais farce.

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I didn't say that, I said that you can only find lots of terrorists who are Islamic with the excuse of criminal backgrounds or mental health issues. If you have the percentage of non Islamic terrorists who have criminal backgrounds and are mentally ill of please post it. If you can't post it to back up we will have to believe that you are making excuses for Islamic terrorism.


Jukes x


I haven't got a clue what you are saying. On the one hand you claim exclusivity (can only), to then go on and opinionate that I am somehow making excuses for islamic terrorism but not other forms of terrorism.


I find that rather astounding how you can read that from one simple fact - the fact that I blew your first opinion clause out of the water with the IRA.


So you don't like me highlighting that you are talking nonsense, tough luck. I am allowed to voice my opinion, just as you are.


What I can do though and where you fail significantly is look at the facts as presented. First: The 'Real IRA' carried out at least 6 attacks in 2015 and 1 in 2016 on British soil, outnumbering the total 'islamic' terrorist attacks considerably. Not to mention the Ukrainian right-winger who killed a Muslim in Birmingham to start a race-war. And then of course there is the definition of terrorism, what about people setting fire to mosques and polish shops? I'd class that as a form of terrorism. The stats are all of a sudden tipping heavily into the balance of my argument.


Then lets look across the border in 2016: Attack in Nice - mental health record, criminal record, accomplices claimed but unproven to have links with ISIS. German train axeman - mental health issues. No links with ISIS. Munich, mental health issues. Bomber in Ansbach, mental health issues, later claimed link with ISIS. I can go on for a very long time with this list and would like to point out that A) someone can claim to do something in the name of (Very common in history, take the crusades) or indeed that if something is carried out, someone can claim it was carried out in the name of them. The closest case to there being an actual argument of ISIS organised attacks are the nut-cases from Brussels who are linked to the Bataclan attack.


Am I making excuses for islamic terrorists? No, none of these deeds are excusable. Am I telling you to look beyond your black/white image of the world? Hell yeah.

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Jukes, that's a woefully ill-informed, reductionist and wholly inadequate representation of Islam.


The vast majority of Muslims are plainly not violent but as for homophobia and misogyny etc, Muslims are noticeable by their absence at gay rallies and women's rights events are they not?

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I know you think you've nailed me with a really good point there, but you haven't really, and you know it.


So I know I think I've nailed you, and I know I think I haven't.


Superb logic :)


And you know I know I know it.

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The vast majority of Muslims are plainly not violent but as for homophobia and misogyny etc, Muslims are noticeable by their absence at gay rallies and women's rights events are they not?


There are plenty of Muslim feminists.

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There are lots of Muslim feminists but they are so few as a percentage and there are so many who are misogynists it makes no difference to Islam because it is Islam that clearly instructs them to be misogynists.


A quarter of British Muslims want Sharia law to replace British law.

A third of British Muslims believe men should be able to take more than one wife.

A third of British Muslims think that wives should obey their husbands.

A half of British Muslims want homosexuality to be illegal.

A third of British Muslims don't condemn stoning for adultery.

Two thirds of British Muslims wouldn't tell the police if they suspected terrorism


It is much worse in other countries and I have no toleration for these attitudes and amazement that other people are prepared to ignore facts. Islam isn't tolerant and it needs urgent enlightenment and reformation especially for Muslims who are the biggest victims of Islam.


I haven't got a clue what you are saying. On the one hand you claim exclusivity (can only), to then go on and opinionate that I am somehow making excuses for islamic terrorism but not other forms of terrorism.


I find that rather astounding how you can read that from one simple fact - the fact that I blew your first opinion clause out of the water with the IRA.


So you don't like me highlighting that you are talking nonsense, tough luck. I am allowed to voice my opinion, just as you are.


What I can do though and where you fail significantly is look at the facts as presented. First: The 'Real IRA' carried out at least 6 attacks in 2015 and 1 in 2016 on British soil, outnumbering the total 'islamic' terrorist attacks considerably. Not to mention the Ukrainian right-winger who killed a Muslim in Birmingham to start a race-war. And then of course there is the definition of terrorism, what about people setting fire to mosques and polish shops? I'd class that as a form of terrorism. The stats are all of a sudden tipping heavily into the balance of my argument.


Then lets look across the border in 2016: Attack in Nice - mental health record, criminal record, accomplices claimed but unproven to have links with ISIS. German train axeman - mental health issues. No links with ISIS. Munich, mental health issues. Bomber in Ansbach, mental health issues, later claimed link with ISIS. I can go on for a very long time with this list and would like to point out that A) someone can claim to do something in the name of (Very common in history, take the crusades) or indeed that if something is carried out, someone can claim it was carried out in the name of them. The closest case to there being an actual argument of ISIS organised attacks are the nut-cases from Brussels who are linked to the Bataclan attack.


Am I making excuses for islamic terrorists? No, none of these deeds are excusable. Am I telling you to look beyond your black/white image of the world? Hell yeah.

You said "almost ALL the terrorists have been home grown and have either criminal backgrounds or mental health issues." I asked you to tell us the % that weren't following Islam and despite your bluster about lots of other things I am still waiting while you make excuses. Perhaps you should meet a more Muslims or go to places where they live because I think that you would change your mind once you are out of your little bubble where they are probably already enlightened and westernised instead of slavishly following Islam. There are millions of Muslims who want to change Islam but they are not allowed to change.


Jukes x

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