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Bank of England Madness

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More people in work than ever before? -Where are the jobs? Where are the tax receipts? Where are the exports?


Do you trust the figures? Surely if nothing else you must realise how they can be manipulated. Do you feel better off? Do you know people who are better off? Have you taken into account how much of our infrastructure has been sold off? How much has been privatised so we are now in the grip of super greedy, super rich Corporations? How much prices have risen? How much essential services have been gutted? How much immigration has skewed the figures? The list goes on....


The interest rate has been consistently low for nearly 10 years and has now fallen to its lowest ever. The bank of England is about to print yet another £70 Billion just to keep us afloat. Does that sound like a thriving economy to you? Do you really think all this has happened in the last couple of weeks? We are teetering on the brink of another recession that will dwarf the last one, and this has been on the cards for a long time.


Like I said, do you really trust politicians (all parties) to tell the truth...

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No it hasn't!!!


The economy has been growing pre-brexit!!

..........thanks to the £billions of fake manufactured money that has found it's way into Housing,the Stockmarket and Business's. Banks don't need savers money anymore to lend out to make profit's,they can just shake a six and go to the central bank community chest and borrow billions. Savers will soon have to pay banks to hold their money despite Carney saying he's not keen on the idea.

Savers now might as well go to the races and have fun losing money that way,then throw themselves on the state..............happy days!

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More people in work than ever before? -Where are the jobs? Where are the tax receipts? Where are the exports?


Do you trust the figures? Surely if nothing else you must realise how they can be manipulated. Do you feel better off? Do you know people who are better off? Have you taken into account how much of our infrastructure has been sold off? How much has been privatised so we are now in the grip of super greedy, super rich Corporations? How much prices have risen? How much essential services have been gutted? How much immigration has skewed the figures? The list goes on....


The interest rate has been consistently low for nearly 10 years and has now fallen to its lowest ever. The bank of England is about to print yet another £70 Billion just to keep us afloat. Does that sound like a thriving economy to you? Do you really think all this has happened in the last couple of weeks? We are teetering on the brink of another recession that will dwarf the last one, and this has been on the cards for a long time.


Like I said, do you really trust politicians (all parties) to tell the truth...


You said the sums don't add up..you have to show alternative figures to back up your assertion..all your doing at the moment is your usual Tory=bad diatribe..do you trust Corbyn to tell the truth?

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More people in work than ever before? -Where are the jobs? Where are the tax receipts? Where are the exports?


Do you trust the figures? Surely if nothing else you must realise how they can be manipulated. Do you feel better off? Do you know people who are better off? Have you taken into account how much of our infrastructure has been sold off? How much has been privatised so we are now in the grip of super greedy, super rich Corporations? How much prices have risen? How much essential services have been gutted? How much immigration has skewed the figures? The list goes on....


The interest rate has been consistently low for nearly 10 years and has now fallen to its lowest ever. The bank of England is about to print yet another £70 Billion just to keep us afloat. Does that sound like a thriving economy to you? Do you really think all this has happened in the last couple of weeks? We are teetering on the brink of another recession that will dwarf the last one, and this has been on the cards for a long time.


Like I said, do you really trust politicians (all parties) to tell the truth...


It hasn't been a bowl of cherries it's been painted by the Tories but when you compare us to other countries in Europe, we're doing ok - unless you think they don't lie and it's only the evil Tories that do.


On a personal level, whilst my company hasn't exactly hit the buffers, there's been a slow down since brexit (and the run up to it).

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If we get into negative interest rates, they are going to start taking money off the savers. How unfair is that? Just State sanctioned theft.


This is after 7 years of the Tories being in charge and telling us how well we're doing. It's all hogwash. We're in a worse position now than we were in the 2008 crash. And another mega crash is on the way.


It only has 3 options with each of 2 things it can control.

Rates up/same/down

QE more/same/less


But in reality most of what goes on is still under the control of the Government.

There is more to peoples lives than a growing GDP, I was reading about GDI (Gross national Income), but what ever happened to the happiness idea that Cameron brought in.

Altho will people feel happy, now that we have voted for Brexit?

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We have not been doing ok. There have been multiple economic indicators that have for years pointed very strongly at the fact we are not ok. Brexit has not suddenly changed that fact but has made the next decade even more challenging. I said many times on here that Brexit might ultimately be right for us but this wasn't the right time. I also tried to stress so many times how broken our economy was but was repeatedly attacked by on-message Tory posters.


Now. We sink or swim.

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More people in work than ever before? -Where are the jobs? Where are the tax receipts? Where are the exports?


Ok I'll bite.

UK tax receipts have increased year on year since 2010.

2009-10 £414,920m

2010-11 £453,614m

2011-12 £472,315m

2012-13 £473,777m

2014-15 £515,348m

2015-16 £533,686m



Exports reached an all time high this year (pre-brexit)




Do you trust the figures?

Yes mostly, particularly when corroborated by other evidence.


Surely if nothing else you must realise how they can be manipulated.

They can, but it doesn't mean they are.


Do you feel better off? Do you know people who are better off?

Actually, all things considered, I am probably slightly better off. I know lots of people who have moved companies and negotiated large salary increases, particularly in the last year (pre-brexit).


Have you taken into account how much of our infrastructure has been sold off? How much has been privatised so we are now in the grip of super greedy, super rich Corporations?

What' been sold? Seriously, what? Tote and some bank shares, the student loan book?


How much prices have risen? How much essential services have been gutted?

Prices rose initially after the crash, yes. But lots of things have come down. Fuel, insurance costs, food, and things like cars and TVs (not that those make much difference to me).


How much immigration has skewed the figures? The list goes on....

Admittedly, our GDP growth has been almost entirely driven by immigration. But that says something about the usefulness of, particularly skilled EU migrants to our economy.


The interest rate has been consistently low for nearly 10 years and has now fallen to its lowest ever. The bank of England is about to print yet another £70 Billion just to keep us afloat. Does that sound like a thriving economy to you? Do you really think all this has happened in the last couple of weeks? We are teetering on the brink of another recession that will dwarf the last one, and this has been on the cards for a long time.


Like I said, do you really trust politicians (all parties) to tell the truth...


The economy has been on life support for a long time. It's a problem to some extent of globalisation and China's economic policy holding it's currency artificially low. Japan has had near 0% interest rates since the mid 90s. To a large extent we have been teetering, because really there is a global oversupply problem. We are better placed now, I believe than we were in 2008, despite the export and investment shock that Brexit is, and will continue, to cause.

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The Brexiteers have gone quiet...wonder if the reality has set in ?


The economy was struggling before the brexit vote= http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/12/uk-economy-was-struggling-before-brexit-vote-survey.html

How many job loses were they before brexit in the steel industry?

The deficit rose under the Tory party before brexit so I don't think us brexiters should take all the blame......

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