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Who still sweeps outside their home.

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I do mine on a regular basis every Sunday with the help of my 3 young uns.

It's a routine where we do any gardening/weeding and then after doing the back yard and drive we do the pavement and pick any litter up on the road edge but we are lucky that our road is always tidy.

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Since buying our house 16yrs ago I've got into the habit a weeding, sweeping outside my boundary...i.e pavements, kerbside etc. I usually do it twice a year. Spring, to remove all the debris left from winter and then again Mid Summer - Autumn. It normally takes only a hour at most. People pass, usually smile, chat or offer encouraging words. The end result is that the street looks better. I usually feather out my cleaning both ways.


How many others do this, or is your attitude " not mine so don't care "!


One of my elderly neighbours is completely OCD about it, she sweeps every day and if any of the local children chalk on the path - note chalk, she's out almost immediately with a bucket of water and brush!

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Years ago in the 40s and 50s women used to sweep their front step, front path, and carry on onto the pavement outside their house. Of course there was no TV or internet then.!


Some still do , I've just " donkey stoned " my front door step .;)

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I can remember my Mum putting "Cardinal" step white on our two doorsteps, back door, and side door, sweeping the passage way, the house was detatched.

Most people are so idle, cant be bothered to do anything outside, if they can avoid it.

I do hate Autumn, all those leaves to sweep up !

Its and endless task for weeks, realy annoying.

I keep my area clean and tidy, it realy upsets me, looking at the mess, I would feel ashamed, if I just left it.

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